Yamaha m 2500

This is the 124 pages manual for yamaha m 2500.
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yamaha m 2500

Extracted text from yamaha m 2500 (Ocr-read)

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This manual has been prowded tor the use of authorized Yamaha Retailers and their servrce personnel. It has been assumed
that basic service procedures inherent to the Industry. and more specifically Yamaha Products. are already known and under-
atood by the users. and have therefore not been restated.

WARNING : Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedures when servicing this predict may rasm In per~
sonal injury, destruction of expensrve cornponerls and failure of the product to perfonh as specified. For
these reasons, we advise all Yamaha promct owners that all service required should be performed by an
authorized Yamaha Retailer or the appointed servrce representative.

IMPORTANT : This presentation or sale of this manual to an Individual or firm does not constitute authorization certln-
cation. recognition of any applicable technlca capabilities. or establish a principal-agate relationship of
any form.

The data provtded Is bellved to be accurate and applicable to the unlt(s) indicated on the cover. The research engineerin . and
servrce departments of Yamaha are continually sttivin to improve Yamaha products. Modifications are, therefore. inev table
and changes in specification are subject to change wit out notice or obligabon to retrofit. Should any discrepancy appear to
exist. please contact the distributor's Service Division.

WARNING : Slade discharfies can destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electrlclt you body may have
accugnuiated y grounding yourself to the ground bus in the unit (heavy gauge b aclt wires connect to
this us.

IMPORTANT : Turn the unit 521-1 during dtsasserntily and parts replacement. Recheck an wortr before you apply power
to the unit.


This promict uses a Ilhlum battery for memory back-q).

WARNNG : uthairn batteries are dangerous because they can be exploded by I'nproper handing. Observe the toliowlng pre
cautions when handling or repleclig IIIIIIIII batteries.

Leave lithttm battery replacement to quallled service personnel.

Always replace with batteries of the same type.

When mstaliing on the PC board by soldemg solder using the connection terrninats provided on the battery cells.

Never solder tarectty to the cells. Perform the soidenng as grimy as possible.

Never reverse the battery polarities when Installng.

Do not short the batteries.

Do not attempt to recharge these batteries.

Do not asasembie the batteries.

Never heat batteries or than them lilo tee.


Lttllunbarterl-Eksplosionstaie ved tejlaglg handlering. Udstilttring ma lrun site med batterl at samme tabrikat 09 type. lever det bruge

batten tilba tII Ieveranrleh.


Expiosionstara vld telalrtlgt batterlb e.

Ahvand samtna batterlyp elar an e Ivaletl typ som reltorrtrnenderas av apparaiittlverirareh.

Kassera arivarl batten enllgt tabrilrantens lnstrtlttion.


Partsto vol rajahtaa. )os so on virheelllsesti asemettu.

Vaihda paristo ainoastaan laitevalnlstayan snoweiemaan tyyppilih.

Havtla trayte paristo valmtsta an ohye den mtlraisesti.

The following ritormation corn as with Duch olficial Galette 1995. 45: ESSENTIALS OF ORDER ON THE COLLECTION OF BATTERIES.
- Please refer to the diassembiy procedure for the removal of Back-w Battery.
- Least u voor het verwljderen van de bacltm batten] deze oeschrijvlng.


The solder used In the production of this product contains LEAD. in addition. other electricaltelectronic and/or plastic (Where
applicable) components may also contain traces of chemicals found b the California Health and Welfare Agency (and possibly
other entities) to cause cancer andlor birth defects or other reproduc tve harm.


Avoid prolonged. unprotected contact between solder and your skint When soldering, do not Inhale solder tumes or expose
eyes to soiderlflux vaporl

it you come in contact with solder or components located Inside the enclosure of this product. wash your hands before handing


Components havrng special chaactenstics are merited A and must be replaced wrm pans havrng specification equal to those
originally installed.