Marantz Reference Series Catalog 2010

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Marantz Reference Series Catalog 2010

Extracted text from Marantz Reference Series Catalog 2010 (Ocr-read)

Page 1

refe rence: re�f� rn(t)s, noun : ÒA prod u\bt or \froup ofprodu \bts\bons idered to besup eri or; astand ard�settin\f a\bhievem entthat others mayse ek to em ulate.Ó The audiocomp onentsyouÕ ll so on enc ounte rin the se pag esdef ine bothapur suitand acelebr ation\b Thepurs ui t, as ithas alway sbeen for Marantz, isthe rec reati onofmus icin th ehome \bThe celebration isan amal gam of scie nce, intuition ,an dexperience in the servi ce ofthe mus icwe cheri sh\b Qui tesimpl y,thes eRe fer enc eSeri es products are the bes twe kno whow to make\b From vir tuall yinaud ible nu anc eto thu nde ringcresce ndo, each oneconveys more thananartis tÕsint ell ectual explo ratio nof hi s or her genre \bIt con veysthe emotiona lunderpinnings as wel l\b And lets you listen thr ough the equipment in to the heart of th ecrea tivepro cess \b Marantz Referen ce\bNothing short ofrevelator y\b Page2 Introductio n& Table ofCon tents Page3 TheMaran tzTra dition Pag e4 SC�7S2 Stereo Control Amp lifier Page\f MA�9S2 Mon aura lPow erAmp lifier Page6 SC�\b\bS\b Stereo Control Amp lifier Page7 SM�\b\bS\b Stereo Power Amp lifier Page8 PM�\b\bS2 Integra tedAmp lifier Page9 PM�\b\fS2 Integra tedAmp lifier Page\b0 SA�7S\bSuperAud ioCD Player Page\b\b SA�\b\bS2SuperAud ioCD Player Page\b2 SA�\b\fS2SuperAud ioCD Player Page\b3 TT�\b\fS\bVinylDisc Player Pag e\b4 TechnologyHighlights Page\b\f Specifications 2 Compo nentst\fat bring music tolife!

Page 2

TheMa rantz Tradition Th ename Mar antz is\bif anyt hing \bm ore prominent todaythanwhen SaulB.Ma rantz founded the company in1953. Even in th os e early days\b perhap sno one and nocompany was as recognized forthe passionate pursu itof high quality soun drepr oduction. If any one thing stood outfrom the begin ning\b itwas Saul's insistence thatgood indus tria l design wasasim po rtan tas superior pe rfor mance. Arresting cosmetics\b he kne w\bwould playan ess ential role inbringing electronics outof the garages and basements and into theliving roomsof m usic lover seve rywhere. Inde ed\b Saul' sear ly training wasin the graphic artseven thoug hhis interes tin electr onics began whilehewasver yyoung. Asitdid formany\b service inWor ld Wa rII ga ve him the opportunit yto enl arge his hob byist 'sknowledge. Mu sic\b long apart ofhis life\b took onan even moreimp orta ntrole after he retu rned toNew YorkCityfrom thePacific Thea ter. Marantz joinedthe New YorkSociety ofClas sical Guitarwhere hebec am ebot haser ious student ofthe instrument andaclose friend ofguitar maestro AndrésSegovia. Thi s combination ofdesi gn sensibili ty\bknowl edge of elec tronic s\blo ve for music\b and anuncanny ability toenvi sion better waysto repro duce musi cin the home eve ntu allyled to the develop ment ofthe "Audio Consolette\b" auniqu eprea mplifier\b andtothe founding ofthe Marantz Company. Suppor tedbyagrowing enginee ring tea m led bythe now legendar ySidney Smith\bandstaffed bysuch luminaries asDick Sequerra\b MitchCotter\b and many others\bMarantz soongained aninte rnat ional reputation foroutstanding performa nceand cosmetic sophistication. Many product s\bespecially theMode l7 preampl ifierandtheModel 9monau ralpower amplifier\b were nothing shortofrevol utionary. Infact\b they are icons still\b andth eir supe rbperformanc eand timeless elegance continu eto infl uence ourmost capabledesigns. Thecurrent Mar antz Referenc eSer iesis the best contempor aryexpress ionofthese longheld strengths. If ever theword "inspiration" has meaning\b you'llfindit in this Refe rence collec tion. Maran tzRef erence. Thehighestrewa rd you canoffer youraudit orysense... andyouraes thetic expectations. 3 \breat industrial designisas important assuperior performance. �Sa ul \b.Mar antz