Dbx 500 prospekt

This is the 3 pages manual for dbx 500 prospekt.
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dbx 500 prospekt

Extracted text from dbx 500 prospekt (Ocr-read)

Page 1

The Model son - Suhhmnonie Synmeslnex
The Model 500 analyxes «he 50-100 Hz Huge ol audle
slqnals anpeanne a« ll: lnnn« lacks and emhemee a
signal exaelly one octave helnw any musloel inlon-nar
lion anneenno wllhm Lhathand Thl: nyn«leenzed
enqnal hae a wave lonn appxepna«e «e «he source so
«he« «he law has lnlennanen eynmemed by «he
Model soc u auchbly eenee« when rmxed wllh «he
pmqlam signal The suhhamonlo slonal can he
nnxed mtnthe exdlnal pmwam .na«enal ax mated
(11:0th a sepame andlo pmcessmq chaln The
Model 500 aha pmvidu a useradwslabls been «n «he
low lrequencles a] «he pxoosan. ma«enal belnq pmr
ceseed The dramalc heee enhnneennem el-lee« e« «he
Model 500 oenno« be dupllcaled by any equalnehen
ox expannan eynen. [ksymheuzes m cxeales very lew
lxednenoles «hal are no« pseeem «n «he enqlnal pse

exam eource

The Modal so: _ I Band nynannie lane.

The Mndel 501 e a elnele hand Vernon e« «he Mndel
503 Dynamc Range Enpanden th deleellen and
VGA oeln conlrol oemlnned wllh oaselel anennen «o
«he payeheaennsnee el «he snack and relaase Tale:
pmlde users on a more llsnlled budgel wllh «he
advamaqes 0| dhx dynamlc xange expenslon

The Model 501-: Hand Dynamic hang.

The dbx Model 503 «e e lack nonn« vsxslon el our
already «amone dbx 313x Dynamu: Hangar Expander
l« xesluxe: .nneh nl «he diama nnpae« and excnlemenl
ol a llVe peslonnanoe by maklnq loud passages lendes
and soft neesaoes onle«en Bash mldxanqs and lnble
lneenenelee axe sensed ln «he music slqnal end
expanded indlvlduallylox eximmldmaly clanly el
ennnd hem Evan «he snne« enmplex musical nle«enal
Three rows ol LEDs ere used «o monnon «he degree el
expannon ln sack nl «he use Lxeeneney ranges An
expanelen level Conlxol lels you seleo« «he amonnl el
expansmn you wan«, up «n 50% And wllh «he lsansn
«len level com-ml, yen ean adlufl «he «hseehold ol
expanslon «o my «he level above wnleh «he musm
esonal e upwaxd expended and below whlch l« x:
downward expanded l« gives more punch lo «he
drums end base «he has; hae mnxa ln«e and «he
veoale «unenom on« a« «he he«enen The slexeo lnnm
channels are lndmdually FMS de«ee«ed and summed
«o provlde «me slereu aehon w'llhunl lmaee nneanne
or senelhuly «e nhaee ehllla .n «he program source
Pa«en«ed ch clxcullxy pxovldei galn control lmsax ln
deelhele over a loo deelhel mnqe

The Medel 505 - eosnh nu n 1 land lull:
ExD-ndu A Inhhmnenie Syn-«homes

The Model sos xspxexenk «he must end aflechve way
«e incoxpuxate dbx eonnd enhenoemen« ln«e your
andlo syslem The Model 505 combmex «he enenm
enhe Model sol nnele hand Dynamo Renee
Expandex and «he Model 500 Subhannonle
Synthesuex logelhex ln a alnele 3 V2 seek sneen«
package Rpmndm truly ramarkahle eenlo
pennnnanee ln a camped package The 501 end 500
eeohons ol «he dbx Model 505 can he opexaled
lndependanfly en ln eennlonen