This is the 19 pages manual for BowersWilkins DM 7 Owners Manual.
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Instruction Manual
Please read this manual
carefully before unpacking your new.
DM7 speakers
B&W Loudspeakers
The DM7 is a precision, three-unit loudspeaker
system featuring entirely new purpose-designed
drive units and compact (approx. 40 litre)
enclosure. Our lengthy programme of design and development
has been completed with excellence of performance
rather than cost in mind. Used stereophonically
or quadrophonically, your new speakers will
achieve the very highest standards of fidelity
in the reproduction of original sound.
The integral stand positions the loudspeaker at the
optimal listening height for accurate amplitude
and phase-coherent information within a listening
. 'window'. The following instructions and
information will help to ensure that you derive the
maximum listening pleasure from this exceptional
loudspeaker system.