Nakamichi RE 3 Brochure

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Nakamichi RE 3 Brochure

Extracted text from Nakamichi RE 3 Brochure (Ocr-read)

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VI Nokomichi



Harmonic Time Alignmentkmplifier

Page 2

Meticulously engineered to deliver
unparalleled musicality, enhanced
convenience, and intelligent versatility.
Nakamichi receivers are the choice

of the discerning.

Powerful and versatile. teatunng . RE'1 AM/FM Stereo Receiver (80Wv80W) HarmonicTimeAligmnentAnwim
Nakamichi s exclusrve Harmonic Time

Allgnment' amplllier circuitry

AlthOugh the RE-1 offers a wealth of
convenient audio/Video features. it was
de5igned lirst and fOremost to deliver
impeccable audio performance Nakamichi
Harmonic Time Alignment?u amplifier sections
combined With a high-current, low-impedance
power output stage yield Superbly muSical
high-definition reproduction that rivals the
tinesl separate components The RE-t also
incorporates Nakamichi System Remote and
multi-room remote control capabilities. a high-
performance AM/FM tuner, and highquality
AN Slgnal swnching CirCUits

Full-featured. altordable pertormance with
the sonic advantages 0! Harmonic Time
Alignment technology

The RE-2 inc0rpoiates Harmonic Time
Alignment amplifier circpitry, which includes an
advanced Wideband low openloop gain
topology. It thus attains an extremely high level
of musical accuracv Sophisticated
engineering can be lound throughput all
sections of this receiver. putting its
perlormance in the caliber ol expensive
separate components As a system control
center. it offers superb operability With a
variety of uselul convenience leatures.
including multi-room remote control capability

R E'2 AM/FM Stereo Receiver t55W+55Wl Harmonic Time Alignment'Amm

Superb sound quallty. advanced
functionality. and exceptional ease-ot-use in
a highly altordable receiver

With ample power outputs an outstanding high-
Current power amplifier section. an excellent
Quartz-PLL frequency Synthesis tuner and
thoughtlui convenience features the RE-B has
no equal in its class The Supplied System
Remote control unit lets y0u also operate other
Nakamichi components y0u may add to yOur
System The sophisticated deSign and
perlOrmance ol the REE-3 make it ideal for the
enthusiast wrth modest system rectiiirements
Out. nonetheless. a critical ear

R E'3 AM/FM Stereo Receiver (37W+37Wl