Jvc 4 DD 5 Owners Manual

This is the 7 pages manual for Jvc 4 DD 5 Owners Manual.
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Jvc 4 DD 5 Owners Manual

Extracted text from Jvc 4 DD 5 Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2


To get the optimum perlormance tram your 4 channel stereo system the lollow-ng
pomts should be noted:

A magnetic cartridp must be used with a lreouencv response extending to dkaz
The ma ol a cartridge with a Smoate stylus is recommended The stylus pressure should
be less than 35 9 A turntable or record player with mlnlmum arm lriction shoutd be
used. Signal cord: 0' low cmcitence between me player and demodulator ere


Cations ....................................... . ..... . 1
Connecting Diagram ........ . . . . . . . . 2
Rear Penel Connections ...... . ................................ 3
Front Panel Controlt ........ . ...................... . . . . i ..... 4
Bottom Plate Control .................................. i . . . . . 4
Muttrnent .............................................. . 5
Soocilicetiom .............................................. 6



C04 Minn

C04 must H to match the cartridge and stylus truth the demodulator. Onoe It
has been done it need not be done again until the cartridge or stylus is changed
lrutdlnion olCartrid' 59.1 tel. lbl

ll. when a cartridge is installed, it rs positioned as chm in Fig. 1 (al. the tom
quality wrll be umatislnctory Mite sure that it es installed correctly so that it is
pe'pefldicular to the record surlxe. Fig. 1 {bl

Fit). | t!) Fig. I lb)

W Interference

When a 004 record player wstem is close to a TV. interlerenoe they occur

during the playing of records. It you cannot Witch 0" your TV when pleying

CD 4 records, make sure that the distance between the TV and the record player

is eullncient. lNorrneIIyS to a IL is enouvt)


ll) (:04 records ere, as All records, sensitive to dull. end the tone oullty cm
lufler very easily. Be sure to clean your records with a cleaner belore end
alter playing. Do not use cleaners which oontem solvent no do not wash
your records mm water, es this will increeie the noise lent

(2) Dust on the lip ol the stylus will alto increow noiw. Clean the stylus with
the hmfit wounded belore Maytag.

l3) Even -l 2-annnel stereo records are played with the C04 urn-dye. this
mil not reduce the servrce life 0' the stylus or record.

I!) When I 2-chennel record which contains an undesirable persons: sips
produces a blasting noise. set the Selector Switch to the 26H position.