Gradiente toca disco tt575 td mx tt 35

This is the 11 pages manual for gradiente toca disco tt575 td mx tt 35.
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gradiente toca disco tt575 td mx tt 35

Extracted text from gradiente toca disco tt575 td mx tt 35 (Ocr-read)

Page 1

TOCA-DISCOS _TT_-S_7S _ Diagrama Esquematico RI4RIO-RIIG Rill RB-RI24 RIOS-RI20-RI18-RI06 RI04 R12·R114 R2R4 RESISTOR Rl23RIRII R105 Rill RI09 RI3 R3-RI07 RII9 R9 R7RlI? CONDENSADOR /CONDENS CI05 C2-CI CI07CI06 CI04 ELETROLITICO OIODO I DIODO EMISSOR LD7 LOS-lDI 0103·0104 ole LD4 L06 LD2 DIC DE LU' LD' CHAVE I FusivEL 57-51+$2-53 sa·S&S5-S4 SQBINA - 0102 TRANSISTOR QI I'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'~l ~l--.. I !:!~ RI09 ~ 0 I 1413 12 II fa 9 rs- I ,[~'-1 «W'" ~ LJ345~ I~ ~\ 57 - oi'i; ~ I~~ Iffi~ I I i ~ I I ~ \ 5. 11::J I~e~ I I PCI-.357~ __ ._!_ 1._. .__ ~r

Page 2

)STT-575 RlIG RI02 RI?:Q-RIZ8 Rl32 RIOI RI03-RI31 R301 RI13 CIOI CI09 CliO CI03 C309 0102 0111 0110 0101 5302 F301 5301 F3Q2 QI03 0101 RI08-RIZO-RI18-RI06 R12-R114 R2R4 RI09 RI3 R3-RI07 RII9 R7 RII? - II -- ~,~ it~ I ! I