Harman kardon a 310 owners manual

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harman kardon a 310 owners manual

Extracted text from harman kardon a 310 owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1






Allur unput-king the Theme, inspect it carefully {or
any signs at damage in tnnult. Your unit was sub.
)mtpd to many impel-nuns and tests. and than cum-
tully packed. I1 any damage is visible, with the
trlnspnrtatmn company a: once.

Check the cuntzntts ut the package curalully.
You should ilnd:

I Tuner, Model A-JIO

1 Instruction Booklet

I Antenna wire. banked

1 Shielded Output Cable

1 Warranty Card

It in ntrnngly urged that the warranty cant he com~
plated and mailed without daily, It) prutcct your rights
under the warranty. I! you should require repair ser-
vluz or lnlormauua on tho an n! thn 'l'hnmw, we will
be able to Identity your unit immediately, and respond


The Harman-Kantian ceramic lonpsllclt. built Into
the Cult, cumprue: all the antenna required (or the
finest in noise-tree loud AM reception. In locations
more mmm-od from metropolitan mas. an outdoor
antenna may be required. This lbuuld mmxint at n

single wire. as long as it is ronwnuhly prautiml,
located any trum large metal objects, power llnes
or electrical machinery. Connect one and to the All
terminal at the ANTENNA terminal strip on the rvur
M Ilu: chassis.


Due tn the rmrnmcly high PM sensitivity at the
Theme, the 48 inch win: furnished will be sufllclont
antenna tor all but the mnst difficult llX'IltflnF. 0m
and n! the rim uhnukl ha connected tu the PM tat-ml-
n31 ut the ANTENNA terminal strip, the other end
being lelt tree and extended as may be convenient.
In remote locations. 3 standard rum-top dipole and
suitable twin land in wire may be used. totulecltd be-
tween tin:- FM and G termtnnls.


Plug the [Kl-VJ cord into any outlet furnishing ll7
volts, BO cer-s house current. The exact voltage is
relatively untmp'ov-tant. and may vary bctvmvn 105
and 125. Be lurt, howver, that you have 60 cycle
AC power. For many installations such as with the
Trend. Model C300 Amplitinr, it will ho more con-
venient, from an operational point at View. to plug
the power cord 0! the Theme into the convenience
outlets provided on tho amplifier chums, The lunnr
vlll then be turned on or on by the :unpllller power



Page 2


Two receptoclee, method "min-n" will he iolmd at
the rear 01 the chants. For your convenience in
cornice-tin to the amplifier. n M" shielded cable will
he ionnd inthe'lhomepechnc. Plucoaeendotthie
cable into either one at the two output receptaclee,
an! the other end into the appropriate unplilier input

Sincetheoulputclrcnitdthe Theme inch-den a enth-
odI-lollowcr, this cable may he extended to eey m.-
sonehle W withom deterioration oi tone oeeltty.

The secmd oetptn receptacle may be aimlleriy con-
mcted to e tape recorder, to provide pronoun mate-
rial meltectedhythemnndvolnmecontroieoithe


All electriul equipment generates heel which tenet
he allowed to escape. Although the Theme ie well
ventilated in iteell, euliicient epaoe ehmld he lilo-ed
arm it topermlttneeirflow. liltiaplecedinn
hooliceee, it ehmld be located well toward the tract,
to provide a match cieeruioe as possible oi the rear.

Donotputhooke or omrouocumwpotm
Theme. Covering the perforated tube grill will re-
duce the ventthtion and result in nharply reduced
compo-tent and tube lite.


The linrmen-lardon Theme ha only twoopsrntiu
controle. The Notice: switch (et the iett) some to
tare the power «it in its extreme counterclockwise
poeitioe. In any other position the power is turned
(It. 'lhie switch eleo selects among Al receptim,


'lhe'lheme timing meter operateehothonthem
endrlthenrlieaeimiler menu. Whenthere-
oetver ie tunedcompietelyoflny etatim, themeter
willpolnttothelettendottheindicetmncele. As
the hinnlpoeitlonae ywteneaway tromtheetotioe.
hum. Hotethatthepointerwiilehoweaatellex-
euceic-oaaetroapreimi. nemetertheecm
ya: to "alone receptim tron diflerent etetloaeand
tooptimileyoer anhenneeyetem torheetreception.


PM Broaden-this, byite very nature. eliminates el-
moet all nature! and men-nude static. However. the
chancterietlca at III which mehe this possible nieo
melee tor prdaleme in timing. The Harman-Karon
I'heme incorporates en oflective Automatic Frequency
Control (Arc) circuit that overcome these problems
nndineoree prqaer tmlng even it the manual timing to
run accurately dme. The lollowtng experiment will
ind to en moor-tending 01 Arc. and the fuller en-
joyment at the item.

Note that the tunetim selector switch hoe iour poet-
ttone. m poeititm merited "PM-AFC" elmld he oe-
iected whet-cur you wish to tune with the nealetance
oi AFC. amid you wieh to disable the AFC circuit
fully, however. select the position marked "PM." In
this position the AFC circuitry in eliminetcd.

'lune emu the Ill ecele with the lunctiat ewiteh
in the FIE-AFC poeition. Note how the etetime "pop"
into place and how the timing meter pointer simultane-
ously indicates near-optimum tutu of each station
by e tepid deflection to n mnximum poeiuon. Now
heutoany elation, prelorehly one with a molten] pro-
gram. Defeat the A": by turning the hmction switch
to the m poeition, and tune eiowlythrouch thoetntion
from left to right. Notice thei there are three points
where the elation WMI clean. intereperaed with
point! of dtetooted cured. The midis clean-eomdinz
point is the proper tuning position tor the beat tone
quality with minimum notes and interlerenoe. This
ehmld correcpond with the maximum dethction of the
tuning meter. Dettme the ltntim so that the timing
meter returns to near ite minimum pmitloo end the
eoutd is distorted. Turn the ttmction awitch to m-
C, and notice hawthe sound clam opend the meter
ehowe near optimum timing Idem

Actmlly. thettminghneheen reedlmted by the oper-
atim d the Arc circuit, which automatically retunee
the electronic circuits to the center at the station

mm circuit at the thrmn-nrdon Me per-
iorme the further tumtiondovercomtn; eny tendency
oi the tuner to drift.

leorderto telnemeximumadvmteueoithehemiite
oi AFC, it ie «nested thet line tilting he done with
then-lotion switch iaihe I'll position. Whenthe switch
to then turned to the Pie-AFC position the A: will
improvethie enreiul tuninghya tecton- oiloto 1. Thin
procedure ie eepecinlly recommended in those cues
whereoweaketationie tumd close to a etron. elation
Under theee ccmditione, the Arc tney tend to reach
tor the etrcmg etnttm, and completely skip over the
weak etetioo. It the weak etetion ia tuned with the
Arc detected, the Arc willioch it in, after it has been


In some intonation, hum may be encomtered due
to a voltage diflerenee between the Amplifier, tuner
and record changer ehueie. Thie any he eliminated