Dynaco PAS 3 Series II Owners Manual

This is the 9 pages manual for Dynaco PAS 3 Series II Owners Manual.
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Dynaco PAS 3 Series II Owners Manual

Extracted text from Dynaco PAS 3 Series II Owners Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 7


Two pairs of outputs are provided for your power amplifier connection.


"OUT" is an output at line level for the purpose of driving an external signal. processorsuch
as an equalizer. time delay. or noise reduction unit. IN is an input trom the signal

processor at line level.



When you turn on the PAS-3 Series II, the single RED LED on the front panel will light
immediately, indicating that the preamp is functioning. After the preamps tubes become
operational. the LED will glow GREEN. At tumoot't', it is normal for the LED to fade

slowly as the operating voltages decline and the power supply is drained.

Remember that your PAS preamp (and its companion ST7O power amp) will require 20-30

seconds for the tubes to become operational. Dynaco suggests you reduce the PAS volume
control to a minimal level setting before PAS tum-on.

At turn-01f your PAS will continue to produce output. This is absolutely normal
behavior. and is a function of the high value electrolytic capacitors designed into your
preamp's power supply section, as well as the cool down of the tube heaters. Once these

energy-storing devices are drained, sound will cease.


Your choice of signal sources is usually indicated by the INPUT Switch. This switch
passes line level signals direct to the Recording Outputs and the EPL. Either or both tape
recorders may record this source if the TAPE DUBBING switch is set to SOURCE.


Tapes mag be duplicated by selecting either 1 TO 2 or 2 T0 1 on the TAPE
DUBBIN switch (setting will depend on which machine you have designated to
playback/send signal. and which you have designated to record/receive signal).


To facilitate tape recording with tape decks which provide an independent monitoring
facility. the PAS-3 ll provides this second selection function. When it is OFF. the regular
Selector switch determines what signals are heard. When the Monitor switch is turned to
either Tape l or Tape 2. the. line amplifier is disconnected from the signal being recorded.
and is connected to the tape playback instead. This enables direct comparison of the signal
source with the taped replica. without affecting the recording process. Tape decks which do
not provide separate record and playback heads are not able to utilize this comparison.
