Sony icd st 10 service manual

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sony icd st 10 service manual

Extracted text from sony icd st 10 service manual (Ocr-read)

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2 ICD-ST10/ST20 TABLE OF CONTENTS Flexible Circuit Board Repairing -K eep the temperature of the soldering iron around 270ยฐC during repairing. - Do not touch the soldering iron on the same conductor of the circuit board (within 3 times). - Be careful not to apply force on the conductor when soldering or unsoldering. Notes on chip component replacement -N ever reuse a disconnected chip component. - Notice that the minus side of a tantalum capacitor may be dam- aged by heat. -œฉ Replacement of IC6001 used in this set requires a special tool. - The voltage and waveform of CSP (chip size package) cannot be measured, because its lead layout is different from that of conven- tional IC. - Lead layouts Unleaded solder Boards requiring use of unleaded solder are printed with the lead- free mark (LF) indicating the solder contains no lead. (Caution: Some printed circuit boards may not come printed with the lead free mark due to their particular size.) : LEAD FREE MARK Unleaded solder has the following characteristics. - Unleaded solder melts at a temperature about 40ยฐC higher than ordinary solder. Ordinary soldering irons can be used but the iron tip has to be applied to the solder joint for a slightly longer time. Soldering irons using a temperature regulator should be set to about 350ยฐC. Caution: The printed pattern (copper foil) may peel away if the heated tip is applied for too long, so be careful! - Strong viscosity Unleaded solder is more viscous (sticky, less prone to flow) than ordinary solder so use caution not to let solder bridges occur such as on IC pins, etc. - Usable with ordinary solder It is best to use only unleaded solder but unleaded solder may also be added to ordinary solder. surface Lead layout of conventional IC CSP (chip size package) 1. GENERAL ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยท 3 2. DISASSEMBLY 2-1. Upper Lid Block Assembly ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยท 4 2-2. F-SW Board ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 5 2-3. MAIN Board ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 5 2-4. S-SW Board, Microphone Block Assembly ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 6 2-5. Microphone Unit ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยท 6 2-6. The Cautions at the Time of a Microphone Block Assembly ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 7 3. TEST MODE ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 8 4. DIAGRAMS ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 11 4-1. Block Diagrams -“ Main Section-1 -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ 12 -“ Main Section-2 -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ 13 -“ Panel/Power Section -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 14 4-2. Printed Wiring Board -“ MAIN Board (Side A) -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 15 4-3. Printed Wiring Board -“ MAIN Board (Side B) -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 16 4-4. Printed Wiring Board -“ F-SW Board -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยท 17 4-5. Printed Wiring Board -“ S-SW Board -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยท 18 4-6. Schematic Diagram -“ MAIN Board (1/5) -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 19 4-7. Schematic Diagram -“ MAIN Board (2/5) -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 20 4-8. Schematic Diagram -“ MAIN Board (3/5) -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 21 4-9. Schematic Diagram -“ MAIN Board (4/5) -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 22 4-10. Schematic Diagram -“ MAIN Board (5/5) -“ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 23 4-11. IC Block Diagrams ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 24 4-12. IC Pin Function Descriptions ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยท 27 5. EXPLODED VIEWS 5-1. Upper Lid Block ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยท 32 5-2. Case Block ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 33 6. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท\ ยทยทยท 34

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3 ICD-ST10/ST20 SECTION 1 GENERAL This section is extracted from instruction manual. 1Built-in microphone 2Built-in microphone 3OPE (operation) indicator 4DIRECTNL (directional) switch 5ERASE button 6A-B (repeat)/PRIORITY button 7DIVIDE/ (bookmark) button 8Display window 9DPC ON/OFF switch Index to Parts and Controls Refer to the pages indicated in parentheses for details. Front 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0K L M N O 0 SpeakerKzREC (record) /REC PAUSE button LxSTOP button MJog lever FOLDER/MENU/ .(review/fast backward)/ > (cue/fast forward)/ x- B(play/stop-enter) NVOL (volume) +/-“ buttons OUSB connector Rear P Q R S T Pm (microphone) jack Qi (headphones) jack RHOLD switch SDC IN 3V jack TBattery compartment Step 2: Setting the Clock You need to set the clock to use the alarm function or record the date and time. Clock setting display appears when you insert batteries for the first time, or when you insert batteries after the unit has been without batteries for a certain period of time. In this case, proceed from step 4. 1 Turn the jog lever toward MENU. The menu mode will be displayed in the display window. 2 Press the jog lever up or down(>/. ) to select SET DATE. 3 Press the jog lever (x-B).The date and time setting window is displayed. The year digits will flash. 4 Set the date.1Press the jog lever up or down ( >/.) to select the digits of the year. Jog lever Press the center (x-B). Press up (>). Press down (.).Turn toward MENU. 2Press the jog lever (x-B). The month digits will flash. 3Set the month and day in sequence, then press the jog lever (x-B). The hour digits will flash. 5 Set the time.1Press the jog lever up or down (>/.)toselect the digits of the hour. 2Press the jog lever (x-B). The minute digits will flash. 3Set the minute. 4Press the jog lever (x-B). The menu mode will be displayed again. Note If you do not press the jog lever (x-B)for more than one minute, the clock setting mode is cancelled and the window will return to normal display. 6 Turnthe jog lever toward MENU. The window will return to normal display. 1If the unit is left unused for more than 3 seconds in the stop mode after the clock is set, the display will show the current time. v