Kenwood 9 R 59 Service Manual

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Kenwood 9 R 59 Service Manual

Extracted text from Kenwood 9 R 59 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1





Page 2


EXTERNAL VIEW ................................................ 3
TOP CHASSIS VIEW ............................................. 4
BOTTOM CHASSIS VIEW ........................................... 5
BLOCK DIAGRAM / DIAL CORD STRINGING ............................ 6
PC BOARD ..................................................... 7

TOTAL PARTS LIST ....................................... 8~10

IF UNIT ................................................... 11

AF UNIT .................................................. 12
ADJUSTMENT ................................................... 13
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ............................................ 14

SPECIFICATIONS ................................................ 15

Page 14


Inject signal generator output to the point i . .
where the G3 lead from the coil kit is connect- b d l MGChaUICBI filter,
nment ed to the switch. Also connect ground side A NO 0.3 ' matching trans-
to the chassis. CBS? l 0" l former and lFT
(Feed 455 kHZ signal) I core
. . Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm , , .
:tIOW freq, end 03C CllCUlt resistor across A1 and E terminals. A 600 kHZ I A band padding
(Feed 600 kHz signal) i condenser
. . . Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm l , ,
Igth'gh freq. end 08C C'rcu't resistor across A1 and E terminals. A 1.400 kHz l A band 05C
(Feed 1,400 kHz signal) i trimmer
: » . . Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm I , ,
th'gh freq. end ANT circun resistor across A1 and E terminals. A 1,400 kHZ . A band ANT 8
(Feed 1,4,00 kHz signal) . I RF trimmer
- - Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm l I . I .
dnlow freq. end OSC CHOU resistor across A1 and E terminals. B 17 HZ i B oand 08C CO"
' (Feed 1.7 MHZ signal) 1 core
Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm ( , ,
Snlow freq, end ANT' RF resistor across A1 and E terminals. B 1 7 HZ BF band ANT
(Feed 1.7 MHz signal) Fi COII core
j h h fre . e d OSC rc 't Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm , ,
nt '9 q n Cl Ul resistor across A1 and E terminals. (3 4 H2 (I B band 08C
(Feed 4 MHz signal) .( trimmer
' l
d h h fe . d ANT, RF Feed Signal generator output through 400 ohm I . I
m lg r q en resistor across A1 and E terminals. B B band ANT.
(Feed 4 MHz signal) RF trimmers
d | fie _ end OSC circut Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm , I . .
mow q I resistor across A1 and E terminals C C band 05C CO"
(Feed 6 MHz signal) core
d lo f . nd ANT, RF Feed signal generator outputthrough 400 ohm . I
Jnmegt req e resistor across A1 and E terminals. c RCF barfId ANT &
1 (Feed 6 MHZ signal) cm core
h h fre . end OSC circuit Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm I I
t lg q resistor across A1 and E terminals. C C_ band OSC
(Feed 12 MHz signal) trimmer
h' h fre . end ANT. RF Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm , .
:anméit q resistor across A1 and E terminals. c ifF band ANT 8i
1 (Feed 12 MHZ signal) trimmers
lo fre . e d OSC circ it Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm I I .
I t w q n U resistor across A1 and E terminals. D 3' band 08C
(Feed 13 MHZ signal) C i core
(d l f _ d ANT, RF Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm I : . ,
;a.ig:rv,(enrfq en resistor across A1 and E terminals. D 13 Hz E RPF banId ANT &
, (Feed 13 MHZ signal) It I COI core
id in" h f . d SC - c t Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm :3 I . ,
III i9 req en 0 ctr uI resistor across A1 and E terminals. D 26 MHZ E D band OSC cail
V (Feed 26 MHz signal) I trimmer
h h f . d ANT, RF Feed signal generator output through 400 ohm , is I I
ignliemreq en resistor across A1 and E terminals. D 26 MHZ '. lEF band ANT 3
(Feed 26 MHZ signal) trimmers

adjustment of the RF trimmers in Step 16, a shift of the receivers osculator frequency and resultant
'ition point drift may occur due to a "pulling" effect phenomena,

case, the band spread dial should be used to keep the signal tuned in at maximum reception point.
week of the RF and ANT trimmer adjustment can be made by connecting a short lead ot the antenna
9 it near a fluorescent lamp.

nierterence reception will indicate correct adiustment.