Dual CS 5052 Service Manual

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Dual CS 5052 Service Manual

Extracted text from Dual CS 5052 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Technische Daten

MeBwerte = typlsche Wene
Rumpel- und GleochlaulWerte mn

Technical data

Measured values = lyprcal values
Rumble and wow and flutter values

Caractéristiques techniques

Valeurs mesurées - valeurs typlques
Ronflemem et syncronlsme delermrné

Lackfolle ermmen oblamed with lacquer foal avec une feuille vemie

Strornon Cumm typo Counm

Wechselstrom umrustbar Alternating Current changeable oourant altemalif commutable 50 oder 60 Hz

Noumnnungon Molno voluooo Tonolono ooctour 220 - 240 oder. or

vom Work erngectell fixed by the producer fixees manufactuner 110 - 125 v

Rlornonontrlob Boll dnvo Entrolnornont a counolo

Dual 16-PoI-Synchron-Motor Dual 16-pole-synchrmous motor Moteur synchrone 16 pores Dual Dual SM 100-1

Loiotungooufnahmo Power conournptlon Conoomrnotlon car 8 Watt

Stromouhohmo Powor conoumptlon Conoomrnotlon do couront

an230V50H2 on230V50H2 en230V50Hz ca.30mA

an115V60Hz onII5V60H2 enllSVSOI-lz ca,40mA

Plottontolor Plottor Plotoou

mchtmagnetlsd'l. mnehmbar nonmagnetrc. removable antrmagnehque. amovlble 0.9 kg, 304 mm D

Plottontolor-Drohnhlon Planer opoodo Whoooo du plotoou 3373. 45 U/mn

Tonhohon-Abofinmng Pitch control Reglogo do In houtour du oon

auf belde PIanenteIler-Dreruarlen wrrkend at both platter speeds sur les deux vitesses

Regelbererch be: 33%; U/mn admstment range at 33% rpm Plage de regbge a 3373 tr/mn 6%

Gooomtglolchlouflohlor Wow and fluttor Toloronoo do vltoooo toulo

DIN DIN DIN t 0.08%


Staroponnungoobotond SlgnoMO-noloo rotlo Roppon

(nach DIN 45500) (In accordance with DN 45 500) (solvent DIN 45500)

Rumpel-Fremdspammgsabstand Rumble unweughted s-gnaI-to-norse raIIo SignaI/tension exteneure de ronflement 47 dB

RumpeI-Gerauschspmnungsabstand Rumble werghted ssgnaHo-norse ratlo Signal/tension perturbatrloe de ronflemem 69 d8

erkoomoTononnlango Efloctlvotonoarmlongth Longuouroffloocodubroo 221mm

Krdpflngowlnkol Ofloot onglo Anglo do coudo 24° 30'

Tongontlolor Spurfohlwlnkol Tongontlol tucking onor Anglo d'onour do ploto ungonflol 0.15°/cm

Mow-Tonobnohmor HiFi DIN 45500 Cor-mono HIFI DIN 45500 Collulo FBFI DIN 45500 Dual ULM 65 E

rot R recmerKanal red R ngwtchannel rouge R canaldroit

gmn RG rechter Kane! Masse green RG right channel ground vert RG masse canal droit

bIau GL linker Kane! Masse blue GL left chameI ground bleu GL masse canal gauche

were L linkerKanaI while L leflchannel blanc L canalgauche

Dlomonlnodol Dlornond stylus Aloullloldlomont Dual DN 165 E

brradial brradral b-radral 18 x 8 pm 0

Emplohlono Auflogokrofl Tracking force Force d'oppul 15 mN (10-20 mN)

Ubomogungoborolch Froquoncy rongo Bondo poooonto 10 Hz - 25 kHz

Obortrogungofoktor Output Foctour do tronomloolon 3,5 mV/s cms"/1 kHz

Compllonco honzontaI Compllonoo horizontal Compuonco honcomale 30 pnva
vertzkal venlcal venlcale 25 WNW

Tonobnohmorgowlcht Cortrldgo wolght Poldo do collulo 2.5 g

Gooomtkopozlut Totol copocltonco Copocno toulo

TonarmleilungundTonabnehmemabel Tonearmlemandaudro-cables Cébledubrasetcabledelacellule ca. ISOpF

Aontung: Ber abwerchender Tooabnehmer-
bestbckung sand die erlorderlrdlen EinsteII-
wene dem separaten Tonabnehmerdalen-

blah zu enlnehmen,

Note: If a drlferent canndge IS used. refer to
the separate cartndge data sheet for the
necessary semng values.

Anonfion: Avec one autre ceflule. se reporter
reduces de reglage

Dual GmbH -

Postfach 1144 -

7742 St. Georgen/Schwarzwald