Telefunken 55 WK Schematic

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Telefunken 55 WK Schematic

Extracted text from Telefunken 55 WK Schematic (Ocr-read)

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3 E . 9flxdloqrraln Nflln min 'I Baanm'wgrai;- . 40: .811le-
:g «In a ".1 3|.-Nr. (mm mum U... (who work; I. "Didif'u .' pub
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84 Radckonplun ss ule k z . .- I
chgiion coigl. 30 or cg? 640! éoméonsclor . . .. ........ _ 41 pf 67%
Bobgne do réoclian 0-.c. 3g 9 Condenser
I Bobmo de reoccic'm, _. 2 8 condensoiour
Bisdn germ go 3 0 crusader l
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Tunipg cozl, shorl -00 Condensateur électrotyiiqua .
Boblne occo.rdée.O.C_Z. f 3 g Ccmdensador electroiffico i
893:2: ggnflmomzocuén, ' _g'% 3 Condensodor alectwlyfico
Bobsgmie simhonisocao. 73:??5 70 E3:§°"°°' """ 48 F 12203 1
i n a euro 0 Condensateur
Sondensatorea 700 Kandensolor ...... . . . . . 3699 57m
Condensers! Condensatours 7 Kondansnior . . . . . . ..... ' 100 pf I43
é Candemodores 72 K d I I
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5 Variable Eondenlsér.c$n;pie;e' - - 82 Kandensotorquetsdwe ...... 1220?
Groups: condensaleur variable. > Condenser "imm"
convict , Condensateur oiustubie
4 Condensodor vorjablg, compego ' Condonsodor trimmer :
Cctoeasador voriovel. compl. g Condensodor de compresséo
pom montagem ° 8'? sl '
It} Kondensutor .......... . 10091: 148 90 paging?! """ . . . ' . mm: 6864 l
Eggs-32:59".- Condonsotear
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19 I Kondcnsawr . . .' ........ 0] F [1 15876 - !
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I gong filter congensar 1 Idammdo ' ,
0n ensoseur e flir . '
Condens'udor del é"; g: -323: : Requiring; I léslstanccs l g
Congensodor [ p. passodor dc Resistant!
[o-xo de ireq. J 16 W'd nd 1
30 Bondfiiierkondensaior l I . . . . . I 1900: 3045 2021331129 . . . """ mm I
I Band filter candenser ll 5 Small
Condensmeur dc filtro do bande II I flesiflencia ,5W 6359 '
' Condensodor del fillro do bondo u , l
y .C?ngens:d<}r II p. passodor do 1, I7 Widersrand . . . . . . . . . .LGg
' once 9 req.
3 Verkfirzunuskondensmor . ) 587 r b 22 Widerstand . - . . . . . . . . .ka IW 63w!
gagging condenser . . . . p . 34 Widarstaud ...... . . . . 3509 0.5W 63.99
0 mg . .
COndensodo'r [2% % WidBfStOfld n u c - o c o v - o . 18kg 1w 6%
Condenswor do ensunomcnto 37 ' WidOI'SIOfld q n . . - q'o . o o 9min 2w 635: J
32 Verkfirzungskondensctor ..... 237 pF 45 Widerstand 1,5549 l
35 I Kondensutor ............ 530000.» (31.1 12205 6 I . . . . . . . . . .T I
COMGMer . 47 Widamond . . . ....... .mw
Condensmevr _ '
Condensador 49 Wldarsland . . . . . . . . . - . 400m
3 :Kondensoror 50pF 6850 50 Wndarsiond WHEN! r
3 Kod 59 Widemand ...........l709
48 Kondenm' ----------- 90 OF )3045 so Widerstand ..... . . . . .| 3m 0.5Wi 6359
n ans 1 ...... - . .
49 KondansZIZ: ..... 10 PF 9 66 Widorstpnd . . O ....... 'm m
5] ------ . . '00 0F 148 74 Widenlond . . . . . . . . . . .mom
Kondensolor . . . . . ...... mpr 148 83 W'd I 6 "fig
535 Kondensolor ........... mpp 6873 86 w:ders on ..... . . . . - ' LI
6! 5 Elekltolyr;K0ndensolor . . . 20 F 25V l 207 Bland ........ . . 2M
I: Electrolylnc condenser ' ' ' p ' 12 92 Widersmnd . . . . . . ..... :9
f Condensmaur electrolyuque
E EondensodOr clccirolilico
i ondensndor electroiylico i
62 '2!
a Eleksrolyt-Kondonsuo 3 3 F.
fiyk , ------ 50:3sz «m
2 ondensotor ......
2 Condenser """" 32 It mm
3 Condensoieur |
Condensodor !
uF mfd
pf uni mmfd I Hi DO 0 l Mu {Mogohml H!!! H) .Imoom u