Micro seiki ddx 1000 brochure

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micro seiki ddx 1000 brochure

Extracted text from micro seiki ddx 1000 brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 2


DDX-IDDD (supplied We." Wm,

The Unrque Turntable System

The three large onsulators on the DDX~1000
lorm a untque absorber mechanism that not
only eltmtnates entrrely the hazards ol
external vibratlon. but also serves to isolate
the arm mount trom the turntable. Up to
three hrwt qualrty tonearms may be mount-

ed simultaneously, and tonearms are nnter-
chanpd easrlv and qulckly. The power
MOW and transformer are completely Iso-
lated Of! a separate control umt. thus elrrm-
natrng any leedbaclt or hum onterlerence.

Micro Seiltr Desgm Integrtty

These unique design concepts have been
exhaustively researched and tested by our
engrneers. All the manulacturlng and as-
sembly stages contorm to the hrghest
oualrty standards an order to produce thts
deltmtrve turntable system. The result as
surely one at the lunest turntables evaclable.
Absolutely superb mechanrcal stabtlrty and

The Ideal Comparator

ltsell rncomparable. the ooxdooo can help
you enormously tn compartng cartrrdges and
tonearrns. The turntable ts so neutral, you
eltectrvely remove it as e vartable rn your
judgment. And sum up to three arms can
be mounted simultaneously. your com-
paratrve evaluations will be much more
accurate and deltnrtrve.





AU )Linlfi'lENY

-umt lor

Turntable Mal

It has been vvrdely recogntred tor a long
Irmc that the turntable mat plays a srgnrlt
cant role In determrnmg the qualrty ol
sound reproductron For opt-mum rsolatron
ot the record lrom the platter, the
DDX- l000 mat conststs ol separate layers of
cork and rubber Any resonance caused by
platter rotatron ts ellectrvely absorbed by
the two-layer mat


The esceptronal perlormance stabnlrty ol
the DDXvIOOO can be attrttwled to the
large. balance-tested platter 31 cm, 2 kg
l 12 2 unches. 4.4 paundsl, the platter has a
srgntlrcantly hrgh moment ol rnertra 330
kg cm: lllJIbs rn"l

Addrtronally, a low shalt burden has been
ochaeved by dustrrbuttnq the werghl around
the perrlery ol the platter The rotattonal
momentum as accoulmgly very even and
constant Stroboscope mark-nos are m
sCrrbed on the turntable, and as the strobo
scope rs altgned to a burn-m osCrllator_
power lune var-atrons have no eltect
whatsoever on the rotatronal speed

Neon Strobe Lamp

The neon lamp rs drtven by a burlt-m 45 Hr
osCtllator wrth a lrequency lluctuatron ol
less than 003% The BOX-1000, tht-rclorc,
does nor rely on an enternal 50 H: or 60 Hz
lrequency lrom the power lone power lrnr:
lreouenCy fluctuatton rs 0 2% Wllh thus
rnternal, stable devrce. speed accuracy rs
easrly and etlectrvely monrtored

Turntable Frdmr-

A un-que Joann! supporting frame has been
developed m order to Increase the stutnlrty
ol the 00X lOOO system Thus the
mechamsm rs coma-nod Wllhrn the most
stable operatmg condrtrons posslblr: The l 9
kg Id 18 Ibsl lmme ls made ol alumumum


The twolayer absorber system cortsrsts ol
cushron rubber and msulator balls wnh
burIt-rn spr-nqs Smce the lulcrum Ires m the
upper part ol the msulators, the resultmg
low center ol qravrty pmvodes e-cellent
complmnce ncultnlllallun both horrtontally
and vertrcally

Cortlrnl LJrl-t

The turntable controls and power supply
have been uncorporaled In an rude-pendent
opt-mum ease ol access to the
power button, speed select buttons. md lmc
speed ndtustmeht controls. whrch can vary
the rated speed 6« .I lull octave