Dbx 140 prospekt

This is the 2 pages manual for dbx 140 prospekt.
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dbx 140 prospekt

Extracted text from dbx 140 prospekt (Ocr-read)

Page 1

The dbx Model 140 nmnllaneous encode/decode hroadcaal none radncnon eye«em ls a |wo-channel comprerenr/
expander provrdrno a mrnrmum ol so dB hroadhand eudro nolse reducllcn mm a lo dB lncxeasem eyelem
headroom The two channels lealure lndependen« encode and decode cixcnIlLly

In Lhe record mode, «he syslem oomprerree lhe lnpnlergnal hy a 2 lrollo, llnearrn decrhels over a loo
decrhel range upon playback, «he clreullry produce an eracl .mrror lmaqe l 2 expansmn ol «ha
encoded signal

True llMs level senslrlg lnsules perlec« encade/daccda «raclrrna lor accura«e «ranarenr response lrreapecuve
ol phase shrle In «he nanannanon or norage medium There is no audrple hreelhrno, pumprno or alher oolnrahnn
ol lhe aonnd wuh lhn encode/decode syxlem, and «here are no pllol «onee or rou«lne cahhrauoo proceduxev
neceararylor in use

The dbx avarem alrmrna«er «ape hrea m recording, and plevenls «he none hurldeup normally enconnlered «n
nanelerrrng lnlornralron «ram one recorded medrnmlo ano«har; n does no« remove nolse presem in «he onqlnal
slgndl The dbx no noueredncuon syslsm )5 hull« «o prolessronal elnndarde uamorhe lalee« advances ln crrcnr«
deslgn and lechnolooy, and u lully war-ranled (pane and labor) lor «wo years

Applicn on
For recording llve announce or sludlo producllons on carlndoee, rhe dhx Model MO nalss redncuan eye«ern
comple«ely elrmrna«es «he «ape hrre which usually eccompanlee lhe recerdrno proceee Th1: allow: :puLI or n«her
program comem onglnallno on car«ndoee (hls«orrcal.ly lhe nolrlesl llnk m «he bxoadcdsl chaln) «o applodch «he
sound onallly ol llva hroadcasllng

When luad lor «raneler ol program ma«enel lo carlrldge lrorn o«her recorded eourcea, dhr encodrno preyen«a
any addillonal noree hurld up heyond «ha« conlalned lnlhe orlqlnal malerldlv

The rem-ll o1 dbx encodrno ls «o nunmnze «he audrhle qnahly dlflsrences batween can playhaclr and lwe
announce, or helwoen one ear« and ano«her dbx encodlnq Aha mlrumlze: lhe ellec« el "anloma«ed ronnd and
allows a lully anlorna«edr«a«loa «o approach live sound qualny

Non-camldgerlelaled hroadcaa« naee lor «he dhr no ryelern rnclnde rmprovrnq «he erqnaleroenolse rano ol
reel.«o.rael xmdm recorders, elnnlnanno he: «ran TV audao hacks and cleamnp up nony lnll.lrnonency land
lmes or mrcrowave lmks lrom «he rlndro no «he lronsmlner A modesl .nveelmem m dbx 140 nolse reducllon unlls
can pxo«ec« a much larger lnveelmem by prolonorno (ha nrelnl llfa ol mayo! nlndlo eanpmem and rne«alla«mne «ha«
mlgm no« o«herwlee meel comernporary perlornranoe slandarde

The dbx 140 may also he used a; a playback-only devlce |o decode dhx encoded dlscs or «apes lor bxoadcaslv

~ 30 d3 broadband audro none redncnon - lo d3 added eynern headroom - «rue EMS level derecnon lor
perlec« encode/decode «rocking - linear decrhel ccmpleumn/expansmn over a loo dB range elnnrna«ee need
lor pllol (one: or level ma«chrno - elec«romcally balanced lnpul - pmvlslon lor Jensen culpul lranse

ldrmers - LED luncnon lndrca«ore - raqnlxex only lWraclc panel space . decade: dhr encoded dubs

. mu channel: wnh independenl encode and decode elec«ronrce lor annul«aneone monllonnp ol encoded :lqnal