Quad 1993 Catalog

This is the 8 pages manual for Quad 1993 Catalog.
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Quad 1993 Catalog

Extracted text from Quad 1993 Catalog (Ocr-read)

Page 2

The term 'High Fidelity'
came into general use
in 1936. the year that
Quad was founded.
This was a happy
commdence. for since
then Quad has
produced a steady
succeswon of
products which have
effectively set the
standards of fidelity for
the industry and it
would be impossnble to
write an accurate
history of High Fidelity
Without mentioning
Quad in every chapter.
From the beginning
Quad has had a

clear concept of the
meaning of High
Fidelity. neatly
summed up by the
slogan for the closest
approach to the
original sound'.

Quad products
recreate the sound of
the broadcast or
recording wrth no
audible contribution or
character of their own.
They are totally
transparent. prowding
the listener With a
Window on to the
concert hall or studio.

Part of the secret of
Quad's success is that
we have always looked
for original and better
ways of solvmg the
problems of musm

reproduction rather than adopt
commonplace solutions. Quad has

always championed an obiective and
seientific approach to product design
ignoring the chimeras of hi-fi fashion
conjured up by the necromancers
and alchemists of the industry.

But there is more to successful
design than Ohms law and lashings
of common sense. Equrpment
deSigned to last forty years has to
look and feel right and Quad has
won as many prizes for design as for
technical excellence. Quad products
are designed to be as small as
possible. simple and straight forward
to operate because it is hard to
maintain the illusion of being at a
concert if you are faced with a stack
of equipment lit up like an Oil refinery.