Jvc Turntables Catalog

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Jvc Turntables Catalog

Extracted text from Jvc Turntables Catalog (Ocr-read)

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1:313:11 WUL-LEBFN

Closer to the Musical Truth

Page 2

JVC Turntables- Designed to Fight Resonance and Vibration

While the operating concept of a turntable is far simpler than that
of a cassette deck, its performance can be severely limited by two
factors: speed inaccuracy and resonance. The first factor is no
longer of concern thanks to the Quartz-PLL design for controlling
and stabilizing motor speed. Wow & flutter and speed deviation are
reduced to totally insignificant levels, far below the audible


But resonance is a completely different story. Ideally. no part

[rilllfllll luck

JVC Quartz is the most accurate
means to maintain exact platter
rotation speed.

JVC introduced the worlds first
Quartz turntable back in 19711
Since then we've continually
upgraded Our technology Today
our Double-Servo Quartz turns
tables-r first introduced in 1978~
are thirty times more aCCurate
than conventional Quartz designs
To be soecrlic. they offer the
following advantages.

il .70 times better speed
accuracy than conventional direct-
drive turntables

2t 00 times better resistance
to temperature and voltage
caused speed fluctuations than
conventional direct-drive turn

1-)) 100 times better speed
stability than conventional direct
drive turntables in terms of reSist-
ance to drag Such as caused by
heavily modulated grooves.

Our coreless Super FG Servo DC
motor: Accurate and cog-tree.
In every JVC Quartz turntable. a
coreless DC motor is assisted by
a Double-Servo Quartz control
system for amaZIngly accurate
rotation and speed detBCIIOfT The
coreless deSign eliminates cog-
ging. yet retains high torque. The
DoublevServo Quartz control
system employs phase corn-
parison and Output integration for
absolute accuracy Little wonder.
then. that every JVC Quartz
turntable delivers wow and flutter
of 0025 Li or less lWRMSl. and

a signal-to-iiOise ratio approaching
BOdB (DlN-Bl.

New coreless DC servo motor
with magnetic support.

The coreless motor of the QL-YESESF
features a unique rriagnetic sup-
port system for the platter. By
means. of magnetic attraction. the
platter floats above the motor and
cabinet The result is that the load
applied to the fulcrum of the
platter is reduced to Just ltl
"Ormal This means less riecharii~
cal wear Also. because the
fulcrum is now iust beneath the

of a turntable should resonate. Yet every major part of a turntable
can and does resonate and vibrate-the arm, the cabinet and the
platter. We have attacked the problem of resonance from various
angles: the heavy and solid multi-layered cabinet. the coreless
direct-drive motor, the low-mass straight tonearm, the Electro-
Dynamic tonearm. the Independent Suspension. As the length of
our list grows, the problem of resonance lessens. And the sound of
our turntables gets better and better.

platter. platter wobble is reduced
too. This helps improve sOund by
reducmg wow and flutter, while, at
the same time, increasing the
SlgllaHO-YQISG ratio

Independent Suspension system
reduces problems caused by
acoustic feedback.

Spund and shock waves-
whether generated by speakers or
footstepscause imperceptible
Vibrations in a turntable. This in
turn creates a type of annoying
low-fieouency interference known
as acoustic feedback which tends

to muddy SOUfld JVC neutralizes it
by mounting the tonearm (and
motorl on a separate subchassis
suspended from the main chassis
by ac0ustic insulators

'Low-mass straight tonearms:
for better tracking.

The combination of a high-com-
pliance cartridge and a massive
tonearm creates a resonance fre~
ouency that falls within the same
low-treatiency range as freouen-
cres generated by record warps
and eccentriCities, When the car-
tridge is called on to reproduce

Block Diagram of Double-Servo Quartz ClontrolflSystem

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Refinance Signal

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