Heathkit 1958 Catalog

This is the 70 pages manual for Heathkit 1958 Catalog.
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Heathkit 1958 Catalog

Extracted text from Heathkit 1958 Catalog (Ocr-read)

Page 2


Alignment Generator ..... 21
Alerand Receiver ...... 46
AM Tuner .......... 3
Amateur CW Transmitter . . . 51

Amateur DX-lOO Transmitter 1 48

Amateur Phone-CW
Transmitter ........ 50

Amateur Radio Equipment 1 . 45

Amplifiers . . . 5,7, 8, 9, 11, 12
Analog Computer ...... 42
Antenna Impedance Meter . . 53
Antenna Power Meter . . . . 53
Audio Analyzer ....... 14
Audio Generators . . . 13,15,17
Audio Oscillator ....... 13
Audio Vacuum Tube

Voltmeter ........ 16
Audio Wattmeter ....... 16
Balun Coil Set ....... 49
Battery Charge Indicator , . , 56
Battery Eliminator1 . . . 34, 35
Battery Eliminator Filter . 1 . 34
Battery Tester ....... 44
Binding Post Set ...... 36
Broadcast Receiver 1 . . 40, 41
Capaci-Tester ........ 33
Capacity Meter 1111111 32
Color Bar Generator ..... 22
Computer ......... 42
Conelrad Alarm ....... 47
Condenser Checker ..... 31
Condenser Substitution Box , 31
Cross-Over (Electronic) . . . 11
Crystal Radio ........ 40
Decade Condenser ...... 32
Decade Resistor ....... 32
Direction Finder ....... 55
Electrolysis Detector ..... 56
Electronic Cross-Over ..... 11
Electronic Switch . . . 20, 54
EIectronicVoice Control. . . 1 54
Enlarger Timer ....... 44
FM Tuner ......... 2
Fuel Vapor Detector ..... 57
Grid Dip Meter ....... 45
Handitester ......... 30
Harmonic Distortion Meter , . 15
High Fidelity Equipment . . . 2
lgnition Analyzer ...... 39

Impedance Bridge ...... 36

Isolation Transformer i . . 33
Laboratory Generator . , . , 29
Marine Equipment ...... 55

Oscilloscope (5 Color TV) , . 18
Oscilloscope (5" Gen. Purpose) 19
Portable Radio, ...... 41
Power Meter (RF) . , . , 53, 57
Power Supply (Regulated) . . 38

Power Supply (Vibrator) 1 . . 38
Preamplifier ........ 4
High Voltage ....... 25
Low Capacity ....... 19
PeakrtorPeak . 1 . 25
RF ............ 25
Scope Demodulator , . . , 19
0 Meter ......... 37
Q" Multiplier ....... 47
Radiation Counter ...... 43
'Receiver (All-Band) ..... 46
Receiver (Broadcast). . 40, 41
Reflected Power Meter 1 1 . . 53
Resistor Substitution Box. 1 . 31
Signal Generator (Audio) . a , 13

Signal Generator (Color Bar) . 22
Signal Generator (RF) . 21, 28,29

Signal Tracer ........ 27
Sinequuare Generator . . . . 17
Speaker Systems ..... 6, 10
Speaker (Utility) ...... 45
Square Wave Generator . . . 13
Sweep Generator ...... 21
Transistor Direction-Finder , . 55
Transistor Radio ...... 41
Transmitters . . . . 48, 50, 51
Tube Checker ........ 26
Tube Checker (Cathode Ray) . 23
Tube Test Adapter ..... 26
Tuner (AM) ........ 3
Tuner (FM) ......... 2
TVAIignmentGenerator . . , 21
Vapor Detector . . . 57
Vacuum TubeVoltmeter . 16, 24
VFO ............ 52
Vibrator Power Supply . . . . 38
Vibrator Tester ..... , . 35
VoiceOperated Relay ..... 54
Voltage Calibrator ...... 20
VOM ............ 3U


are easy-to-buildl . . .

MANUAL . . .

Everything you need to know
is contained in this clearly
written text. It has been espe-
cially designed to take you
through every phase of as-
sembly wrth ease, even
though you may be a com-

Instructions begin at the very
beginning, and even illustrate
and describe the proper pro-
cedure for making good
solder Connections.You rant
go wrong it you follow the


Now you ran qtve Healhkils to whatever dollar value von
choose and toe. rettpmlll ul your out! (,an select the ms
he want; 101 [no value at tne tertilrcate Baautltully designers.
and anprnuriute Iur any occaszon, this is. the.» tuna oi uertritcato
woo will be proud to send to a relative or "land, arm which
WIII let them know how tugnlv vou reqard Ineriv. Just 36an your
chock In the amounl you desire . . . and SDECVV the norm and
tldfllfiss at tho recipient so this. ntoimatrun can he stamped
on the CathIicuthL Illa gm cortmoate NItI rm returned to you.
or tts uwlv envelope, so you can give SI 01 Rand it, lr~ your own
special way A Imc qostnre tnr hirttrduys n-In nnriwersurius.
and m the special glit-glwng seasons throughout the year:

Page 13


By Daystr'o m


20-Watt Amplifier KIT


0 Full 20 watt; output*push-pull 6L6 tubes.

0 Separate bass and treble tone controls.

0 True hi-fi performance *1 db 20 to 20,000 cycles.
0 Four switch-selected compensated inputs.

. Miniature tubes for low hum and noise level.

The Heathkit model AVQC Amplifier offers you the least expensive
route to real high fidelity performance. it employs pushrpull 6L6
tubesto providefuii 20 wattoutput. The preamplifier, main amplifier.
and power supply are ail on one chassis. Thus one compact unit
fills the need for a good high fidelity amplifier with only a minimum
cash investment, Designed primarily for home Installations, the
model ABC is also capable of fulfilling public address require-
ments. it has excellent gain characteristics and full 20-watt power
output. The preamplifier section features four separate inputs, each
properly compensated and selected by panel-mounted selector
swrtch. It has separate bass and treble tone controls, each offering
15 db boost and cut. it employs twinrtriode miniature tubes in pre-
amplifier, tone control, and phase splitter stages for low hum and


Cross-Over KIT

The XO-i Electronic Crossover is designed to operate ahead of the main
amplifiers instead of between the amplifier and the speakers (see block
diagram). It consists of two independent electronic filters, one hi-pass and
one lowrpass, and each with a rotary switch for selecting the cutofffrequency.
Because high and low frequencies are amplified separately, IM distortion
problems are virtually eliminated. Each channel has its own separate level
control. Crossover frequencies are 100, 200, 400, 700, 1200, 2000 and 3500
CPS. Attenuation is 12 do per octave with sharp "Knee" at the cutoff fre-

quency. Shpg. Wt. 6 lbs.




Frequency Response .
Power Output. .. .
ToQal Harmonic istaruan

:1 db 20 to 20,000 ops.
20 watts.

Tone Controls:
Bass (a( an cps). . . ,,,,,
Treble (at 15 kc). . . .

Tu he Complement. . . . . . ,

Dtménsions.. , .
Shipping Weight. . .,
Power Requiremean

.i% (at 3 db below rated output).

15 db boost,15 db cut.

. 15 db boost, 20 (it: out.
.12AX7 magnetic Dhono Preamplifier and input


12AU7 Voltage amplifier and phase spiitter.
12AU7 Voltage amplifier and tone control amplifiers
Two 6L6G push-pull Dentode Dower amplifiers
5VAG Rectifier.

,.,.l4 x a 7/3 x 7 3/8 high.
.23 lbs.
410-125 volts A0 at 50/50 cycles.

noise levels. The output transformer is tapped at 4, 8, 16 and 500
ohms to match most any speaker system. The power transformer
is shielded and is of the heavy-duty potted" type. A detachable
front plate is employed on the model A»9C so that the plate can be
removed and installed on the outside ofthe cabinet where the shafts
protrude through, for custom installations. Ease of kit assembly has
been assured by supplying a detailed step-by-step instruction
manual with the kit. A specialized knowledge of electronics or wir-
ing techniques is not required. This amplifier is a true high fidelity
unit, covering 20 to 20,000 CPS within :1 db. Total harmonic disr
tortion is less than i% at 3 db below rated output, and the quality of
audio output availabie is excellent. A fine unit with which to start
your own hi-fi system. Shpg. Wt. 25 lbs.



m wnarrr
low mmutmis


mmwé ossroviw



Page 31

By Daystrom


Generator KIT


. Oscillator covers 3,6 me to 220 me entirely on fundamentals-complete

FM and TV coverage.

. Centerswcep circuit swings up to 20 mc each side of center depending

on frequency.

0 Maximum RF output well over .l volt.

. All~electronic sweep-no moving parts or mechanical vibration.

O Built-in crystal marker oscillator and variable marker oscillator.
Crystal supplied with kit.

3 2!:

Many special design features have been combined in the TSVAA
Sweep Generator to make this instrument easy to operate and as re-
liable as possible. An entirely new type of sweep system is used,
which provides electronically controlled center sweep on funda-
mentals throughoutthe entire range of the instrument Fundamental
output is used in the range of 3.6 mc, to 220 me, and there is plenty
of output to align any type of circuit that may be encountered, hot
or cold. The marker and sweep oscillators are well shielded and
isolated from each other to prevent internal interference. A new
type of regulated power supply is used, providing much improved
output amplitude regulation Marker accuracy is assured. since
it is calibrated against a 4.5 mc crystal, furnished with the kit. This
crystal also provides an accurate marker or signal for alignment of
sound IF strips in intercarrier type sets, as well as 4.5 mc spaced
markers for bandwidth identification,

The electronic sweep circuit has nothing to wear out or cause
trouble since no moving parts or vacuum tubes are used. The heart
of the system is a controllable inductor, which varies frequency by
magnetic means. Not only is this device troublerfree and consis-
tent in performance, it also requires very little power to provide wide
range sweeps with excellent linearity. No hot" controls or tubes
to worry about.

The oscillator circuit provides frequency coverage from 3.6 me to
220 mo in four ranges, including the FM spectrum. Sweep deviation
is smoothly controllable from 0 up to as high as 42 mc, depending
on frequency. Fundamentals are used throughout the entire range,
eliminating spurious beats and parasitics that are so often trouble-
some ln beat frequency type sweep generators. The use of funda-

MODEL $ 50
T S - 4A
Band Fronuency (MC) Output v (RMS) Flat within
A" 3.5 to 10 0.23 xv, db
"B 10 to 25 0.22 xv. db
c" 30 to so 0.11 V2 db
D" 30 to 220 o. as 9/, db

(Measurad with H P 4103 High Frequency VTVM without compensation for pulse nature
of output and for Worst db deviation on each band at a fixed center frequency).
Output. Impedance.. 50 ohms, terminated at both ends of cable.
Sweep Deviation .Continuously variable from 0 4 mo lowest max.
deviation 042 mc highest max. deviatlon (oer
pending on base frequency).

Crystal. ,. ,.4,5 mo and multiples thereof (included in kit).
Variable. 19 me to 60 mo fundamentals, 57 me to lBO rnc un
External. ..... . ,.Panel terminals provided for external marker.
Attenuacors . . Slepaswltch controls sweep oscillator and marker
oscillator together, plus separate Variable controls
provided for each output.
Blanking. . . .. .. . . . . . ...Effactive two»way blanking eliminates return

trace. Phasing control also available.
.SEO7A sweep ass. and buffer, 12AT7 variable and
crystal marker 080., l2AX7 blanking and AGC
amplifier, 60L6 shunt regulator, 6X4 rectifier.
3 supplied : output, scope horizontal and snow

,.110v M), 50-60 cycles. on walls.
13" wide x 8V2 high x 7 deep.
16 pounds.

Tube Complement ,. ,

Cables ., ,. .

Power Requirements ,
Shipping Weight.

mentals also gives much more output at all frequenCIes, up to .23
volts RMS on the lower band. and .08 volts RMS at 220 mc, Alignment
of tuners, lF strips, boosters, etc. is made easy due to this high
output. Cold alignment of tuned circuits. filters and traps is also
made possible by the TSVAA, used with a demodulator probe,
Fundamental operation allows smooth control of signal output so
that high gain stages can be aligned without danger of overloading.
Blanking is used to eliminate the return trace and provide a base

The time tested and proven Heathklt step~by-step instruction
procedure is employed in the construction manual, along with
sections pertaining to circuit description, theory of operation and
applications. Detailed information regarding various procedures
used in actual alignment work is also supplied. Alignment problems
are shown and carried through using the sweep generator and an
oscilloscope, and further mention is made of further equipment
such as RF signal generators, grid dippers, etc. The construction
manual fulfills two requirements, a complete construction assembly
and service manual, as well as an alignment procedure and service
technique reference. Many operational features make the new
TS-4A sweep generator unique in the service field. The builtrin
crystal and variable markers afford a degree of flexibility rarely
obtainable in any instrument designed specifically for servicemen.
Ease of operation is enhanced by the new type of center sweep
system, for it is only necessary to set the dial to the appropriate
frequency and turn up the sweep dial to obtain a trace. A truly
outstanding number of features at a tremendous price saving!

