Fisher 500 TX Owners Manual

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Fisher 500 TX Owners Manual

Extracted text from Fisher 500 TX Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

AM-FM Receiver


Page 2



Milestones In the History of High Fidelity Reproduction

~93? First highs detity sound systems teetering a beam-
sewer am urier In/BVSE teeooack. ECULASIID speaker
compartments irritriite battle and oass reiteki and
magneiic cartridges

32? First exciusivety htghvtidetlly TRF toner. ieaturing
broad-liming 2040.000 cycle tideiity.

F-rst |wa-ur\ll mgr
sneaker enclosure.

eiiiy system w-h seoarate

. First CDaXlal speaker system.

First hionnieeiiiy idrier with aleiilEd Avc
m: First dynamic range expander
1333 First 3-way speaker in a high-ridetity system.

in: First center-olechannel tuning indtcatur.

:First preamoiiiier-eaualizer wrth selective phono-
grach equalization.

'3, First dynamic range expander with teedback.
isie First FM-AM turier wrtti variaoie AFC.

19;; First SO-Wati athiece amchtrer.

=r'st seii-dcwered master who control.

we: Firs: sail-powered. eiectronic sharp-cutest tiiier sySv
~erri ror high-riceiity use.

us! Etrst unive'sal nern-tyce speaker erictesure tor any
team location and any Speaker.

1552 First FMVAM tecewar ivith a casccce trcnt and.

res.- First loll-Cast etecircni: mixer-radar

First moderately priced protessionat FM tuner wrth
. ro meters.

=.rst peak power indicator in high iideiity

First master audio control chassis with tire-position
mixing taciiities,

rsi correctly ecca zed direct race-head preampli-
fier with seIi-puwe'ed master audio control.

iasa First ail-transistor _ eamptiiier-eouaiixer.

195; First dual dynamic miters in an FM tuner tor home

.=irst oertormance -;-itor in a hightouatity emptitier.

=irst GOLDEN cAs::DE FM tuner.

:t'st MicmRay (117 .3 indicami.

isse First steredphanic 'adiu-phonogranh wrth magnetic
szereo cartridge.

. rst high-quatity 'eole control system.

. -irst complete ste :Jphamc FM-AM receiver.

=iisi nigh-campiia
:eri loudspeaker

plus nrgn-eiticiency Free-Fis-

dose First to use Micrany 'or FM timing and as a record.
ing audio tevei irir- :stor.

tss: Smithsonian instrt; :n. Washington, D. c . receives
tor its catieciion A-e-icas tirst commerciatty manu-
iactured high-tree '1 radio-phonograph. made oy
A.ery Fisher in iez

1555 =irst reverberation -evzce tor use in high tide
e~uipirienirthe Fs e: oynamic Seacexpander..

i352 First stereo tuner A to Microiunef.

19S First FM-sterec HzZIDeX adapter with STEfiEO
EEACDNE and act-rate mono-stereo swrtcrtirig.

issi First complete FMvAilipiex stereo receivers.

- st FM-stereo to th grease sensors; and


F.rst internal error: :9 system to permit immediate
tape playback with .se oi all controls and switches.

First woaier wrth e--y-ourrent-camped voice coil.

as F.rst power ampii'ré to use nscriioscoperiype tree
quanCy-cumpensale: inout circuit.

1 COPYRIGHT 1969 FrSHER RADIO . All Rights Reserved.

i954 First FM stereo Tuner with STEREOSCANB.
1964 First parlvharnllyrdiivcm tweeter with sort dome.
test First FM tuner with TUNE ties First Alt-in-Orie, Ali-Transistor é-Gario Front-End.

i556 First F.ET trorit-end design wrth over 40 db at
Automatic Gain Control,

iEo. First FM tuner with Automatic RF Attenuator.

lass First FM mner to achieve 06 db capture rattOAthiee
times wetter than the pest oreviocs achievement.

a First FM Tuner to use a io-maoacycia-wide Counter
Detector, eliminating astonion iortha Me or the set.

i966 First FM Tuner with Clear signai Indicator.

1955 First FM Tuner to incorporate a Power Amptiiiar
circuit ior nigh-quality. low-impedance headphones.

195»; First Umerdivision multiplex circuit to incorporate a
FaurADiade Coincidence circuit.

teas First Receiver wrth Transist-u-Garo! protection.

tear First to introduce high tidetity equipment with seven
integrated circuits ilc's).

i957 First iauospeaker system With ta" iveaesusnenstan
bass speaker.

teas First receiver wrth AUTOSCANE-tutally silent elec-
tronic touch tuning-and TUNE-O-MATtCR pushout»
ton electronic tuning

iaaa First and only FM turier with a dual gate MOSFET.
achieving dynamic range. on signal strength. oi
mention to l

1953 First AM tuner with dualetransistol RF and mixer
stages to permit reception Without avetlcad oi sig-
nals as high as 3 volts (5.000.000 wt.

:35: First receiver with sequential AUTOSCAN! signal

1359 First booksheli speaker system With l5 tree-piston
wocier in a compact erictcsure.