Peavey Heritage manual

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Peavey Heritage manual

Extracted text from Peavey Heritage manual (Ocr-read)

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Congratulatvnns You are the owner at the most advanced tubetype amplercatron system avarlable In today 5 marketplace

The new peavey Homage" VT X represents many years oI manuIacturmg and productton expenence combined wrtn thcmost up-to-
date developments In tube-type technology and state-0I4he-art electronics

We have mcmoeo many new arm UNIQUE teatures and oesrgn Innovatnons to makethe Heritage" 3 trulyexcemronal ampand one that

Shomd Uehgh! any serrous pertorrnmg MUSICIa" The Overall operation 0! the Heritage" xs Ialrly slraughttorward yet complex enough
that 4t should m- studied and pracllcec lust as any mu5|ca| Instrument would be

We recommend that you thoroughly read and understand thus operating guuae so that you may enjoy to the fullest the benefits and
capabmtles 01 thus advanced system The hrst step m reahzmg the potential of the Hentage" VTX IS a {18516 understanding 09 how srgnal

Hows through the system trorn the guitar to the loudspeaker We have Included 3 has": block dlagram o! the Signal flow through the
Haulage" tor thus purpose

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The signal flow chart indicates that the Heritage" is baaicaly a two-channel system (lead and normal channels) with two main
electronic sections (preamp and power amp]. When is introduced through either the high or low gain input teats. It travels into the

p section where it is amplified and processed in lead and normal channels. In the lead channel. pull bright. SATURATION" or
thick ettects may Modded to the signal. We be bypassed. in thenorinalchannel.thepull bright ettect istheonlyoplional nature,
8' net lrom both channels enters the AUTOM channel switching circuitry which is controlled by a remote toot-witch, Either channel
or th may be select, Si rial trorn the selected channel; riowtravelsthrough other attecta(reverb and near it desired) and into the
power amplitler. NOTE: It t tootawitch is not plugged in, channels are operable. The power ampli er then delivers an amplified
signal to drive the :7icortaionII loudspeakers.

Vou might wonder why it is so important to know about allow. Notice on the chart that the ai nel MUST flow through the
sections containin the aaer arid raverb. Th'u tells you that t taatures are available on 301' lea and normal channels. Now.
notice that SATUR TIO " and THICK earner (attsrt the lead channel pro gain and on (below) the post gain. These two teatures may
only be operated through the lead chan ,

Please study the flow chart. Since each control interacts and therelora has an ettect on other controls. a complete understanding ot
silgnal tlow will lead to maniirru'rnti'iltiliutifi mghritaugges sadvancegd 173.5 and capabilities. We have also included several charts to

ve ouaornebaaicco rol ngaw to in. lightm ' onstothesesettin maybenecessarytosuit rown
ridiv dual tastes and performing requirements. 0 you

Following is an explanation ot each control's purpose and operation. Experimentation with each control will aid In an overall

understanding ot your new Heritage.

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The Heritage" VTX provides two input jacks. each having dltterent sensitivities and a unique arrangement allowing the gain at both
lacks to be equalized when instruments are plugged into both jacks simultaneously.

The high gain lack (A) has considerably more sensitivity and input impedance than the low ga rt tacit (Bland s the input normally
used with most instruments. espeCiaIly when maximum distortion and overdrive are desired

The low gain iaclt iB) exhibits approximately 6 68 less gain and is intended primarily tor use with instruments which have extremely
high output pickups, Hot" pickups will sometimes prematurely overload the high gain input tack causing an unpleasant lonality and
harsh overdrive characteristics

You should experiment with both input iaclis to determine which will best suit your own individual playing style and your instrument s
output characteristics

The ditterenoe between the two lacks may be seen by plugging into the high gain jack and setting the gain ot the amp to an
appropriate level. Now plug the instniment into the low gain tack being sure to leave both amp and instrument gain at the same settings.
The overall system gain will now be lower and you will notice a decrease in volume


The lead channel at the Heritage" has been designed tililliflg Peaveys new GAIN BLOCK" signal processing lront end circuitry.
The three interacting controls ororide total control of the amp's gain structure (dynamics). harmonic content. overload texture, and
output level,

Each ot the three controls must he understood and esperiinented with in order to utilize the potential at this speCiaIized Ci'CU"
Note in the SlGNAL FLOW BLOCK DIAGRAM where each at these controls tails into the flow pattern The setting at each control w II
interact and have an ettact on the action at the other controls.


The lead channel pre gain control is similar to a conventional volume control it that it is the first level setting clev-ce in the system.
Operation at this control is conventional even though the assocmted circuitry is quite ditlerent trorn older. totally passive units Ptaesebe
aware that this control exhibits the protossional lo rithmic (audio) taper. havng approximately one-tourth ot the gain achieved at the 12
o'clock posmon with the remainder being claim as the control is rotated cloc wise. Thislogarithmic action signitlcantly increases the
amount of "control latitude" available Rotating the control clockwise increases the gain or the Heritage" prsarnp section and thus raises
the volume level at the system

The pre gain control also tealu'esan integral pull switch which adds a signiticant boost (a 05) to the him trequenCIes when activated
This high treouency boost gives a nice edge to clean playing styles However. experience has proven that this high boost tends to
detract somewhat trorn the smooth overload characteristics when playing in the distonion mode The pull brightsvvitch should theretore
be in its ott ipushed in) posnion when the smoothest distortion charactenstrcs are desired.


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