Classe audio dr 3 brochure

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classe audio dr 3 brochure

Extracted text from classe audio dr 3 brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1


Distinct from countless amplifiers which appear and often disappear on
the audio scene, our third generation Pure Class A power amplifier continues to prove
itselfa refreshing musical experience. The supert1 sonics ol the DR-F are not simph
the result olstrictiv applied Class A techniques. The} ' stem also from a! thorough under-
standing ol'audio power with respect to real-lite, loudspeaker loads. This " Ithj ll 'tr
time listeners ol'tlie DR 3 are alien shocked at its cupatity to outpiav implitiers liming
four or more times the power. it is also curious to note that the Dix 7 is rarely coni-
pared to other low or medium powered units. Rather. it is put up against the best sourt
ding super power amps on the market!

Audio power is comprised ol'two parameters: voltage and current. While voltage
is relative-iv simple to develop. current is not as easill' afforded. and much less so In
(lass A amplifiers But the DR 1 is uniquelv capable otdeiiveritig as much HMS output
current as voltage. while prol mg more ot'that current in Pure Cl is A.

The finest components available are meticulously assembled into 3 DR 5. wherein
lunctional [zoom and elegance are exemplary. Dual-mono throughout. each channel
begins with a powerhouse 350 m transtornicr and 55 Amp bridge rectifier. toilowed

lt_\ the power supph module which contains four custom made 30.000 microtarad (apt -
citors. polvtilm cap tapas ng. and the solid copper silver plated truss twat. .Nine print

ed circuit hoards. tirade with oxtgenrt'ree deposited copper. are linked together Willi
a speciallv developed hook-up tvire. Due to tho steadvstate. high hias level oft/re cir

cult, heat) shield plates were incorporated to isolate the input circuitry The custom
output connector. machined trom solid brass and their heavilt silver plated. has troll
connections inside and out, providing in; turn power transfer from the high current
output stage to the loudspeakers. An additional feature tor high power applications
is otrr discrete lindging circuit. included in every DRVS and customer switchable. the
bridged mono amplifier delivers awesome power uithout sonic degradation. .-\ssemhI_t
and testing or the amplifier is svnotivmous with the tirst rate components chosen lor
it. All transistors are curve traced and matched. This. combined tvith extensive Qtand
hum-in procedures protides excellent reliability and unit to unit consistancv.

No load is too dillitult iota DRVS amplifier. From d) mimic loudsfwaker designs which
tun. incidentally. he highlv reactive! to lou'impedance electrostatics and t'ilrliotis. the
sheer tritisitali'tt' ot'thc 0R5 remains intact. perrriitting the listener to err/Liv the sonic
nature ot the music itseli.

Printed circuit boards and uin'ng:
OFC deposited on thick double-sided
boards combines with special wiring to
provide maximum signal and power

Power supplv module: T wo stage
80,000 microlarad storage per chan
nel, silver plated bliS bar. polylilm
capacitor hvpass network.

C stom made output connector:
Succinctly put by retiewers "The best
connector in the business