Kef Caprice II Brochure

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Kef Caprice II Brochure

Extracted text from Kef Caprice II Brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

A new dimension .
in highf delity.

Th_e KEF

Snecuulrsnhon has been me key In 1hr: s.cccus nl lhe
KEF loudspeaker angular lhcv have pnneerec marry
aspecls ol laudspenker doslgn \vhrch have SHCE bee"
armored lmougnou! i716 Industry

Thrxse VC'udL

compasrle drapnragms m melul a'd plasllc

com pule' desgnm mud-'19 'reiwnrks

me applcalio'r ol mgual meauure'ne'll lech'lIQues
cinclm'uc overload protect-m

compulensed'. carhol

Now lor lhe M51 mm mm me KEF Referrce Ser'esvrl
may 00 c'ai'nedwrm cowlde-lce Ihal lne sla-rdard ol
pedormance ach mm by in? speaker Syslu' cesrrer
rs realized In lull for each and every purchaser. and is no!
lusr confined lo Inn spatially [Jreoa'ed models lrwuenlrv
used we demoflslralron a"d Dress rev arr-s.

The acvm ced malhemaircal wficepls a'fid compule'
Iccnnoiogy wh:ch makes the D'DJUCIID'i oi KEF
Relevance 501 or. possmlowcrv mrgrlaly p-meered by
KEF as a research project slancu m l97l lls
subsequent velmemmr rd applicallm ball-r to produc!
dmnlopmenl and producllon. mlh lhe assocraled
masswu vwcslmml l" campulers measuring and
D'Dduclron lacrllr 05 IS evidence ol KEFs cmermmaum
to produce :rulv accuale. callbialefl domosllc
laudspeakms r1 c0'thnuous Droduclo'l ("lua'illlICS

Based on nccurnm mcawremenls rd 3 llm-ooghrless
0' D'OdUCllO'T co'lwl much was lormerly possiue onlv In
laboralorv mndrtlors Ihesr: rrmmalwc lechfiqucs
combrne In acme vlng a sla'tdam oi pedorma'fcn lo
snwsly me most Siringml rmu rprrrsr-Js imposed lnr
p'o'esslmal monrlormg purposes In pan cularr lno
anally Io produm qudspcakers l"- palm mm are closely
malc had lm sensmwly and lreque'rcy ruspolso ms.ri?s
"0| unry consalml Imal balance. but also remarkanly
sharp and lulelvke slereo magi-r9 wan uppronnalley
rc-cnrdon programme malarial

Smce {no me KEF slaned maqulaclurmg loud
speakers «1 196: I'm accousllc omefils 01 n5 producls
have always been demonslraole l'trllally. KEFs use cl
advanced mammals lm rue conglruclrm nl drum mil
draphragms allcrwm lhe creation (:1 producls capable 0|
broader banawudlnr grealer clarity arr-1 improved
c0srslency Ina-1 was DOSSIDIE wllh cowenlro'ral

Now ai any miumn lerE-l - up in cancer! nalv aynamrcs
- the REF Relevmco Senes ollcrs unsurpassed realism
accurale :onal balance and sle'eo perspectwn (war a
WIGB area Even when usmg hlqh pow-3r umplvlnc-vs
capabln oi Gal-vermg inn full aynnmrc range cap1urod Dy
modem rocoramg lenmqunu . lrre systems are pmlecled
Imm damage by a unique scllrpowmm proleclron
devlce lS-STOPl which ensures lhai accrdenlzrl overload
carol damage v-lal connme'fls 01 dISlurD system

Chorale III

Chorale ||| rs a very compact lwoway loudspeaker ol
medium elllcrency lls excepnonally sma I me makes
ii an ideal chance lor bookshell Inslallalrons and Il rs
easily accommodaled even when space is very
reslrlcled lls desngn rs so well opmmsea mm It oux-
parlnrrns loudspeakers lwo or Ihree lmes larger The
cabinet 15 lunrshed in Srrrulaled walnul veneer wilh a
brown Iexlile gulla

Specification: Si3022

anuoncy 79H71020kHz: 30831

tango: 2m on relevance axis l-'- 0118
al 50H: and JOkHzl

Maximum 105GB spl or. programma

output: peaks under typical
"slen'ng condrrons

Characteristic 86:18 5p: 31 lm on

unlilivity relerence axis for punk

luv-l: noise inuulol iW


ruling: 60W


finned-net: 8 ohms

Wniglm 4 7kg

Dimcnlionn: 370ml - 220 (w) > :60mm ((1)

Page 2

Coda III

Coda lIl rs a two-way compact system 01 medium
cfilcrcncy whtch oroducts amazrng sound qualrty lrom
such a small enclosure. It Is casrly accommodated in
smaller homes and canine used on sholws or stands
Coda lll rncoroorzrres Important new technical
features wrlh a olaasrng tront ballle colour scheme to
sull contomoorary trends rn domestic decor

Cantor Ill

Cantor HI ls a compact lwo»way loudspeaker

ol mcdlum clltcloncy lulled wrlh a passlvc bass
radralor which maintains low lrcquoncy response
well below 60 Hz.lls aslonrshlng sound oualtly and
general perlormance are equalleo only by
expensive systems more than tour trmes larger. The
cabtnel ls lrnished rn simulated walnut w:lh a brown

Spoomootion: SPGOt 6

Frequency 60Hz to ZOkHzl: 368 at

nngo: 2m on reference was (-1 (MB
at 50H: and 30kH2)

lnlmum l07dB Spl on programme

output: peaks under tymcal
Irslenlng condmons

Char-notorious 87dB sol at lm on

sonnllivity rolerence axis for prnk

loo-l: noise rnput or lW


ntlng: 100W


impodlnoo: 8 ohms

Weight: 656kg

Dimorulono: 470 (h) x 280 (w) x 212mm(d)

lexlilc gnllc

Specification: SP3029

Froquonoy 58Hz to ZOKHzt 368 at

rongo: 2m on relerence axis (-1 UdB
al 43Hz and SORHzl

Hula-um 107GB spl on programme

output: peaks under tyorcal
llstonrng condrttons

Char-chunk: 87dB sol at lm on

oomltivity relerence axis lor ornk

lovol: n0rse rnoul ol 1W


tiling: 100w


lmpodonoo: 8 ohms

Wolgm: 6 8kg

Dlmomlono: 502 lh) v. 247 lw) x 212mm ((1)

Page 5

Reference Series
Mod. 105.4

A dernralwe ol lhe lamous Model 106 maintaining
me same Slandards ol iarlnlul reproduction wilh only
s'ighuy reduced bass perlormance.

Opllmurn slerco imaging and lonal balance are
acnievea by adiusling lhe position or live head

assembly WI." the aid ol an animal allgnmeni UEViCO

An adjustable peak level nncicalor is also incorporated
All drive units are compuler-malched lo close

S-STOP electronic overload prerecuon onwales
damage due lo accrdewlal overload Inge

Specification: SP1120

Frequency SSH: to 20mm. 268 al

range: 2m on relevance am (-l 008
al 30H: and 30km)

Iuimmn 10808 spl on programme

output: peaks under lyplcal

llslenlng condlllons

cnencterietle 8668 sol al im on

eeneilivity reference axis lor pink

level: noise maul oi 1W (anecholc

Progmnrne ruling: 200W


impedence: 8 ohms

Weight: 22kg

Dimension 936 m) a 350 (w) - 380mm ((5)

Reference Series
Mod. 1 05.2

The unusual appearance of Ibis loudspeaker
(shown above wrlnoul lls lull grille cover) resulls
lrom lls advanced lecnnrcal snecmcalion I: is
unequalled lor as open, any roproduclmn 0! music
and vorces

Opurnum slereo imaging and renal balance are
achieved by noiuslrng the poslllon ol lhe head

A" drive was are compuler-malcned to case

S-STOP eleclronic overloaa protection

Specification: SM 1 18

Frequency 38H: [0 22KHZ. 208:]!

range: 2m on relevance axis (-i 003
al 28H: and 27mm

Heximum 10MB spl on program

ouiplm peaks under lypical
lolenlng conditions

Chamoierinlo BSdB am at lm on

eeneitlvny reterence axis lor pink

levell noise inpul 0! UN (anecholc

Programme ruling: 200W


impedance: 8 ohms

Weight: 36kg

Dimensions: 965 (h) r 41 5 (W) x 455mm (6]