Tandberg Catalog 1968 1

This is the 23 pages manual for Tandberg Catalog 1968 1.
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Tandberg Catalog 1968 1

Extracted text from Tandberg Catalog 1968 1 (Ocr-read)

Page 2

The Tandberg Cross-Field Sound Head

The precious jewel. charming the ear with living sound, is an exquisite electronic creation
of Norway's finest craftsmen - THE TANDBERG CROSS-FIELD SOUND HEAD.

This combination of rare metals and hair-fine conductors, machined and assembled to
minute tolerances with the aid of microscopes. positioned and aligned with mathematical
precision. will indeed delight the eye of a technician but not as an earclip or article of adorn-
ment. It is in fact a critical part of the very heart of the famous Tandberg tape recorder. in-
strumental in the creation of that indefinable character we know as 'TANDBERG LIVING

To those with an appreciation and understanding of such things the inside of any Tandberg
Audio Instrument could well be compared to an assembly of precious building stones, links
in a chain of gems, creations of our Twentieth Century electronic age; all enclosed in a hand-
some jewel case. the pride of Scandinavian cabinet makers.