Denon DCM 290 Service Manual

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Denon DCM 290 Service Manual

Extracted text from Denon DCM 290 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 23


I DCM-390/290/27/500AE


0 Part indicated with the mark "nsp" are not always in stock and possibly to nsp Eflflfiiiugl i$fi§EF§ LTLEJd/UQFlfiféltfifléFafiEEéé C t
take along period oftime for supplying, or in some case supplying of part 35 i) g '50
may berefused- bgélzitwftsh ffitfifékfiwdfiztbfivfifi
0 When ordering ofpart, clearly indicate "1" and "I" (i) to avoid mis- 2 fificfijfgfifiijggtgfifizfigiw " 1 " éfi$0> " | " toggvgcggg
supplying. UEEAL? 0 Ordering part without stating its part number can not be supplied. 3. fififlfifi-féfifi L?L\7gb\%fiflt;fé¢%§?i§ifiho
0 Part indicated with the mark " k " is not illustrated in the exploded View. 4, AEpmgfifitgfifiiEEfigfifiGj-o fifij'g & =5ch fifigggfi
0 Not including General-purpose Carbon Film Resistor in the P.W.Board ggggtgwrcmgfiazgayggngg (ffiffifi ( 733,3
parts list. (Refer to the Schematic Diagram for those parts.) 5. *Epwji,\[i,\5g[$n%t Mfifiglgcl: " mgaefibzugg/W
0 Not including General-purpose Carbon Chip Resistor in the P.W.Board 6. ifimfi-j-Iyfifi%§tg gigabzuggfi, fiat iEEfiEEEfiEfiL?
parts list. (Refer to the Schematic Diagram for those parts.) 5",
WARNING: 7. ifllfit- av%y fitti'fiéiii :EEESZLZVEGAJ flit ifiifififlféékfifi
Parts marked with this symbolAhave critical characteristics. figugté
Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer. 8. EfinucifiODEEIfiE II V??H®u%%§3%@§iafili§7&%9§ L? < Ti
0 Resistors .gfig
EX-: m fl E E Q E
Type Shape Power Resist- Allowable Others W l; llitrill 3.}; £32m :3,
l and per- ance error 7" " ' I n L I I} U
formance l l l * * $
RD Carbon 23 1/8W F two P Pulsereststani type RD 1 5 'fi; 23 :1/8 W F 1 i170 P . fij/i,'I/,J\fi'é
RC Composttion 2E 1/4W G ¢2% NL Low n0ise type RC Elflfi! 2B : 1/4 W G 12% NL lkiéfifii
RS Metal cwde film 2H v1/2W J 15% NB vNon~buming type RS $E§r§i§ll§ 21-1 : 1/2 W I 1 16% NB : Fifth/L
RW Winding 3A 1W K :10% FR Fuse-resrstor RW ; éfi 3A :1 W K i10% FR ; tw-Zlfibt
$.mgfiflgwe :Eéw M fio F Lfidmmmmmg RN. eeem 3D:2 w M :m% P :u-kame
8H 5w RK 1 malice» 3F : a w
3H : 5 W
at: Flesistance
:| a :9 1300 ohm =1.8 kohm *fififr'iiifi 18 2 c; 180042:18k£3
I *- lndicates number of zeros after effective number. "we /
edigit effective number 1mm .2 .1 ~ OMIEZéth" \
. Units: ohm zlffitfitéliefibu .
1 n 2 => 1.2ohm 1% 2 R no
I *- Ldigit effective number. MWWTQ? if???
2-digit effective number, decimal point indicated by R. .0 ,5. m
oUnits: ohm . ZmCWEiéci .i guf'iit its?
O Capacitors . 3 y-j-y-ij-
Ex.: E 04W m 2R2 M E M.
Type Shape Dielectric Capacity Allowable Others CE) 04W 1H 2R2 M BP
and per- strength error are fiétklfi'lit firm? 5; fifSaE i NE
formance ¢-' r' $-' +-'
CE . 7w: mere 01 :63 V F : :1% HS : ark-ma
CE Aluminum foil OJ 63V F itA/n HS High stabilitytvpe CA 1 . 711a Efiffl'éfig 1A :10 V G : i2% BP : fill-lg???
GA illifinyifiIu/rhcsolid IA iOV G +27 BP Non- olart 9 CS 1 ?L-§,L%H¥ 1C : 16 V I : i5% HR fill? 17 ZJHI;
Wm - ° P V" CQ 1 ,74 rm 15 : 25 v K : 110% DL ; amenma
OS Tantalum electrolytic to 16V J :5% HR Ripplerresistanttype CK 1 'JC- 77 IV :35 V M : i20% HF : filfififiiflfi
00 Film tE 25V K 110% DL - Forchangeand discharge CC 1 +15 77 11-1 .50 V Z . +80% U U-nguia
OK Ceramic tV 35V M $204 HP 'Feoéufnscuying high G? 1 7fflL 2A :100V _20% C . CSAaEDEt
m mama 1H ml 2 mm u Ummt CM. 74h m:1uv P :nw% w: ULaAflfl
OP Oll 2A ioov 40% C - GSA part CF 1 71 9 -},{ 'Al is 2C . 160 V _ 0% F- i;_v 1-: NEE";
civi M 23 mar p woo/o w UL-CSAt _ _. ,
CF Mgillized 2c 150v :07; F - Lead Wiievlifming CH : 7t 7 7-1 A l» 21) : 200 V C : 1072591:
CH Metallized 20 200V 0 :0 25pF 2E : 250 V D : iOSPF
E 250v o 105 F ,s _ 7,.
:H 500v = omeprs 2H 00V ' (Milt
2.1 630V 21 : 630 V
:1: Capacity (electrolyte only) * Sgt?
2 2 2 =9 2200uF 35m \ -"-/.,+ - 2'.
t :- Indicates number of zeros after effective number . Egg 3 /T " (15'
2digit effective number. 2-2 _ :} 2200uF 2_R ; ¢ 22W:
e 'l : F.
3 P I L Harem -- float-t min. I L immigrant.
_2__ H => 22.: NNWEZUg $E? of 2W)F17.§tr'?lliai.. 1:12 Tfim,
T L 1digit effective number - eitigug Helm:
2- digit effective number decimal point indicated by R.
- Units: pF.

=t< Capacity (except electrolyte)

2 2 2 2200pF:0.0022pF
(More than 2)- lndicates number of zeros after effective number.
2-digit effective number.
- Units: pF.


L (O or 1)

Indicates number of zeros after effective number.
2-digit effective number.
. Units: pF.

- When the dielectric strength is indicated in AC, AC is included afterthe dieelectric
Strength value.

0 are: > 5">*71;1.7iwiea

O miliEfftfmTEafléi


22 2 7:) 2200pF:0.0022uF 22 1 ¢

L mart: 3 3": U¢7Q§§ZDT.
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(0 Liflfl CI 31:;le Alan)
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