Uher 10000 Royal de Luxe Service Manual

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Uher 10000 Royal de Luxe Service Manual

Extracted text from Uher 10000 Royal de Luxe Service Manual (Ocr-read)

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Dio Erloutorungen der oinzolrion Kooltol smd
in sich abgeadilosnan Eln Studlum dnr ge-
samton Anleitung lat camit nidit othl'dcrlldt.
Selbutvorslnnrllldi rnsultiemn dawns. boil
chronologlsdier Betrachtung. einlgo Wicder-

1.0 Aussclwienltnn dc: German
nus dar Homnrgo
1.1 Antriob
1.2 Kuppltingon
1.3 Pritlung und Einslollung
dot Fflhlliebel
1.4 Priilung mid Einstollung
dos Bantiwgltomparntors
Ls Prillung and Einstollung
do: Vor-fificltlaules
1.8 Priilung and Elnslotlung
dor Aofwicltnlltupplung
1.7 Priming und Einstolliing
dot Bren-moo
1.5 Austauncli dor Friltltouarfidor
und der Antrlebsrlemon
1.9 Prfitung and Einslcllung
do: Bondgescliwindigkeitswfililen
2.0 Auslnusch do: Roll-undo:
2.1 Frill-trig and Einstnllung the Omaha:
der Andruckrolln on die Tonwolle
12 Sdtnnllstoa
2.3 Bandlfilirungon
2.! Kopltrigor
15 Priming unit Einslellung
dar Konlnltttedersitzo und Sdtaltar
2.8 Schmtnrung and Wanting
2.7 Tocltnildte Dolen

loaning wlgnind rm nation Sl-Elnttoiton

(Einnmmn dos

.Syaténma lnternaticmal tl'Uitllés')

Din hinhor ublictie Mabninholt tier Kraft. dim
.Pond tp). brrv .Kllopond Hip". inuB m
Zukunll dutch .Nowton (N)' orsrim werdcn.
woboi 1 hp ~ 9.80665 N 2; 10 N rat

Comm} DIN 130i mm: «as Newton dolimort
nls l N 1 kgm/s d. h 1 N let die Krali, dlo
der Manse 1 kg die Beechleunlgung 1 m/s

lOOOszONHOOpzl N: lOszJN

IV me ~ 1013


Each chantor 0! this manual provides com
plete information an the topic covered. Thus.
it will not be necessary to study the entire
booklet. As a result 01 ihlti consiwctlon ol
the manual. you will discover a law repeats
when studying morn than aria chapter.

1.0 flinging the Recorder
Out 0! ll: Wooden Base
1.! Transport Mechanism
1.2 Clutch
1.3 Checking and Adjusting
the Sensing Loner:
Ll Checking and Adjusting
the Tape Ton-ion Comparator
1.5 Checking and Mingling tit: Fan
Forward and Rewind Functions
1.6 Checking and Aditilillng
the Wind-on Clinch
1.7 Cit-citing and Adjusting the Bralwt
1.8 Replacing tlio Friction Wheels
and Driving Belts
1.9 Checking and Adiusling
the Tape Spend Selector
2.0 Replacing the idler
2.l Clinchiog and Adiusttng
the Preswru Botwcon the Pressure
Heller and the Canaan
2.2 Pause Control
2.: Tap: Guido:
2.4 Sound Huntl-
2.5 Checking and Adjusting the Contact
Spring Assemblies and Switches
2.6 Lubrication and Mnlntonnnco
2.7 Yochnicnl Data

alterations due to ill. now Sl~Unlls

(Units at the

'Syslerna International d'Umtési

The unit of manure of iorco. customary until
recently. the pond to). or kiiopond (kt-i). must
in More be substituted by Newton (N)' in
connection with which 1 kp 980665 N
(approx 10 N)

in compliance with DIN l30i the Newton is
defined as l N 1 kgm/s. lo 1 N is in prac-
tice the force whidt imports to the moss 1 kg
the acceleration ol 1 m/sen.


Cheque diupitra dus mosentos instructions
constituo on lubméme im tout indépcodonl
des antree chapitma oi pout done litre con-
sultc séparoment. eelnn lea ttnvaux n exo-
cuter an: is magnotophone C'ast pourquoi
quelques répétitions am out inimitable:

1.0 Extraction du mngniitopliono him
do ton comet

1.1 Mnunisma dnntminomunl

1.2 Embrayagen

1.3 Control: at réglago
des leviers palpeurs

1.4 Contrblo ct rdglngo
du compnrltnur do traction

1.5 Contrble 0t réglago
du ddfl lament nccéldro an aunt
at on nrrléro

1.6 Controls ot rtlglngo do
lembrnyaoo enroulour

1.7 Control: at réglnge do: trains

1.3 Ethane: dos retro; 1 lrlctlon
at da- controls:

1.9 Contrbie at rdglago
du ndlnctaur do vim":

2.0 Echangc do in tone 5 Mutton
rlu séloctnur do vitosm

2.1 Controlo at roglago dc In prouion
itu galot sur la cabetlan

2.2 Amt! insuntané do in bond.

2.3 Guidmbande

2.! "to: magnélinues

2.5 Control: at doing: do: contacts
tit 60 :ontrnclnlour do correction
a in Inctum

2.6 Lubriltcation et entretlen

27 C-rntbrtsiinun techniques


(Unites dti

-Syst'emn international d'Unltes-i

En roison dos nnuvalles unites introaunes
dans la systamo international 8.! lest unltés
do mosurn usuolles de la lorce - in pound
(p) at la ktlopound (kg) - dew-mt mm rom-
ptacéea n I'nvonir par la Nowton (N). I ha
uiquivalnnt 3 9.80665 N - c'est~'a-dire erw
10 N,

Conformémiint h in name DIN 13m. 12 N
liqulvnul ti la lorco qul communion it uh
corps nyam imo mnsse do 1 ktlagrammo tin»
accoléwtlon do lm per seconds (i N 4
l kgmis)