Moog opus3 owners manual

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moog opus3 owners manual

Extracted text from moog opus3 owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2


Welcome lo OPUS 3 and lo ll'e world or Moogi OPUS 3 is an cxcling new addition
in lne ramily of Moog instrument; that have lac [lie field 0t clc:.rz)nic music since 1964.
Yvur OlLS 3 has been musically engineered In produce t31r~ I: is z- polyphonic SyfllflfSiZCf upeol: m" czntily produc '13 strings, organ, brasg and n vats!
number n umoined and layered voices.

This manual! has bean "repaired to take your mmugh [he instrument in a sIeD-by-stcp
manner. Every sound Chdrl in the book will take yuu parser to realizing the fL.I potential
01' your instrumcm.

ll is adv'sahlu. lherelorc, that you s mply begin at thL oeginning and fallow Irv: text
10 the and. Sen up every snund. Play and experimunl wilh each.

By the iirne you have completed ihe manual, you will be discoverirg lhe pleasures

of your rz-wn explorations with OPLS 3.
WW "

Herbert A. Dcursci
Dirtctor of Marketing
