Kenwood KD 492 F Owners Manual

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Kenwood KD 492 F Owners Manual

Extracted text from Kenwood KD 492 F Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2


Your choice of this product indicates that you are a devotee
to excellence In sound reproduction.

We appreetata your patronage and take pride in the long tradi-
tion at quality components that our company represents

So that you can get the most out oi your unit, we suggest that
you take the timeto read througn this manual belore you hook
up and operate your system, This will acquaint you with oper-
ating features and systamrconnectlorl considerations so that
your listening pleasure will be enhanced right irom the start.
Vou win notice that in all aspects or planning, engineering,
styling, operating convenience and adaptability we have sought
to anticipate your needs and desires,

Keep this mnnunl hnrldy tor futun rum.

For your records

Record the serial number, found on the back of the untt, in
the spaces designated on the warranty card, and in the space
provided below. Reiar to the model and serial numbers
wnenever you call upon your dealer tor information or service
On this product.

Model a Serial Number


Unpack the unit carelully and make sure that all accessories
are put aside so they will not be lost,

Examine the unit for any possibility 0' shipping damage. If your
unit is damaged or falls to operate, noiily your dealer immedi-
atelv. if your unltwas shipped to you directly, notify the ship-
ping Company without delay. Only the consignee (the person
or company receiving the unill can tie a claim against the car
rier lor shipping damage.

We recommend that you retain tne original oarton and pack
ing materials lor use should you transport or ship the unit in
the future.

Contents Caullnn: Read the minds marked A euroiully tn ensure safe operation.

A Eelore applying power.
A Salsty precautions
Parts nomenclature ..


Connections. , . 5
Operating lnstructlons . a
Maintenance. .ll
In case pl dlnrculty .11
Spacificallons ,

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