Grundig RTV 900 A Owners Manual

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Grundig RTV 900 A Owners Manual

Extracted text from Grundig RTV 900 A Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

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70-Wstt~Lsutaprechertaoxen. dle leden
Hahman sprangan. besonders den dar
relatw engen Stareo-Hdnone be: her-
kémmliehen Boxan Wann Sue dle gewal-
tige Klangfalle dleur AudmramavStrshler
erleben. warden Sla alles Blshsrlge ver-
gessen. 12 hoehwemge Lsutspraeher je
Kugel, davon 4 Tlaftonar und 8 Hoehwner.
strahlen den Schsll rundum ln alle Rich-
tungen ab Due Klangwirkung lat faszinie-
rend. Dnbal blenben dia Lautsprecher
selbst glelehsam .akustlseh unsiehthar'
Ema Folge der alnzigartlgen Rundum-
Charsktenatik Die Audromma-Strahler
luaan sleh ubarall aufstellen oder auf<
hungan. Ein elegantas Fuflgestsll und alne
dskoratwe Katte werden mltgelmfart
Ubenragungaberelch: 45. . 0 20000 Hz.
Farba aehwarz odar WSID.

Durchmesser: 31 cm

L'nmmanae amplaur aonore de ces diffu-
seurs AUDIORAMA vous lera cublier tout
ca aua vaus ave: pu antendre jusqu'a
present Douze haut-psrleurs par sphere.
Gent 4 pour les graves et 8 pour lea
médiumsaxgues, sssursnt una drffuslon
dana toutes las durechons, angendrant
amen un alfet sonore lasemant L'Irnpres»
anon stéréophomque est nettement per-
ceptlble; vcus dlstmgusrez svac préclsion
le trmbre natural das dlfférents Instru-
ments. lea haut-parlaurs proprsment dtts
restant pour ama- dlre acousthuemenl
mvlsibles' Une nonséquence de leur
camctarlsllque ommdlrechannelle unique
In duffuaeurs AUDlORAMA peuvent étre
poses ou suspendus punout. cheque
sphere étant Iwrée avec un élégant prete<
man! et une chains decorative

Bands peasants: 45 20000 Hz.
Colorlss nour cu blanc

Dramatre 3| cm

Loudspeaker systems with a power hand-
ling capamty of 70W - more than ade-
quate for even the most demandmg apph-
canons. You are he longer confined to a
small zone of good stereo listening as In
conventlonal systems

The audiorama units are so powerful that
they ovar-shndow anythmg else you have
heard m the past Each sphere contslns
12 hlghly affluent loudspeaker systems
4 of these are bass and rmdranga units.
8 are treble tweeters

Sound radiation ls iully ovum-directional.
leavmg the speakers as such acoustucally

Audrorama umts are suppltad complete
wvth s dacoratwe ehaln and elegant floor
stand to grve a chance of support and to
almpllfy lnstsllat-on.

Frequency Flange: 45 V V 20000 Hz.
Colour. Bladt or white

Dlamater at cm

Box dl sltopsrluntu da 70 Watt ehs amA
phano acustlcamenta ognl amblente In
partlcclare ll campo daacolto create M-
ora dal box normal: La planezza dl suono
d: quash irradiatorl cree nucve sensazlon-
d'eecolto. 12 altoosrlantl per stars (4 per
tom bassu e 8 per tom alti) lrradusno Il
suono ovunque nemp-endo talmente ll
locale da renders glr altoparlantl quasl
scustucsmante invlslblll. Gl- Irradlatan
Audiorama possona essere callocsh o
appeal ovunque, L'Imballo conhene oltra
alla sfera. ancha unelegante catens ed un
supporto astahcamenta malta vslldar
Rispcsta In frequenza: 45 .20000 Hz.
Colore: nero 0 blanco

stmetm' 31 cm

7000 HiFi