Dual P 51 Service Manual

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Dual P 51 Service Manual

Extracted text from Dual P 51 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

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Dual P51
Service Information
Instructions de service

Dual Gebrflder Steidlnger -7742 St. GeorgenISchwarzwald

Page 2

Ersatzteile Replacement Parts Pieces détachées
P05. Art-Nu Anzahl
Pos Part No. Bezeichnung Description Designation Qty.
Pos, Ref Ouant,
IOErIivarsfirk-r to Power Amplifier Amplifieatour final 10

239 883 lC-Endverstérker kpl. 11: power amplifier compl. Ampliticateur final IC compl. 1

227 467 Blechschraube Sheet metal screw Vis a tble 8 2,9 x 6,5 mm 2

215 584 Scheibe Washer Rondelle 6/32/05 mm 2
C 20 216 671 Folien-Kondensator Foil capacitor Condensateur a feuille 0,1 [IF/100 V/20 96 1
C 22 220 531 Elyt-Kondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condensateur chimioue 100 11F] 16 V 2
C 23 224 596 Elyt«|(ondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condenseteur chimique 220 #F/ 6 V 1
C 24 227 898 Fol ien-Kondensator Foil capacitor Condensateur a feuille 2,2 nF/ 63 Wm '16 1
C 25 230 826 Keramxk-Kondensetor Ceramic capacitor Condensateur ceramique 470 pF/500 Wm 91: 1
C 26 220 531 Elyt«Kondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condensateur chimique 100 AF] 16 V 2
C 27 226 449 Elyt-Kondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condensateur chimioue 10 flF/ 25 V 1
C 28 232 338 Keramik-Kondensator Ceramic capacitor Condensateur ceramique 0.1 nF/ 63 V 2
C 29 224 598 Elyt-Kondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condensateur chimique 470 11F] 10 V 1
C 30 232 338 Keramik-Kondensator Ceramic capacitor Condensateur ceramioue 0.1 LLF/ 63 V 2
.120 239 720 Integrierte Schaltung Integrated circuit Circuit integre TBA 810 AS 1
Fl 20 224 589 Schicht-Widerstano Carbon resistor Resistance 5 couche 100 kQ/OZS W/ 5 96 1
R 21 216 703 Schicht-Widerstand Carbon resistor Resistance 3 couche 220 9/025 W/10 % 1
Fl 22 234 056 Einstellregler Adjustment control Resistance ajustable 50 Q/lin, 1
R 23 227 375 Schicht-Widersteno Carbon resistor Resistance 2: couche 2,2 0/050 W/ 5 96 1
Fl 24 216 677 Schichthiderstand Carbon resistor Resistance a couche 4,7 No.25 W/10 36 1

Ersatzteile Replacement Parts Pieces detachées
Pos, Art-Nr. Anzanl
Pos Part. No, Bezeichnung Description Designation Qty,
Pos Ref Ouant.
IC- Enlherutirkor IC Power Amplifier Amplificateur final 10

234 257 lC-Endversta'rker kpl. IC power amplifier compl. Amplifimteur final IC compl 1

232 270 Befestigungswinkel iiir IC Connection angle for IC Equerre de fixation pour 1C 1

232 272 Federblech Spring sheet Ressort a lame 1
C 20 216 671 Folien-Kondensator Foil capacitor Condensateur a feuille 0,1 [lF/1OO V/20 96 1
C 22 220 531 EIyt-Kondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condensateur chimique 100 [.lF/ 16 V 3
C 23 220 531 Elyt-Kondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condensateur chimique 100 [1F] 16 V 3
C 24 220 613 Folien-Kondensetor Foil capacitor Condensateur a feuille 470 pF/160 V/1D % 1
C 25 224 607 Keramik-Kondensator Ceramic capacitor Condensateur ceramique 56 pF/SOO Wm '36 1
C 26 220 531 EIyt-Kondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condensateur chimique 100 MF/ 16 V 3
C 27 226 449 EIyt-Kondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condensateur chimique 10 HF] 25 V 1
C 28 232 333 Keramik»Konderxsator Ceramic capacitor Condensateur ceremique 0,1 HF] 63 V 2
C 29 224 598 Elyt-Kondensator Electrolytic capacitor Condensateur chimique 470 [.LF/ 10 V 1
C 30 232 338 KeramIk-Kondensator Ceramic capacitor Condensateur céramique 0,1 11F] 63 V 2
J 20 234 055 Integrierte Schaltung Integrated circuit Circuit integre TCA 150 C 1
R 20 224 590 Schicht-Widerstand Carbon resistor Resistance a couche 220 kQ/0,25 WI 5 96 1
Fl 21 216 703 Schicht-Widerstand Carbon resistor Resistance 3 couche 220 9/025 W/10 % 1
Fl 22 238 586 Einstellregler Adjustment control Resistance ajustable 100 9/1 in. 1
Fl 23 227 375 Schicht-Widarstand Carbon resistor Resistance 43 couche 2.2 52/050 W/ 5 36 1
R 24 216 677 Schicht-Widerstand Carbon resistor Resistance 3 couche 4,7 kfl/OJS Who 36 1

920 347-2 12/0976

Printed in Germany by Dual