Philips 342 a service manual

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philips 342 a service manual

Extracted text from philips 342 a service manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2



A rux. LOCB'

OTHER UURWONEN'IS \nluea (10111
Li i..w. 1111111111 cc! 3743 Al
ii 11111111 111111. F 27-11 F
'2 l
1.4 } 1111 1111111111. 5% 4111' 111
L5 11w, 0111. pic-s11 1410 F2
1.6 I 60 F2
117 MM. 051:. pie-sou 312 F2
ii 13? if
u . - 1
no }211d LF. trans. { . 13.5 Bl
Lil Speech mi) 815 Cl
a 204)
T1 0.1% 11111111. 2 22" E2
(1 0"
3332 \1'111ub111111 Iwitchel 1:
314 11111111111111. .. 11:

516 Time switches
2117 Alum switch

12 5 amp "1F?! 1
V3 500mA (.lmk {use

Mnisunil m'rms luu'rr secti-Hi,


Mind $allinflr~The 1liwi1 IIIIIUIH "1.1) hr ~1
by rotutlng tin. small Mule knob siiuiiul l1-
lllc riglit Iii the A and E sockets at the H. 1
ml the rewivcr. Th' linnh should only '1-
IllllliIl In all anti-cl wise IllrcvllorL

Slum ar switch -'lhis control, if turnm.
1-Im'l1w 1:1" lie 59!, to switch the rcclivflr 11"
1111111 [111111111 1111 to an minutes as 1111111111"
111 it: 1111.11c1i tiun: «111101 It should be 111111
111 runylincliun with tho ltn-Iio SWII'II 4w»
1.1 1.11111.

Alarm Sellingrr'lliu mmll iIinI in I'll 1111M!
nl tin (link lame i~ l 1le ngililht IlL rm!
n-ml 0! [lie Iinlir liiIIIII. iiiill iiiilicxilm "l0 tun:
110 wliii-II IIlL ulnlm will IJ|1er1|li'. l
1111111114 11 1111111111 11111 the . ,
11ml rutiitinu It in 1111 .mli
'Ilic illnrm will will
1.111. To stop 11111 .
1111511111 111

Ilvn llilx 11111i- |~
IHII, 11hr kl111i1 ~l1 111M 111
It film l M 11~c1l ill 1111111111ll1111
" ~1V|Iiril (Mm I1r|11vli_

Radio SW 11» rulillul is puniliunrli ill
ll11- Ill-1111111 11! he i'llKk {8N1 mul I1.1~ lir lnI
11111111 111111 1111111111.

A111m.4V1111 1111 111111-11 111 111111 1111111111. 111-
»lllmlmr sviiti'li :Inil III-urn! betting illijlhtniuitx
1 11 111 3.11 1111 1111 1111111111111. The 111.-11 1&1 1111.1
71,! imwer socket will lw fiWIiKZlIOd 11" at U11
111119 1111111111111 11y 1111 11111111 111111. 111111 unles-
1111- 11111111 111111. has been pushed 111. 1111 11111111
11111 111u1111 111 11111111111 1111111.

arr-.4111 1111 .«luvnhur 111111111 1111 11111111111
[lull in til I lion '0 Mil/itch the rum-i. and
1'1.\ power Mvikct oil at. the selected time. This
nlmk. 1n (*11njllnctmn with tlil- alarm with;

(Cumimwil m rolumn it

Supfillmcni to Wireless {5"
Electrical frqder, 2 April 1955

- Diagram of the waveband swuch

unit. Below : Associated switch table.








Clogk 0.11112111111-1-1111-111111

11] riiteq :n a imrmsil :Iliiiul 1Iml1. In", it mint
he. Ref, tu tell minutes hei'ore Nine inquired.

Manuai.7Tixe 1911:1111 will ape-rate Imi'millly
irv-espectiw u! ilic lock control settings. uni
L110 5A power sock will he switched on III
the Limb, The c ck will still operate 3.1 an
.ilnlm elm-k in this position, but must Mill b1-
~1-t 11: ten "11111111. 11111111e time required.


\.1111u 1111111qu 111111 uurrents gin." 111 1111
imblc bulmi c llmac umusurcd iii our receiver
when it INS uperutum from Al mains (11
230 V, with the station selector routml Wt tn
"l1." There was no signal Input.

Voltages were memureil 111111 1111 111111 Elec
IIUKiIl' 'l'estfileter, nnil 11.1 this instrument hm
.- Iliuli internal resistance, allowance should hr
m; 11 111r tin: currcm drawn by nther typi-s oi
inrtcr. Uh ' \Izik illu litimlilu AUIInlI'Iifi'l
111 may on. .

Valve ~ - Aw-
\11'1'1151 011611111:
331) ~
\2 1111in 151M) 700 2-0 1

V3 UHU-ll 69-0 U4 - --
\4 111.41 155-0 37-5 111011 0-0
vs um 167-0' »- - -
{.11- ran-ling", 1171111111111 1111111111., 5121511111.


LF. Sufism-The billowing adjustment: can
I11: "mile accensihle i1y removing the cahinut
hack and DIED Coven Switch station selector
111111-11 to a. Uilncrel the cores oi u, u, Ls
and L10 Socution reiercm'u Ill) IA) their InlILM
extent. ounect siguui 111119111101 output. Via
1m 0105 11F capacitor in ulr'l) lead. to control
Eriil (pin 2 of V1 and chassis. Feed In :1
Hum/11 (0 .3 in) Man. 11ml adjust the tuna
111 1.10, L9. M 11111 L3. 111 111111 order, to: 1111111
11111111 output, Repeat these adjustments unlvl
111) further impruvement results.

Pre-ul Stationfi. The following adjustment
should he made with the chassis in its cabinel.
Mill cnn he eflcclcd through the cabinet back
11mm where they are labelled I., l, 2 and I 1
111r11=poud mm the settings of the station
selector knob. A special trImniing tool.
secured by a oil to 1,112 buck cover. 11 prw
1i1le1l for the uni usimeum oi the osciilutor 11111
lbw, aerial cores.

L (l,250-I.Bflflm)17$wilch receiver to "L"
rum in Blgllill with L5 Core adjustment (F
ilml tlicn ndjll>l1 the ('ill'l' of Li (A1) for mnx1-
11111111 outpuL

I (310-550 m). Switch receiver to "i" tune
in 111111111 1111.11 La corc adjustment (11" 1, 111111
1111211 adjust an (A1) [111- maximum nulput.

2 (245-435 m).7swlhl1 lu'i-iver L0 "2." lulli
111 11511111 with L1 1111.1 1111111s1111u111 (F2), 111111
tilell adjust 015 Al) {111' ii mum nlltpuL

3 (186-34! In). witrh i'i'lklVel to "3," tum
in signal with La corn adjustment (FZ), mnl
1111111 111111.11 1:25 (11) 111 maximum output.

Underside view of the chassis showing the oscillator pre-tuned station adjustments in F2.

Inmcu' 11 England 19) Coniwflll Prevx Ltd.. Pam Garden. London, S.E1i.