Marantz 2 Owners Manual

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Marantz 2 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Marantz 2 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

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l, fir-'7". F- ll ,


The Marantz Power Amplifier has been designed and constructed to give a long, trouble} .ree life of fine listening quality. 5,"..-
Here is the type of pertc ormance and workmanship that previously was found only in high quality Broadcast or if»?
Laboratory equipment. A built- -tn me ered test instrument permits simple, accurate adiustments for optimum performance. :1:
. \Cfi
40 Watts (80 Watts Peak} "Ultra-Linear" operation. 20 Watt 23/2db of overall feeaback. l20db in triode position). Great N:
Triode Operation. Switch changes output connections to care has been taken to ensure stability and low distortion 5;
protect speakers of low-power rating. under widely varying loads, both resistive and reactive, such 3 \\
,.. as are encountered in loudspeaker systems. Power supply b- \
OUTPUT CONNECTIONS surges are balanced Cut of signal channels providing excel- k
y 4, 8 and 16 ohms from Ground Return. 4, 3 and l6 ohm lent recovery from strong transients. V/ill not oscillate under s:
; Variable Damping returns. any condition of open circuit copacotive load. a}: x
. .93.? \
. 35119? am" '"PU'S 07w, RMS "0 JOSK l Preamp 9' Better than 90 db below 40 Watts containing proportiorr~ 1:
I vo ts MS into 285K. ately little at high order components. \5;
I RESPONSE: :- '- P 1- I r-w-I' 2'
, , . McTcRcD Tests AND ADJUo MN 2:
At 40 Watts: Within Olab from 20 cps to 20 kc. Within ldb . D B , C J i A! l - é"
: from l5 cps to 45 kc. At V2 Watt: :lab from 2 cps to 50 kc. .Blcs. l 'C'. haiance, g. ' qurfe la'rive, . i' accurate y 00 \Q
= Response has been deliberately rolled all approximately Sdo gustao e wrt m hm Arsonva meter and my SWIM. Es
. ' at lOO kc to control transient response. Subsonic Filter: ln POWER SUFPLY 7+};
j Preamp and "High-Gain Filtered" inputs, response is slowly . _ . . . . 3?
3 rolled all below 20 cycles {Less than ldb at 20c--lOdb at The use 0! O transmittingtype o'fnp conaenser, choke, tele- \h:\
- _' 3c; etc.) ' phone quality electrolytic and the new type éAUd-GTA as 21%;
heater-cathode rectiliers provide.- protection from starting
DISTORTION surge voltages, improved regulation and thorough filtering. its
Q '3
Total Harmonic Distortion at 40 Watts~ Less than 01% at Vi"
. - - \ "". r: a a - . '.
"ldleQuencies. Less than 0.57. from 20c to 10 kc. Less than PO NCR RQU CAGENTS \2:

1.5% at 20 kc with resistive load (For less at equivalent volt-
ages with inductive speaker loads}. lntermodulation Distor.
} tion at 40 Watts equivalent (30 Watt Peak) Less than 0.5%
l ' {60c/l2lic., 4:1}; (LM. measurement of typical amplifier: 40 'W.
equiv., 0.35%.- 20 W. equiv., 0.10%; 10 W. eauiv., O.ll%l.
Distortion below 30 W. is largely of 2nd order and reduces

5 rapidly with signal level.


Greater than 20 from 20c to 20l connections}. Continuously Variable from 5 to 1/z with Vari-

Design center.- H7 volts. ()0 cycles. Range: l05.125 volts. 50
Watts at zero signal,- 201? Watts at maximum signal.


l-l2AX7/ECC83, l-éCC-7, 2-6CA7/EL34, 2-6AU4GTA

15"x 9' 2): 6 2 47 lbs.
5 219.00

able Damping connections. West of the Mississippi-$229.00 -
m M cw w... rm- 5- fm-I Ema-1"- mm l5?" ----.-----.--

Jung. WHmfi-fin- chm-*4 MM flunk-whiz Ml Wm-Pw- ' . . J x: if... (#x __ f, : u 0 'K

' 1...... - y _ .3; . R." 'L ~ ; ; ' :...' If ,r_ .; '-_
:3'co\l\1"-.'. is}; \aN-JJI.AJ4N so; tt\t-o.

2'31! "fi -RM "' M '5' M" .-I' ml . ...,' - eH-r . a-"-"" . 'E-m" x... fit --~ r v-v-n »- ' _ "
W: - , , :L...., M I. KW-.. 5-0- M.
a hr-\QrQ M, U iii/1" r I ma"?- 2 q} :7; ~__1_ No 18
47V'7 " J I kn b ' '

Page 2

. Ir I L;- .' 3- .- g o - _ £5. ' fan's
' 0 fl rflw"fl .1 I'd-fl [3, Q E; -. t. .X I. In . 3";1 :0- ' , ._ '1'. ' v
I - of} I I. Offline; .LIHU DELLTQI. 1503.1. 1:131: I" I I " "" 3,- 3 - I I: J "3.. 'i I I 3!"; IR...
. . a . : AVTI "#T" *3 I
I Elm-Iitz MN] spihh. {QC-; LI 3 7 mg"- q '7 . I! (--
r ' J /*\J 7 " .4 K II :1 f
. . mohflIE \,,35:@w: ...H
-' VVvvaJw~av~"1;3z
r. " *5, 3-3 ~ 13-!!- ,-.- -f .1 F: .3 q H ' . " n ' ~ in _ -1- . fl. '3 ... _ H 0'" . 11
l'ne mPef orased p: vective,5:111e 13 held 1n 311:3 3y -ou: sIrIug c1-413. -3 3.1
t H *
«Ir-t .3- -. 1... J .I. ~.. -' I, A... . 5.- : mm '7 ,r.'-
be remOVGC-I. 1110.: U erS AZ-y iii U11 8. lLSfJI-V C L 6 fl .4 \. .10 C HQ 0 :3 J 4

3°emPv 0 P J along toy or sides witi3 tools or damaa sh may 3333;3,
Remove all p; otective pacl :ing around the tubes cud replace gr 11s a3ter carefulgy
positioning flush with top and sides. .A little pr es3ure wills snap it sac.
place. . _ . I

Input and output cables may'be attached and dressed down the front and uI der the
amplifier where it can then he led out the'bachI The grille will then.hide all.
Wires, tubes, etc.

llTVolts, 60 cycles (for.A C opera3iOn only}. IAll Specifications are based on
this voltage. The usable range is from 105 to 125 volts, 50-00 cycles.~

There is a choice of three input connection to the Marantz Power am3lifier3
l.- PREAMP- This input is recommended for most preamplifiers.

At this connection a 2 volt signal will drive the
amplifier to its full output. .A subsonic filter - ,
rolls off frequencies below 20 cycles so as to

supress Speaker "breathing" and other subsonic dis-

turbances. ' '

2.- EIGH.GAIN}FILTERED- F r prea 31111ers that have a low out-
put voltage capaoility. .Also me y be used there
loudspeaker has very low efficiency. A.sig (33113.. of
0.7 volts is required here for full LO watt output.
SubSonic filtering is also in effect.

3.- HlGH GAIN UNT1L3&CD~ SaIe as acove in sensit1vi ty but

' 'without the subsonic filter, response bciu3'111n3a1.ed
to below 2 cycles. This input is direct to the 1n-
put grid and is used in testing fre." ncy resnonse

or for special applications where Sb onic reasonse

is needed.




When not using Variable Banning:

l.-USe "Ground Ret"cn (center ter.minal) on loud sneaner Out-
put terminal strip togethe rwith impedance ta: on
right which matches soee Jeer.

2o-Variable Damping control must oe swi eched of


for proyeI

To Use Variable D3pIn
wlff Instead of usual round return, connect to c rre syonging
"'Variaole D1 cpingQRe'm wn . .
For.Exem@le: An.8 ohm S§eaferwill have ne 1 ed on th
8013.11 tap to right and the other on fi ta. ""0 the left.
2.- Turn.Variable Damying"
damping factor.

1+0 W ATE-20 T All. u. QiiLCH:
This unit has seen designed primarily as
systems of a lower power rating coul easiiyh
through at 3 Dover. To protect these '
