Dual 1239 G Owners Manual

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Dual 1239 G Owners Manual

Extracted text from Dual 1239 G Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Notice d'emploi
Operating Instructions
Instrucciones de manejo
Istruzioni per luso

Page 2

Sehr geehner Schallplattenfreund

Die Beolenung lhres neuen Planensplelers isi senr elnlacn, Troizdsul omen wlr, diese
Anlenung zu lesen, bevor sle das Gem in Belrleb nenrnen.

Die lur ole ersunallge lnberrrebnenme nolwenorgen HUN/Else hnden sle aul den Sellen 6
his a dargeslellt, wéhiend die elgenlllohe Eeoienung oes Ger'eles auf den Seilen B on l2
evklan lSl Eme Gesamraoolluung "7H Kurzoesonreinung aller Beolenungselernenle linden
Sie auf den auslrleopoaren Umschlagsellen

Diesa Anleilung soil glelcnzelng \echnlsches Handbudl \hres Gerates seln uno lnnen ole
ylelen Baandevhellen eriaurern Aus diesem Grunoe emolenlen wlr aucn ole ubrlgen
Seilerl lhvev Aulmerksamken

wir wunsonen innen nun vlel Freude mil lhrem Duel l239

Dear Music Lover

coeraling your new aurornario rurmaole is very slmpIe Howevar. you should read me
msnucrlons carefully oeloro you ooerale rne wmlable lor me llrsl lime on bags 7
mrougn 9 you le lino instructions showing me steps m be laken oelore lne inrnal
operellon Poles 9 (hmugh is glory operafing insirucions for me unll ilsell The last page
ls ioldsoleono you wiH find an oyerell dewlied oescrlonon or me operoring lealures
Tnae operering inerruclions glye you me technical lnlormerlon Vegardmg me parllrular
engineerlng feelures of rho oulandmg lurnlsnle Fol inls reason we ask you In reeo
every page carelully

Good Iisrening yylln your Dual 1239

Gentile amico discofilo

L_uso del Voslro nuoyo glreolscm e malm semolroe. clononoslerne v. cosiglierno di leggere
alrenramenre oussre isrruzioni prim: oi metteva in iunzione l'aogareeonlo

all nwemmenn perla messa in serylzio si rroyano or: peg. 7 a pa 9 Leislruzioni oer l'uso
invoca nelle psglne 9 a 13 NeH'lntemo deHs eooernna r'lpiegsbile sono remguren e
oroyemenre descrmi mui gll elemenn or manovra. Clueslo Dpusmio sia per Vol ll manuale
tecuico oel Voslro apparscchio e serve a splegarVene l'uso in lylli i suoi carricolen Per
ouesro mowo v. eonslgllemo dl presrere la Vostra altenlione alle inlorrnezioni Contenule
ln quest!) marluale, Siamo cenl Che ll Duel was sara per Vol sorgerltedl molresoooislazlm

Cher ami discophile

L emplol oe voue nouyelle olarine esl ues simple Cependam, nous yous conselllons de
ma le mooe demmm eyern oe yous en seryrr Lss insrruollons oe prsmlém mise en sen/ice
se lrouyenl pages 6 a a Les .nslrucrions oropres o lagpareil s/e lrouyem cages s a 12 Sur la
oernlere page we voile couveuure deollable, 92 [move on schema d'ensemole me one
descripllnn oe rous les elemenrs Nous voudrions oue ce mode demplor son votre manuel
\Echnlqua ou you: trouvevez exollouees les nomoreuses parncularlres que reoele oeue
plarina inhaollyelle er excephonelle C'es ls ralsurl pour laouelle nous aulrons yone
arrennon sur loules les lnluvmaions conlenues oarls m mode d'emplol

Nous sommes Deltalm oue yolre olallne Dual 1239 sera paw yous une souvce de sens.

Estimado aficionado a los discos

El mamjo o. so rwwo madman es muy sencillo Sin embargo, le rogamcs leer atema»
menu: eslas inslruuciones ems do ponar en much! el aparalo

Les indinacinm miseries para oomr on march: el zoceoiseos oor pnmere yez se oelsllen
en las pa'gmas 7 o g, miernres oue en Ias péginas 92 la so indicarl Ies opereclones gera el
seryielo normal del eoarelo Abriendo la pane ooblwe do esle mia eneonrrora una yisra
general del aparam con inditacldn de (odns los nlemenms do menoo

Esle prosoecm Ie lniormaré al misrm fiemno sobre la: cavaclen'sticas lécmcas oue posee
esle roosolsoos Ian exiraurdinarlau Pm eslo mmivo resomsnoamos Iambién preslareren-
elon al mlo as I: hailsv For ulrirrro, 1e omearnos mucha saxlsfaccidn con su Dual 1239

Arade kunder

Denna bmksanvismng lordrar nagra minursrs uppm'arksamhfl nan Er sloa och vi tycker
an oer kan yera yai yarr den lioen all Iasa igenom dessa msuuktlonzr aven om sklvspeia
ren l slg slaly ar myoker lerl an skora.

Pé ulwkningssldorrla llnner N. en «we rsoilo med korrlauad oresenrarion ny de olilra
lunlrlroneme Dmsumm llnns vane lunktlon ullorllgt fovkiavad . osoe (ex! oon ollo unoer
slna resoekliye rubnker pa em 9 Aven ds lskniska linesserna nos Dual mg or beskrlvna
l denna bruksanvlsning

v. anskal E1 myckat nble meo Er nys sklysoalare Dual l239.

Page 15

Balancing the Tomarm

sntlttrlg the counterbalance (In) on its shaft
ltulanues tne tunearm coarsely, turning me
wulllarbalance. balances (he lonealln llllely
Set stvlus prssure d'lal [9) to "0" (zero)
unlock the (onsarm and remove ll "om
the tonearm res

Dlal anttskattng mechanism (l2) Wllh In
serial range, 50 mm the tonearm Slflys in
hottzontal position,

ll me lonealm aces notcame to test horlr
zontally, loosensatscrewlnl anoslidetne
counterbalance wttn tts atatt unttl an an
proxlmale balance has been aclttayeo,
Then secure tne shall al the counlerbal-
one by tigntemng tlte setscrew.

Now ltna tne exact balarlo: by Iurnmg
tlte counlemeighl



Tlte tonaann ls exaotly balanced when edge
"A" ol the toneann naao proltle ts at prect
selv the same height as edge "B ol the (one
arm resl {th ml, or wnan tna tonaarrn,
lapped yenmally, returns automattcally to a
nonzontal positionwnen balanclnglllemne
arm. tlte autumatt: mechanlsm must be or
sengaged To be sure ol mist place tne cue
control in posttton 1 and turn planer by
new clockwlsea law rotattons.

Fleclse tonaann balance is mosl ttnportant
lot cattrtoges wlll'l low stylus nratsnte Ba-
lanclng need be anE only once. We recomr
tnenot however,tltatyou occastonally tnspect

Setting (h: Stylus Pressure

Each Canrldge has an nuttnturn stylus pres
Sun: Sea lnslluCllOllS suaalted wttlt your

Too low a stylus pressure wlll cause dlslol'
tlon tn louo passagm ll nowmr,tlte stylus
forca ts too ltlglt, the stylus and record may
bulh be damaged, Toneann balance should
be onecxea agaln, belore tlta ltacktng force

Equillhrlo dsl brazo

El brazo s? Fqulllbla prlnleramellle en {arms
apraxtmaoa oasplazanoo el Cnmrapew can
la asotoa y oespuas exaclamenle gtranoo el
tonttaaaso ml
1 Culocar la esoala oe luerza oe aooyn (9)
en la oostctén 0 ltoerar el blaze fonocap~
tnry oesplazarlo de su souone
z Colomr el lndlmdordeldlspcsfllvfl"Anllr
skating" (12] en la zona Dem de tal lonna
que el otaza lonooaptor s5 mantenga on posi
cién ltonzontal
3 st el bram no vuellle a ttt poslclén nort-
alace al oontrapaso can su esptga nasta nus
rasulte un equtltbrta apruxnnaoo, Aeto sequtr
do ttte la esplgz del cuntrzpeso apretandu el
torntllo de sutecton
4 El balance exaotu del term so oonstgua
después glvando el contrapeso
El brazn e A" as la noneza 5e encuentre a la mlsma
altuta qua el canto "a dal sooorta lFlg ml.
n cuandu al ltacer oscilar at orazo vetttnal-
rnente esle vuelva a su postman harlumtal al
encantrarse en reaoso. Para eotulturat el
bum naora oua linerarlo as an dtsaosittyo
oe accionamlenlo A lal ltn nay nus elagtt la
postcton 1 en el otspnstl-yn tle eleyacton/
descenso del hrazo yt evenlualmente gtrar
nan la rnano nl olato en senttoo delasmarwr
ctllas del talot tunas vuellas)
on balance pleclso del Dram es lmporlame
aspactalrnanta can cépsulas oe redLllerfl fuerr
2a (is apoyD El eoutltnno clal orazo debam
Sel leulllddu urla vet Sulalvlenle Sm Elllllalgn,
recumendar'los Lulllwuburlu dc VC/ ell Kur

Ajuste de la fuerzl: d2 apuycl

Cada capsultt reatnate tttta mend de auoyo
delelmlnadat con la qua se eonstoue la var
pmdtltclén ontttna Esle (lam ya .notcado on
HA hole m: caracmll'sllcus udlullla para la
magma tncotuuraoa
Una Marla d2 AIJBVU Hanna urltllna dlstol
slclrles do la raprndtn rton en los pasatz on
inrle 5l por el ltclmrzlrln la 9le dc
aaoyo at exmalvut 52 ouene tlanur tutno la
capsula, Lolvlu la uttutu u llldu>u al dlsco

Bilanlziamantcl dnl bruncia

|l bracclu wene atlanctata iwmsslmallvar
meme puma spostandu II cantrappeso con la
sptnotto 2d esanamerlle out glrandu lo stem
oonlrauuao (m)

fiegolare an o la soala della prasslone ot
lettuta l9)
Sblcccare ll bracclo e toglletla oal sup-

2 Soostare l'tnotoe del dlSDcsHlvo anttska-
ling [12) e ragolarlo nella znna neutta lrl
medo one u bracclu restt tn potlzione

3 5e iI braccln non Va da sé In pottztona at.

larlClala, allemare Ia me (II) e sposlare tl
contrapaeso con la sptnottn ilrlo ad ot-
tanare un cerlo eouillbno. Aouesto Dumu
serrare la ytte oatresto.

4 ll bllanclamenlo esatm Sl raggiunge glran-
oo tl contrappesn

ll bracclo sara esallemente bilancram ouanao
lo sptgolo A della sua estrerntta e lo spt-
uolo ,,B del suDDorlo del araocto sltmvevan-
no alla medastma altazza (Fig 10), oppum
quando tl oraccto, dope averlo sullen/310 o
abbassam, Sl rtporta da solo tn postztane
orlzzuntale NelleHenuare iI atlanetamanto
oal oraecto, la leya at mrnando deverlmallere
one at riposn, tn mode ena ll braccto
sia svlncolalo dall'amommlsmu Portal: il
sullevablaccia 2n stllene 1 e farlare al-
cnnt gtrt tn senso urarlo sl piano

Un asatto ailanctarnanta e necessatto soprat-
tutto con testtne me esigono una presstnne
ol lettura molto ham |l aracntn ya equibrar
to urla sola volta E tuttayta Conslgliabie :2an
trallata dt tamoo tn tempo tl suo equ

Regalazione dalla brasiiam

dl lettura

Ognt oartuooa llenote oel suonol lta Una der
lenntnata presslane di letturat con la ouale si
notane la rnlgltota rlpmduziona Per le 12%
luoce montate ot sane oalla fzbbl'lca, trove
rete tuttt t oat. cne lmeressano sul loglm in-
tottnattvo or Cul lapparecchlo e corredato
Una presstnne t'nsulrlctante pmvnm dismrr
stone nel auntt ot tncisione ol grands am-
utazza Una plBsSlons eccessiva, net contra,

Utbalanming av tomrmen

Tonatnten grovualanseras ganorn alt mot
ytltlen {Drskjust Ftntnstallntng ska! genom
yrtontng av momtlttan Holt

1 813'" Halllvckel (I) DA "0 luxsa mn
armen eclt Vrld u: oen fran stodat.

2 Justera uaraltar antlsksllrlgvlsarell (I2)
mum nollolnrAder. tllls tanarmen slutar an
vrida slgi harlsuntalalanfll.

3 0m lonarmen lma pandlar in och starlrlav
t ysgtatt la'ge, losta l'astskruven ml aort gér en
grovlustennu av mowiklen genom att lot-
sklula mowikterl, as an ungelarllg balanselr
halles. LES diraflel file! (as! mowlklen med

4 Ftntustam balansen genorn att Wlda mat-
viklen. Tonatman Ear l5 balanserad nzir
ltanten A as munlanngsbNBDan ligger i
nlvé med kamen B 9-! lonavmsstédsl {Fig 0)
Onl man no vlppar all tanannan l vantkallen,
skall den av stg sta'ly canola tllluaka llll hart
sontallégat. Vid utbalanserlng av [onarmsn
mésle "start"/stopp" vrfidel 51% l naulral-
lage sa att tonarrnen at frikopplad lran
aulomatixen, 0m yreoet icke star t nculrzll
laga, sléll tonarmsnedlaggel t lége .1 oclt
snurta sktytallrtkan r'ar hand meouts nAata

En exakl ulbalanszrlng nu (nnarmen arlramr
lorallt ytkttg vid anyano g at ptekuosys
(em avsedda for lag nélanliggnlngskrafi. UI
balanserlng aenbver enoasl sl ay plckrup system, men oel karl yara bra att
nagon gérlg gora an attarkonttoll.

Insfillnlng av nélanliggningskrafl

Vartu malt-up lnalrntktolonsysteml arlororar
en oastamo anltggntngsltralt var opltrnal Men
meflg Data lor det l yerket monterade sv
stemel Vlrlns DE biiogal dalablafl Far liren
allllgglwlgsklah tnedlar, att alla forlzuassaa
gar xammet att dtslorderas Ar aaremol
anllggnlngskrahen for nag kan saval nal Sam
sxtva skadas

Konlrollera fbre lnstallntngen nnnu en gang
an tnttatman at utoalansetad