Coby rc 391 owners manual

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coby rc 391 owners manual

Extracted text from coby rc 391 owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1


Ta ble 61 Contents

Button description
Battery lmtallalion
Programming (or 1"!
W code listv"

ngranuilng fr-r VCR
VCR code list
DVD code list

Programming or cable box.
Cable box code list ..
Programnxsng with code Search
Retrieving codes

Sleep feature
Questing! 3

Warren JL

Page 2

Th3 INDICATOR cm nsshes to show thet the temete'fs Jeerxdng.
The OFF-ON button operetee the ssme es on yen: origins: remote.
Note.- Seme RCA, as. end FmSc-n medets reeutre yeu m etes. the device
butter. to turn en the sewee And the orF-qN button te tum on the sevtee.
coon: SEARCH ls used to pmgram the remote or to eeereh "

thmugheodes. ,. . . . - - '_

WM \ . t . . ,
The DBSOCABLE, VCR-DVD. snd TV buttons ere used to select
lhé'fievicc you went to eons-en, > .,

v F ,
The Rewind, may. Fest Eorwatd, Record. Peus, snd Stop buttonh
operete the sstne es en your oflglnal VCR remote. .,
You etust press the Reece: butten twtee ts begm recording.

ThzTV-VCR button eperstes the TV-VCR fun=tion of your VCR.

The ENTER button is used teeernplese ehennet selection for some

.hrsnds of TVs. It is use used tqcumplgte the cede entry preeess.

t * , t ,
The VOL (velutne) end CH (chenne

j) buttens increase or deeresse
the ehsnnel numbers at vagumgt

The MUTE button is used éo'fi'luke the volume on the TV.

m t ,

PREV CH snews you In gene the previous ehenne) yeu seneeted.
Operetes the ssme es the Lsst chenneLJEo Back. er neesu butter.
on your original remote. . r1.

5&2 ' . . . -

The Nu-Mne-R BU'IIONS operete the sl-lne as en yet-r erxgsnex
rernete, end ere used for entenngetevxee codes or ehsnnex numbers.

The MENU button brings up the TV set-up menu.

The SLEEP button snowsyuutte set at tune to turn off the
I V nummafleally. . A

Baflery nsto at on

Yeut umvgrsal remote requtres 2 new AAA sutshne
bettenes (not included), , . , -
To instsu the batteries: - , v

1. Remove the bettery eempnranent eevet,

2. Much the betteries to the-e andye rnsrhs inside Ihe
bsttery esse, then insert the bettenes.

:5. press end Push the battery eever b-eh ante Flees.
Nate; Rapmgr-"u-rung rn.y be tequxree .ner bettene. ste "pl-cod.



. turn en the TV. '
mnd the mice-GAE. coda tor ,
- your TV in theeede nst balnw. . > . , -

, Press snd hold the

,¢ODE asAncH butten
untu the INDICATOR mam-r
mummetee, then release the
(:09: SEARCH hutten.


Press And senesse the TV button.
rrhe nchn-on anwr wm
bunk, then remesn like)

4 Enter the cede using the
_ NUMBEH aurroNs. ,
Arte-t your eede in entered,
turn est,
.r » . t

5 'Ahn the mnute .t your Tv
end pmaa the ore-on hutton.
Yeurjrv nhould turn off.

Net. 1: your TV see. net run-pond. , _ .
try .u the eedes me your brhnd.

n the enees an no! work, er yeut-

br-nd - net Il-ch. try the Ceue

Sesreh melhod nn 9.... up.

s M... meet,
1. than, memes"? mum .

7 Enter yeur eede here
for essy reterenee.

., nos
Mace one. 005. 174

.t .ooz
.oon. one. cos, ms