Coby csp 92 owners manual

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coby csp 92 owners manual

Extracted text from coby csp 92 owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

SpezHIer: 3.25"Suhwunfcr-
3. 37" ( lruul Rear (enter 1)
Frequency Response: iUHZ HWHZ(&dmnuhuW
8(llll 30th (enter)
lllOHZ ZUKHZl lrpnt Reurt
Size: Sithl l i 10: 83nun< li )l35mmt ll )(iflmmt I) 1
(en 1 Ci': 8.3mm II tl35mmt ll J(i(lmmt 1H
Woofer: 180"qu ll i256nunt ll tiil Smmt DJ



3 liess the kus guttlt. and turn the kunh etenl\.

3. (A unt tnueh the me till I te prurt inn (if the puuel

supply ennueetoi.

i. in» nut pull the eleetrie eurd te unplug the epnneeturs.
hrvld the eunneetur tn unplug the etnnneetnr.

7. ho not upli] the huusing in pre\ent eleetrie shnek or uther

5. Turn the \nlume knnh [H the minimum pusi t ion heinre turning

ptmt'l is ()II.
Jump good \ C1111litllUIl.(tpilll [rum heat souree. and

\nid direet sunl ight.
.tut pit the pnmer if the lnudspeukers :ire nut in

use fur 11 lung little.
9. [In uni spill Milltl'. liquids. ni' illist'el luueuus
items inside the hpusiug Hf the szxstem.
llJ.Ttii'ti the \<-lume oi the suund snuree tn mid luu lexel
tn mmd prr'tduet damages euused ht [urge Signal input.
ll. Du not :11 lmi the lhudspeuker tn nperute for lulu: hnurs
ut mummum \nlume. super lt-u pi tell. and super high pi teh
enndi t inns.
13. The single uniput uill he umpl i tied. nhen 3H) surt'nuud
mmle su i ltllt'tl nu. ml iust the" \nlume euui rul " [(1 its
npt imum.



lh( luudspt iihtl'S should he pluted M! :1 tint and spl id sutfut'e.

Hit the putter. Turn the \nlume tn \oui' eumimtnhle Hinge uitei'



lut suh MHIItI' under tuhle. to create bet ter eunflueut
u i th 3 Hunt rend speaker s.
5e sure that the "till sIstem and :um i iury

system are enuneeted pruperh hetnre turning un the ptmer

(In the ltludspeziltet' system.

I.'l'ut'n nu the enmputer and pin} )nut' furor) te (l)

til \liui musie tlt'. . uud adjust the \nlume nl
Bass and the ether sutel l 1 1e speakers \(xlume
Hut 1] It is emtiturtuhle lul \uu.

.Turn the \ulume kind) in the minimum hefmre turning nu the

liovu'l' nu the lundspeuker ststem.

llllllllEDll Pllltlll l lilll
C 0 BY

5.l Hinitype family'finema series


(if MANUAL 7 if :1..-

Page 2



Sub-woofer Speaker 1
Satellite Speaker 5
1-10-2 3.5mm stereo cable 3
J1:3t: ,1
1;: :F : CI]. 3::
2 to- 1 RCA to 3.5mm cable 3
1-1_[ 7-.
IL I J"'
Control Box 1

\lll.ll \lllJTl

This se "11 5 t m connect to
c olpult'l'. i :Iklnn. reeuruler.
Rulltu. Tll \ll'. I'll) or ('D lluxer.

lRlllll ("l H: \Tl RES
VSH meee .'1_ I Itl'u- super uhule set
V l ltru h ugh dens! Ir quden fllrer

V \lugne'. n' shield
V let I\t' sepnrnl lug elrelnts [or lreuuenues

(«W _.>>>>


umnu. u-



Install the speaker signal cable:

\. plug the end of 3 sulel lite R('\ jack into the OlTllT "CD. I" R.
l L. Sl . k R. l' R"t'ouneetor on the Control *lm\.

Install Sound source line:
ll. [1ng one end of l to 2 .l. 3 stereo cnhle jack into \llllll [\llT
FRUYTRM."eonnvetor on the Control Box. and plug other end
Into audio urnneetor of sound curd Cl) inlkmun.
C. Ilug one end ol 2 to l Rl'\ to 3 3mm stereo CillIlLJilL'k into .lllllll
|\llT l'RlHTRKl. connector on the (ontrol Box. and plug the
other Into uudio connector ol Tl \Cl) lluyer.

ll. llug one eml of l l 2 23. 3|]. stereo euhle Juels into \lllll)
l\llT Sll ('EYTER. Frontkeur' ennneetor on ('ontrol Box.

and plug the other into audio connector ol :3. l channel sound curd.

Ii. llug one eml of Z to l RH to 3. 7mm stereo eahleluek into llllll)
l.\ll'l Slll CEYTER Front. Rear" eouneetor on the Control Box. and
plug the other into and in (ll Tll T lroutRKl ReurRéll,. ( enter.
connector of MD lluyer.

F. plug the power card into the \t' power soeket.

Don _1 roll up power cord and amino source I'IX'L.
ll Ill l Interfere the qunl 1 t) of sound.




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CDPLAYER I l: 121 I (it
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lwwml , -4 l:l;j 51'9 (g- \t
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momma-"i 3.1 , a D G I
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. .33: . flukcm D g ' PlilVel
mm as. m D E Mel
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