Dual 1969 Catalog

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Dual 1969 Catalog

Extracted text from Dual 1969 Catalog (Ocr-read)

Page 2


Sumo Ampllllor
Ampllflcmur sléréo
Antpllflcndor ulcreoiénlco

HI-Fl Storm Tuner

HI-FI Stereo Tuner

Tuner A haul: fldéllté stéréo
Slnmnlndor «first: Hl-Fl

Stereo laps Recordor Component
Enreglllraur ubréo component
Components magnatélono utéroo

Dunl CV 12

Eln hachwartlger, volltroneletorlolertor Stereo
Vereterkor mll elngehnutorn Voworaterkor. Der
Duel CV 12 blldet dae Grundelomont lfir elno
prologunatlge SterowAnloga. basandere In Ver-
bindung mlt dor Plottenmleler-Compononte
Dual CS «0. Plottonwe nor-Component.
Dull cs to F, HlrFl-Plnflnnlpislar~CnmponaMo
Duel cs IS F and don Louto recherboxln CL 9
Older CL 10. dlo euezlell o don Dual CV 12
obgeetlmml etnd.

Aunlnl-ltl-ltmg: 2 x 6 Watt Mualklelotung.
Eln inoe: PhondMannot. PhnnoAKriatall. Tuner.
Tan and.

Hall: Nul'lbaum natur.

Malia: 420 x 285 x 108 mm. Gewloht: 4,2 kg.

Dual cv l2' '

A man lunllty. fully lranaietorlzed otoraoampllller
wlttl bull-In pro-emolltler. war. no clearly
arranged luncxual controls and awltcnea. the CV :2
la the boar: component for o stereo oyatom at
mod-at cost. onmtauy together mm the recard
elnyar component Dual cs 410. tllo roeord changer
component Dual CS lo F, or the lugn ndollty
record player com onenl Dual cs l5 F and the
speaker system! L E or CL 10, signal!
eaoaalolly to match the CV l2.

Power output: 2 x 6 watt mualc power.

Inputo: phano-magnallc. phone-cryalel tunor. tope,
Flnlalu gonulne walnut voneer.

DImenslana: 16'12' x 11w x 4w, welght; 9,2 Ibo,

Dull CV 12

U0 amplmcalaur enlléramenl lrsnulstorlsé 6
preumolltlcoteur lncorpare. L. cv l2 forms
Iélément de base d'una chaina eleréounealouo
d'un prlx ralacnnablo, partlculierament |urs~
qu'ella oat oquluao du loumeAdlsuueaDull 05410,
du cnongaur do dlaouee Dual cs to F. de la
plulino Hl-Fl Dual cs ls F et dee enoelntes CL 9
eu CL 10 apoololomont éludtées pour la cv l2.
Pulnulu e amlo: 2 x swml an réglme muslcal.
Emu: Callule magnéthue. cellule crlatal tuner.

Ball: Noyor natural

Dlmenalona: 420 x 235 x 108 mm, polds: 4.2 kg.

Dual CV 12

Amnllflcador eateroe do gran calldad. complete.
monto tromlatorlzodo y con preampllflcldur
lncorporado, El cv l2 rapreaenla el elemento
bhico de cualqular lnatalocldn esteraolbnlca do
llpD aeleclo. aspeclolmenm on nomblnncldn can
ol touadiacon Dual as 410. con ol cumuladlacoa
Dual es to F o con el tocaalacce Hi-FI
Duol cs ts F y con do: "ballas CL 9 5 CL to.
pcrtlayazcladoa eapaclnlmenle pare 8U canoxldn al


Potenolo d. nude: 2 x a w (ntdalca).

Elm-atlas: cannula magnéllca. capaula da crlotol.
Ilnlonlmdor (tuner), magnetotoao.

Madam: nogal

Dlmenalonu: 420 x 235 x we rnrn, pooo; 4.2 Kari.

Dual CT I4

Der HIAFI~Slerdo-Tunar Duul CT H bloke! hervor-
raoendo Emptongemegllcnkelten uuf allou Hundr
lunk-Wellenbsmlchan UKW (Mano und Stated).
LW. MW. KW. Ausruslung ll Translatoren.
lfl Dlodan und 3 Glalchrlchler. Wellanbmelche
und Mono/Slammumschallun dutch Drucktaaten,
Anzelgelnstrumonl fur upllmaffi Sendemlnotellung
und Stereo-Decoder mll selbattiu oerno-Storao-
Umschaltung und Leuchmnzatge. er DuII CT l4
charm! ln allen MeBwertan die nach DlN 45500
an Germs der Helmstudlo-Technlk (Hl-FI)
geatelltan Antorderungan.

olz. Nuflblum natur.
Mom: 420 x 2m x )5 mm, Gewlohl: 3.4 kg,

Dual CT 711' /

The hlghrlldellly sw/AM/FM-alareo tuner

Dual CT l4 ollero outalanulng reception on tour
dlnorent wevo bands FM (mono and stereo),
long wove, msdlum wave (Standard Us AM
broadcast band). short wave. The unlt employs
eleven lranslslars. ten diode: and three rectlnoro.
Waverband switchlng ond stereo-mono awrtchlng
are accomplished by puah buttons.

A motor lndlcoteo relatlve elgnal slrangth lor
optlmum lunlng adjustment, The FM multiplex
oteroo decoder has automatlc mono/atoreo
owltching and pilot olgnal to Indicate stereo
vecaplion. The Duel CT l4 exceeds all specifica-
llona of the German Industry Standard DIN 45500
tor home muslc system (hlgh-lldallty).

Flnlen; ganulno walnut veneer

Dlmennluns: 15W x I" x 4W. weight: 7.5 lbs.

Dual CT I4

Le tuner a huute lldellté stereo Dual CT 14 onre
des poealbrlltea excellentoe do receptlon aw
toutea lea gammes d'endes: FM (mono et stereo),
GO, PO 6! oc. Laopareil eat Aqulpé de

ll tranalstero, lo dlodea ot 3 redroeaoura.
Commutation deg gammes 2t commutation mono/
stéréo par clavler a touches, Indlcataur d'accord,
décudeur stereo a oommutollon automoueue
mono/atéréo et lndlcetlon par voyant luminaux,
Le Dual CT l4 depeedo pdur loutafl lea voloura
de mosure las condltlone exlgées por la
normallaatlun DIN 45500 pour lea apporolla u
heule tldullte d'amateur.

Bela: Noyer naturol

Dlmenelona: 420 a 2m x toe mm. poldn: 3.4 kg.

Dual CT H

El alnlonlzldov de radio ealérao HI-Fi Dull CT ll
Io orroce uno recapclan extraordlnnrla en todas
Ins gamoo de ands: ultrecorta (mono y sotoreo),
larga. medlo y aorta. El operate Va equlpado con
ll tronslatores. l0 dlodo: y Cl recllflcudorasr LB
cenmutacldn do bundn y le do mono/eateroo ao
roallza por tecla.

Indiaodar para slnlnnlzacldn oollmo y detector
astéreo con CDHMUIECIDH euloméllco muna/
eaterao y IAmpaIa plloto.

El Dual 01 14 auoara loo oxleancaoa eatoolecldos
par la narma DIN 45500 para Ipdraloa de la
lécnlca 'etudlo~ (HrFl).

Panes da maderu: Donal

Dlmenalonoe: 420 x 250 x 109 mm. pose: 3.4 Kora.

Dual CTG 21/2

Madame Tonband-Skereu-Com onenle fl]! Aufr
nahme und Wlfldergubo zum nachlub an Ver-
sterkeranlagen adar Hundiuokenrptouger. Dds
Vlerspurgerat is! mll SllltlumATtanslamren
besluckl und Verfuql L'lber dle Universal-
geschwlndlgkelt 9.5 cur/sec und I5 cm/aec fur boho
Ansprflche. Bandspulen ole zu IB cm 2: laaaan
slch varwanden. Folgende Anschlusse Bind fiber
gonormte Steckbunhsen mégllch: Vorotarker.
Rundlunkgarél. Plallenspieler. zwel Mlkrolane.
Koplhorel und Tonbandgemt.

Holt: NuUbaum natur.

Mafia: 420 x 383 x ISO mm. Gewlchl: 7.0 kg

Dual CTG 21/2 '

An advanced 4 and playback tugolher wllh amplllier or tunar/
amelmar and speakers. Two speeds: 3% lpt and
7V: lps. All slllcan llanalsloro lnpu : two
mlcrophnnes. tuner. record flayer. tape recorder.
Outputs. headphones, ampll ler.

Dlmanelone: lfi'lzxMluxTlz. welghl: Isl/7" lbs.

Dual CTG 27/2

Elémant moderne oour bandes magnéthuea
permottant l'enreglstrement at In reproduction. Se
aranahe aur réceplnw radlo do ampllllcateur.
L'upoorall équlpo do translstora eu alllalum est
3 4 plates, Deux vltesses 9.5 et 19 cm/oec, Les
rsccordemenls sulvsnls sum posslbles par
doutlles ndrmgllsées- Amnllflcaleurv radlo.
teurne-dlsques. doux mlcrophoneo. cesquo et

Dlmanslons: 420 x 363 x 190 mm. paids: 7.0 kg.

Dual CTG 27/2

Modamo magnelblona esléreo new grabaclonea
y reproducmones, dlapuaato para ser coneclada
a oqulpo amollllcodor o e receptor de radio. Eato
aperoto do 4 plstaa Va coulaedo can tronslstoree
do sllinlo y dleuono do doe velocldsdsa- 9.5 y
19 cm/e. Medlonta hombrlllas normallzadas, el
CTG 27/2 puode ear canectado a loo algulentee
operates: om llflcador, receptor de radlc.
locadlscns. oe mrcrdlonos, aurlcularee y

Dlmanalonee: 420 x 363 x 190 mm. peso: 7,0 Kore,