Sony ecm z 70 service manual

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sony ecm z 70 service manual

Extracted text from sony ecm z 70 service manual (Ocr-read)

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US Model
Canadian Model
AEP Model

Type Eectrel condenaex rmcrophone lwllh back-electrer
condenser capsule)
Microphone cord \ 5 mm mm Inches) ma smelded cord wllh "re gold willed
POW some EggarNEIigpIqurgs) m (5 we . The super-clrrechonal nucrophone lor Drckrng up a specific sound source
IEC des'gnahun R03 (we AAA) bahery (l) preclsely,wh1le ellmrnahng nolse around me microphone.
Emmy m8 App, 300 hows Wm 50W ma supp, ham), - The cryslal quuld dlsplay enables you lo easrly check lhe rnpul level, power on-
UM74 (NU) ofl or barlery slams
Dlmenslons Approx 43 x r5 x 76 mm (w/h/dl [I 1. Wm x 3 rnches) - You can check the elapsed recording Ilme Ialer by relernng Io me recorded
MESS ("mI battery and COW! Approx 45 g (1 6 01) Signal sounds (lnleryal marker luncuon)
Frequency responsa 200 » 12000 Hz - When uslng a Sony tape recorder whose mxcrophone jack l5 marked wrth
nggflI/Ixmvpedance jggiI-jgéfnal PLUG IN POWER. lhe power ol the mrcrophone is turned on automahcally
sensmmy WWW ompm tam when you slan recordrng, even though [he POWER swrlch on me microphone
AIHrgh 42 u 1 4 dBm rs ser lo OFF Thrs wrll prevenl you [rum rmssing a recordlng even when you
Al Low 42.0 t 4 dBm Iorgel to set me POWER Swllch lo ON

10 dBm :1mW/Pal000 Hz)
Maxlmum sound pressure mom level (at 1000 Hz, l% nislomon)

More man 00 stPL

DdEsPL 2 2 x 0'5 Pa
Overaling lemperature (PC 7 40°C (32F - \049F)

Deslgn and spealhcaslions are sublecl lo change wllhoul nollce