Tandberg 3 B Schematic

This is the 2 pages manual for Tandberg 3 B Schematic.
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Tandberg 3 B Schematic

Extracted text from Tandberg 3 B Schematic (Ocr-read)

Page 1

MODEL SB (mono)

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The driving mechanism of model 38 is iden-
tical with the mechanism of model 3 Stereo.
Fig. 30 shows the circuit diagram of model 3 B.
The amplifier is almost Identical with the am-
plifier for upper track in model 3 Stereo with
exception of the special features which are
necessary in connection with the stereo -
monaurel switch. The electrical description of
the amplifier for upper track therefore also
goes for model 38. with exeption of the two
following points.

1. The output switch connects in the left posi-
tion (seen from front of the recorder) the
output transformer to both the output termi-

nals and the monitor speaker. In the mid
position the output transformer is only con-
nected to the output terminals. in the right
position the output transformer is connected
to the monitor speaker. while the terminals
marked P.U. are connected to the output
terminals. This is done to ease the use when
both the tape recorder and a record-player
are intended to be played badt through
the same external amplifier (or radio set).
To do this, one connects the output from
the record-player to the terminals marked
P.U. and the output terminals to the input
ofthe external amplifier. When playing tape
recordings, the output switch is placed in
mid position (or in the left position if it is

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desired to listen simulta
tor speaker). When play
put switch is placed in 1

. in the record position t

output transformer are
the output terminals <
nal from the second r
via a voltage divider
10 Kohms). thus giving 1
tor the recorded progi
phones or an external c
impedance is 10 Kohr
great value of R the c
be shorted without off:

Page 2



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the record posrtlon the loudspeaker and CCIA 'JIAIIAflD woo a 7," mm [soda 0

tput transformer are disconnected from
.» output terminals and these get sig-
I from the second plate of the ECC83
a voltage divider R33-R34(.1M0hm-
Kohms). thus giving opportunity to moni-
the recorded program through head-
anes or an external amplifier. The output
3edance is 10 Kahms. Because of the
rat value of R3; the output terminals can
shorted without affecting the recorded

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