Philips fwp 750 service manual

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philips fwp 750 service manual

Extracted text from philips fwp 750 service manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Mini System FW-P750/22/37


Service Manu


Location of pc boards & Version variations ................ 1-2
Technical Specifications ............................................. 1-3

Measurement setup ..........................
Service Aids, Safety Instruction, etc.
Instruction for use : European version excerpt.
Disassembly Instructions & Service positions ..
Service Test Programs .....................................
Set Block diagram ..

Set Wiring diagram.

Front Control Board ....................................................... 5
Front Display Board .......................................... 6
E006 Tuner Board : Systems Non-Cenelec. .. 7A
E006 Tuner Board : Systems Cenelec
ETF7 ND Tape Module .
3CDC-LC-MB-DA11 Module 10
Power 2001 Module (30-70W 4 Channel Version) ..... 11
Center/Surround & Matrix Surround Socket Board... 11A

AF9 Board .................................................................... 12
Set Mechanical Exploded view & parts list ................. 13
® Copyright 2001 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands LASER PRODUCT

All rights reserved. No part ol this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise
without the prior permission of Philips.

Published by BB 0105 Service Audio Primed in The Netherlands Subject to modification 3139 785 22660


Page 2

3-4 3-4
SERVICE TEST PROGRAM (rosatsew.assipmmm\
hold >1 & Aux
depressed while
plugging in the mains cord
5 refers to Service Mode
Display shows the
ROM version v refers to version
"SA/W ele sto Software rson n mbe or the P ocesso
. yy r r Va 1 u r p r r
(Mam em loonntlng up lrom 01 to 99)
TEST PLAY MODE DIEITHL sauna :nmnm vrnruat marzucz cuNTHm TEST
.33, _
Button pressed? Button pressed?
151 _ -59 _ .LE "EL 9; my "1
my Lug Lug 1er my Lug Ill/I my my
DISNEY IgngVeSiO" Dlsplay shows Set is in Sen/Ice PLAY Mode. 0 9 9 DIM SHL'FFQ _ Erna W @ olu Dismay shows Flgme 1 and
Quip. a. 6.02%.... 503,) I f ' I Fl-IZ < I) <> SLEEP RPT 0 new; m. swrlch all LEDs on (except eco
n case o ar ures. error . , POWER & VU v l me LEDs .
pm 19 of HF : 204SHZ codes aocordlng to Table 2 HEDME 0 0 PE 05 "ME? and lull vu doefieclion. )
will be displayed. _
Flgure 1
Bum" messed? The Sewioe Play Mode is intended to
detect and identity the failures in the CD Mode.
In this mode the eiectmnlcs Will still lunotlpn
even when an error rs detected so that
Service ,requemes we repair aolivrtres can be camed oul.
copied to the RAM lsee Table 1) _ _ _ _
Tuner works normally except: U L! IJ IJ
» ll 1 r I II I ll 1
PROGRAM bum" D'SPfifimws _ _ _ _ Display shows Figure 2
om m a. From DIS .3 Beam and switch alternate LEDs on
pir'tDlS ol(uP : 2.92%.g875H1 M 5| '3 '3 (see Table 3).
51m: and partial VU dellectlon.
Mains cord ? Figure 2
Button pressed?
1 Error code Error Description
E1000 Focus Error
Triggered when lhe focus could nol be found wilhin a certain time when starting up the CD
or when the locus is losl for a certain time during play.
E1001 Radial Error LED: nil/cam. nil/cw: chvFevubnrwflc-rzu Fw-Wm
Triggered when lhe radial servo is elf-track for a certain time during play. DISC, On o" 0
E1002 Sledge In Error also a On On on
The sledge did nol reach its inner position (inner-swilch is still close) before approximalely PE 0" °" 0
6 Sec. have passed by. Inner-swilch or sledge motor problem. TUNER On On On
came: on
Europe East Eur. East Eur. .Extenlded-band .USA" (aversea E1003 Sledge Oul Error sunwounu LE" On
PRESET "EUR" "EAS' EAS USA 055 The sledge did nol come oul 01 its inner position (inner»swilch is still open) before approximalely 575an mm o
250 mSec. ha e assed b . Inner-s 'tch or sled e moto roblem.
1 87.5MHZ 87.5MHz 65.8lMHZ 87.5MHZ 87.5MHZ V p y w' 9 r p m an o" 0
E1005 Jump-olttrack error use On On
1 08MHZ 1 DEM H
2 108MHz 108MHz Z 108MHz Triggered in normal play when the jump destinalion could not be lound within a certain lime. vu CK mm a" o" o
3 531kHz 531 kHz 74MH2 SSOkHz 531/53st when lhis error occurred, software will lry to recover by iniliating the jump command again. vu VOtUME On o" On
ll it is recoverable. lhe dlsc wrll conllnue to play. .
4 1602kHz 1602kHz 87.5MHz 1700kHz 1602/1700kHz Table 3 W?
E1006 Subcode Error 0 9' 9515
5 558kHz 558kHz 551kHz 560kHz 558/560kHz Triggered when a new subcode was missing for a certain lime during play.
6 1494kHz 1494kHz 1602kHz 1500kHZ 1494/600ka E1007 PLL Error _ . _ . TEST Activated with ACTION
The Phase Lock Loop could not lock Within a certain llme.
7 153kHZ 87.5MHZ 558kHZ SBMHZ 87.5MHZ
E1008 Turntable Molor Error EEPROM TEST » A lest pattern will be senl lo the EEPROM.
8 279kHz 87'5MHZ 1494kHZ 87'5MHZ 875MHz Generaled when lhe CD could not reached 75% of speed during startup wilhin a certain time. "PASS" '5 displayed If lhe uProcessorread
Discmotor problem. back the lest pattern correctly. olhenmse
e 198kHz 87.5MHZ 98MH2 87.5MHZ 87.5MHZ I m Exit "ERROR" will be displayed.
10 saMl-lz 87.5MHz 7o.olMHz a7.5MHz 87.5MHZ E1020 52°: seam, ELM b ' d .h. . .
e 5 mm as "° 99" °" W" ' a cena'" '"e- EEPROM FORMAT « Load delaull data. Display shows "NEW"
11 87.5MHZ SBMHZ 65.81MHZ 87.5MHZ SEMHz TEST for 1 second.
E1070 The carousel swilch is not open wilhin certain lime. This can happen when either lhe switch is Cautionl
Table 1 defective and closed all lhe lime, or when lhe carousel is blocked when localed exactly at a All presets from the customer wlllbe lost"
dlsc position.
095 Depending on lhe 59'9 9'id frequency (9 0' lokf-lz) _ . _ E1071 The carousel posilion switch did nol close within a certain lime. This can happen when lhe ROTARY Rota? Display ShOWS value 0' 2 590°"d5-
By holding lhe TUNER and » buttons depressed whlle swrtchrng on lhe Mains supply. one switch is defective and never closes eleclrically. or when lhe carousel is blocked in between ENCODER TEST V01ume "Ob Values increases or decreases in sleps cl 1
ol the undermenlioned leatures will be aclivaled: two disc posilions. The lime-out is approximately 5 Sec. Jog Shuottle Knob until 0 (Min.) or 40 (Max) is reached.
- the luning grid frequency is loggled belween 9kHz and 10kHz lor lhe Oversea (/21) version.
- the extended FM1 (65.81MHZ - 74MHz) is toggled on and ofllor East Eur. (/34) version. E1079 The drawer could not enler the inside posilion is opening again. This can be caused because
lhe drawer is blocked by something and cannol go l'ully inside. orthe drawer swilch is defecllve LEAVE SERVICE Disconnecl
and does nol close. TESTPROGRAM mains cord

Table 2

Mlnl 20m FWrcixxflxx SeMce Test Program ldd wkooae)