Quad AM1 Owners Manual

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Quad AM1 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Quad AM1 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1




133 AMSTIGKL LII. m is designed to notch the JMSTICIL QUAD
1.1 amlifisr, both electrically and in fitting and style. The mounting
procedure is the some as that for tho Control Unit of the ncplifiu', 1.0.
out an. opening in the calcinot 10" x 3" with '5' diameter earners. Slip
off the dust cover or the tuner after removing the tour retaining serous
at the roar. Insert the tuna: tron the front, feeding the cables through
the hole first. Rvplaoing the dust cover, and tightening the four serous
previously removed will then m the unit finally in position.


The cables may now to 1:11ch into the appropriate sockets on the
Quad 11 control unit, and aerial (Rod socket) and earth (mad: socket)
connections node.

The unit is despotchod with all valves in position, and is now ready
for immediate use.


The 8.. tuner will operate tron an: aerial systen, but for: best
results a long vertical normal is recommended. It should be tenet-beret!
that the down load is also part of tho aerial and should therefore be
kept w from the binning as far a: possible.

Where domestic static is troublesome, the anti-static type of
0611.81 trcmtomer and smened down load my be used.

more are three controls, Tatum, Havcband and Selectivity. The
functions or the tint two are straigrtfonmrd, and need nu explanation.


11m selectivity control has two positions. On "Ema" the overall
rolpouu or the tmor is liuitul to 5 w. and. on this position the tuning
indicator at the right hand sido of the dial will Monte correct tuning.
"uihtm tho Vertical part or this "exclamation mark" is at its shortest, that
particular station has been correctly tuned in. 11113 position is also
useml for listening to station though difficult reception conditions.

After ttmirg in the station required on: War" the selectivity
switch should be tamed to Wide Range" to enjoy the full quality of
Motion available has the local stations in good reception areas.
The overall audio response of the writ is no! 12 We and. if oooosiosnll:
this extra bandwidth should. also bring in adjacent intuit-farmed an to
poor reception conditions, it is possible that more onJoyable listening
may he achieved on the narrower nine position.


The earth connection should be node to a good. earth such as a mid
water main, or an outside 'Earth" this connection is sufficient for the
whole installation and a separate commotion to the amplifier should not
be used.