Studer A 67 Service Manual 2

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Studer A 67 Service Manual 2

Extracted text from Studer A 67 Service Manual 2 (Ocr-read)

Page 2

L-vnl Pn-ldjuslm-m

Azimulh adjustment

Eras adiuflmem

Level adjustment and traquendy response

Channel 1 channel 2 MONO SYERKO Channel 1 Channel 2 Ghannul 1 Chlnrlel 2
Set generator to reference tevet (I 55 v; and t kHz. Set generator tedB urrder Set generator 20 dB under Set generator 20 dB under retereneo leve at to k Hz 5e: generator to retererroe tauet tt 55 V) and t kHz
MEDIUM Thread empty tape. start recordrhg 'e'mm We' 3 kHz 3'9? M 3 0 2 Thread emptv tape (PER 525T, start rerotdrrg Thread empw (ape, start rendrdrnd
71/2' Adrust output tevet to t 55 erth Thread empty/ripe start recurdrrrg Cwmr Ems/MED @9 I Comm EMS/MED @' Adtust output teuel wt 55 V wrth
em'Z Connor LEVEL/MED @ Contrdt LEVEL/MED fig Adtust screw \th nu re Adrusteerew ® oh rah Tum Cruckwse ,mm me rmhand mp mm max mum Contror LEVEL/MED Qt) | cdhtrdr LEVEL/MED ED)
f0"? he 0 W "9 0'? a 'r m PM reaqu Turn turther uhttt vhts tsreduced by 5 d5 Readtust generator 20 dB under reference tevet at t2 kHz
eve are e
a Treme adruatmeht ter 0 dB trequehey response vdrtanun
Max phase drrterenoe 20 rx \
e: Connol TREBLE/MED (I; Camrm THEBLE/MED @E,
H a Verge C(rtrettwv u anew (rt/r t5 reaurred theh teuet ore '
adttrstmom must be are: and redeated t1 necessary,
58! germumr to reterenee tetet tt 55 V) and t k-tz. Set generaw 20 dB uhder rererehce tetet at to kHz Set geherardr Io reterehce tevet (t 55 v) and t kHz
FAST Thread empty rape, Han recordtng Thread emptv [due (PER 525), start recerdthg Thread empw tape start recordmg.
5 'ns Adrust output tevet to tr55 v wrth Comer Ems/FAST @ l Connor EMS/Mgr (55 Aduel output tetet to t 55 v wrth
. , u, ,
. z \ h - m x
38mm Cnhttar LEVEL/FAST r95 cdhttur LEVEL/PAH 65; TW, Crocmse om We rmhand mp mm max WW Cnhtrnt LEVEL/FAST r 5 I Corrtror LEVEL/FAST (EA/t
redqu. Tum further unm (hrs t5 reduced by4 dB. Paadjusf generaror 20 dB under reference \eve 1.1V 15 kHz
Trebe adtuslmem {Gr 0 dB freQUErTCV response vartatton
Set generator (0 reference tevet (1 55 V) and kHz. Set qenerato ZU dBtmderreterencetevet M10 kHz Se! qenerator to reterence \eve ( 55 V) and kHz
0 Thread empw tape, start IECOrdtng Thread empty tape tSootch 207) start recordtng Htread empw tauet start reeordrhg
33M ips Adtust ottdut tevet to t 55 v wrth Commr Ems/SLOW (gr: I Cannot EMS/SLOW (5) Adtust output revet to 1.56 v wrth
95 cm/s 5

Cohtrot LEVE L/st ow r66)

Cohtrdt LEVEL/SLOW (59

Turn ctocxw-se from the \eftrhanj step untrt de outpu:
readrhg Turh further urttrt thrs t5 reduced we dB,

Contrut LEVEL/SLOW @ | cdhtrdt LEVEL/SLOW @
headrust generaxur 20 dB under reverence teret a' to kH7.
Trebte adjustmenr tor 0 dB treduehcy response varrat on
cdhtretThEatE/SLOW QEI ControtTREBLE/SLOW 63

1 2 3 4 5

A o 0 er 0 we. . .tm .
B mo 5 "Mo 0 m. g W.
c .- us 0 ma 0 0 .us . .ua c
D __._.. o o o M. . .
E E meg 5 mo o % m. é rm.
F wt o .m o o m c m o
G _ me 0 me o 0 tut. . um I
H g rmtto 5 "two 0 5 mm. g a.
I us 0 us 0 o m n
K ._._. mrarttto gamma 0 wuwo

Kanat 1 Kanal 2

Channel 1 Channel 2

£3 63 0


Audrd trsduehav mrttrudttmeterat edrthector

Ltne 0mm" t

Lme output 2

Audto treouehcv generator at connector

Ltne rhput t

Lrherhput 2

AF rmttrmttrhert» at rrhe

AF generatur et rho rrrput

srhgte beam dearttdscope
at trhe Outputs t and 2

AF generator at the rnputs
t and 2 (m paratret)

AF mtrtrvettrheter a| Lommclur
Lrhe output t | Lme output 2
AF generator at Connectot

Lmemput t l Lrherhput 2

tnmumauts hecexsary

AF mrttrvottmeter at cunnectur
Ltne output t | Lme output 2
AF generator Bl Connector

Lrherndut t I Ltrremuul 2