Garrard spg 3 brochure

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garrard spg 3 brochure

Extracted text from garrard spg 3 brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

noon spa:

Page 2

SPG3 Stylus Pressure Gauge

0 Elegantly styled - Modern design - Pleasing appearance 0 Readily adjustable
O Easily readable scale, visible through a clear plastic window, reading . 35"": Scale Pan _ no damage to delicate stylus
0"2 grammes, With I gramme indications . Swivelling Balance Lever to ensure sensitivity with all pickups
0 Utmost sensitivity and accuracy 0 Will accommodate all current Pickup Arms and Heads
0 Accurate through the entire scale, 0-12 grammes . supplied complete with a 5 gramme checking weight

0 Easy to operate


Place the Gauge on top of the Turntable Mat with the red plastic scale pan overha ngingthe edge.
Turn the knob or the Gauge until the required stylus pressure ts indicated by the line at the

top of the plastic,window. ' _ _ _
Place the Pick-vs Head into the Sllllup of the balance lever With the stylus resting tn the

hnllow :I the SCH? Pan. _
Adjust the Stylus pressure of the Ptckup Arm by the means untied by the titan-cracturer,
SCALE PAN until the red pointer of the balance lever on the Gauge lines up wnh the ltne at the top of the

~ / plaStic window.

- A 5 gramme checking weight is supplied with each Garrard SPG3 Stylus Pressure Gauge. lt
SCREW will be found in asmall pocket at the left hand side of the case and is accessible by sliding back

the plastic cover (see diagram). .
It is recommended that the Stylus Pressure Gauge be checked for accuraCy occaStonally.

SETTI NG using this weight. and adjustment made if necessary.

Set the dial to indicate 5 grammes by turning the black knob and place the checking weight
centrally on the scale pan. Then turn the plated screw in the centre of the black knob until
the red pointer of the balance lever lines up with the line at the top of the plastic window and

with the 5 gramme line on the dial.


Factory and Registered Office: NEWCASTLE STREEToSWINDON-WILTSHIRE w..- SWINDON S38I (5 lines) Telex «.27t
Service and Spares Dept.: RADNOR sraesr-swnNcon-wrtrsmas m..- SWINDON 2606


(Printed in England) ADIIOm