Garrard zero 100 brochure

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garrard zero 100 brochure

Extracted text from garrard zero 100 brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Garrard Zero 100 Automatic Turntable

0 GARMID'I new top-of-the-line automatic turntable. the
Zero 100. features a novel articulated tone arm designed
for zero lateral tracking error. The tone arms cartridge
head is pivOted in the horizontal plane. and a separate link-
age. parallel to the stainless steel tonevarm shaft. constantly
changes its offset angle as it moves over the record surface.
Garrard claims the arm has a maximum tracking-angle er-
tor of only 90 seconds. which is l/40 of a degree! This is
far lower than can be achieved by any convemional pivot-
ed tone arm. and Garrard's use of precision-loaded ball
bearings appears to have eliminated problems of pivot play
and friction that have troubled similar designs.

In Other details also. the arm of the Zero 100 differs
from that found on competing automatic turntables. Anti.
skating correcrion is applied by two ceramic disc magnets.
The repulsion between the like poles of the magnets ap-
plies an outward torque to the arm that is adjusted by a
sliding magnetic shield. The shield position is indicated on
a dual calibrated scale. marked to match the stylus force
from 0 to 3 grams for conical styli and from 0 to 2 grants
for elliptical styli. The arm is balanced by an elastically
isolated r0tatable brass counterweight. Tracking force is
set by a separate sliding brass weight on the am. whose
scale is calibrated from 0 to 3 grams in Vrgram intervals.
No springs are used anywhere on the arm. The slidevin
cartridgemounting plate has an overhang adjustment, with
a separate plastic jig for accurate positioning of the stylus.
A two-position leveron the frontofthecartridgehead tilts
the cartridge to set the vertical tracking angle for a single
record or for the center of a full six-record stack. The tone
arm rest post has a built-in lock. spring-loaded so that at-
tempting to lift the locked arm cannot cause damage.

The cast-aluminum platter is driven by a Syn~
chro-Lab constant-speed mator at 33V, or 45 rpm. As on
the Garrard SL958. the playingospeed control of the Zero
100 also sets the am indexing point for 7- . IO~ . and
12-inch records at 33% rpm and for 7-inch records at 45
rpm. A record ofany size can be played manually at either
speed. of course. The platter is covered with a ribbed.
matte-surface rubber mat. There are removable automatic
and singleplay spindles (the latter rotates with the record).
and a single edgesupport post for the record stack in auto-
matic operation. Three levers control all operating func-
tions: automatic start/stop. manual start/stop. and cueing.
This last operates with a slightly damped lift and a slow.
smooth descent that is totally free of lateral drift.

The vernier speed-adjustment control is a ring concen-
tric with the speed selector. The nominal range is 3:2.)


By Hirsch-Houck Laboratories

per cent at 45 rpm and 13.5 per cent at 33% rpm. Illumi-
nated stroboscope markings under the platter are continu-
ously visible through a window on the matorboard during
play. The Garrard Zero I00 is $189.50. A molded plas-
tic base and a dust cover are available for $6.50 each.

. Laboratory Measurements. The articulated arm of the
Garrard Zero 100 lived up to the claims made for it. inso-
far as we could measure its performance. The limiting an-
gular resolution of our tracking-error protractor is about
0.5 degree. and at no time did we find an error larger than
that. Without a doubt. the tracking error of the Zero 100
has been reduced below ordinary measurable limits-and
it is certainly far less than the inherent errors involved in
cartridge mounting.

The arm showed no sign of resonances or other side
effects from its unusual construction. The tracking-force
calibration was accurate within 0.I gram over its full
range. The force increased by about 0.2 gram over a stack
of six records when initially set for a single record. This is
typical of the better automatic turntables we have tested.
We were pleased to see that Garrard's anti-skating correc-
tion. unlike that on most arms. was approximately correct
when set for the tracking force in use. One would expect
the automatic reduction in headoffset angle toward the
inner grooves of the record to require less anti-skating
compensation. Perhaps the wedgeshaped magnetic shield
achieved this result; at any rate. the correction was equally
accurate over the entire record.

The turntable started rapidly at line voltages as low as

70 volts. and its speed was absolutely stable and unaffected
by changes in line voltage or load. The vernier speed ado
iustment had a range ofabout it} per cent. The Zero 100
measured well: wow and flutter were OJ and 0.025 per
cent at 335, rpm. and OJ?) and 0.05 per cent at 45 rpm.
Unweighted rumble was -32 dB. decreasing to -35 dB
when the two channels were paralleled to cancel vertical
rumble. With CBS RRLL weighting. the rumble was 45.5
dB. one of the lower figures we have obtained since we
started making weighted measurements.
0 Comments. Despite its unconventional design (or per-
haps because of it). the Garrard Zero 100 was very easy to
get used to. In particular. the finger lift (a straightforward
extension of the main arm) was exceptionally convenient
to use. We also appreciated the smooth cueing (a carry-
over from the SL958). Indeed. everything worked
smoothly. quietly. and just as it was meant to. If there were
any bugs" in the Zero IOO. we didn't find them.

It appears to us that the Zero I00 was designed. first and
foremost. as a single-record player. and only secondarily as
a changer. Only I2-inch records (six of them) can be
played automatically. since the changer's record-edge sup-
port post is fixed for that size. Ten-inch LP records are not
common. but it is well to be aware of this limitation.

Obviously. the Zero I00 was designed to be used with
the best cartridges. Its maximum tracking force of 3 grams.
or 2 grams with elliptical styli. would rule out most low- or
medium-price cartridges.

Garrard's Zero 100. in basic performance. easily ranks
with the finest automatic turntables on the market. its nov-
el arm-which really works as claimed-and its other
unique design features suggest that a great deal of develop-
ment time. plus sheer imagination. went into its creation.
In our view. the resqu were well worth the effort.

Stereo Review July 1971

Page 2

This is the brilliant new star among
automatic turntables. teaturing zero
degree traciring error and 12 other
major advances.


1 ThaZero 100


true tangent tone arm 2
15% vertical tracking adjustment 4

Cartridge overhang adjustments

Sliding weight stylus torce setting

: Magnetic anti-skating control

Variable speed 3%

T) Illuminated stroboscope






Tone arm satety restrictor 6
interchangeable spindles 6
Patented Synchro~Lab Motor 7
Kinetlcally matched turntable 7

Gentle 2-point record support

Separate control tabs for Auto;
Manual: Cueing Pausing 7

Again. the innovator!
The components that comprise high
tidelity Systems have become increas
irg'y sophisticated In turn, the de-
mands placed on the automatic tJrn
tab 0 tor higher performance standards
have also l'lC!OZl$CC T'tOSO stringent
recurrenents have iec to higher price
categories tor automatic turntables
than ever betore

Nevertheless. the Garrard Labora-
tories registec the temptation to hold a
sci-called "super change". until they
were sat:sied that su'ticiently meaning-
lul improvements were teas ble. to lus-
tiy the establishment ol such a new
product category

Over the years Garrard has in-
vented. pioneered and introduced Vir-
tually every signilicant new feature in
automatic record playing units Vlany at
these have been revolut onary. and to-
gether they have upgraded the entire
character 01 the automatic turntables

But change. merely for the sake of
change. has been sternly resisted

Theretore such notable innovations as
anti-eating controls, bum-in stylus
Dressiire gauges. wow; and pause
controls, dynamically balanced low
mass tone arms and combination syn-
ChrOnouS-induction motors (to name a
few) were first introduced on Garrard
automatic turntables but only after
the need was established and they
were thorniigh'y researched. tested and
pertected Today. they are standard on
most 0! the higher-priced automatic
turntables 0t all manutacturers

The Zero 100 is a dramatic new
concept. with styling as advanced as
its features It is a new classic. which
others will emulate tor years to come.

While the appearance ol a product
does not improve performance. it does
connote craftsmanship and quality -
and reflects the aesthetics most people
appreciate in products which are pre-
CiSion-engineered. In the Zero 100. new
materials have been used - such as
plexiglas, brass, machined parts. satin
finish aluminum -- all set oil on a
sparkling white unit plate Garrard has
made the Zero 100 the very personio
tication of quality a