BowersWilkins 300 Series Catalog

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BowersWilkins 300 Series Catalog

Extracted text from BowersWilkins 300 Series Catalog (Ocr-read)

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It is time to raise your expectations. The Bowers & Wilkins 300 Series rewrites the rulebook on entry-level speaker de inition. Until now, a gulf has existed between what most of us aspire to in terms of audio, and what many of us can afford. The 300 Series dramatically reduces the gap between asp ration and acquisition. Qua ity can no longer be measured in direct proportion to price. On eatures where rival ranges would make sacrifices, the 300 Series refuses to compromise. But how? The simp e act is that the acoustic engineers at Bowers & W lkins who brought groundbreak ng technology to the acclaimed Nautilus 800 Series were not prepared to abandon all they had earned when they came to design more af ordable ranges. They raised the stakes and you reap the bene it. Let s take a closer look at the three models that make up the 300 Series. So much for so little-¦ Former y ava lab e only in the more exclusive ranges the 300 Series incorporates or the first time in a speaker of its c ass the Nauti us -„¢tube oaded twee er techno ogy producing the hallmark B&W clarity

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A l three models ncorporate Flowport The d mp ed surface of the f ared ends of the tube use go f ba l aerodynamics to smooth the a rflow through the port reducing turbu ence noise to neg igible evels The LCR3 is magnetical y shielded so that it can be p aced right next to a TV without d stort ng the p cture The symmetrical dr ver configuration gives a cho ce of orientat on for a truly versat le home theatre speaker; horizontally as centre channel on top of the TV or n vertical posit on to left and right With a powerful bass frequency output generated from inside a compact and styl sh cab net the ASW300 subwoofer s the ideal partner for any 300 Ser es home c nema or stereo system There s the DM303 2-way speaker, which is equally at home with two-channel stereo or as a ront left/right or surround speaker in a home theatre insta lation where magnetic shielding is not required. The LCR3 speaker is designed pr marily or home theatre, and its magnetic shielding allows it to be positioned on or close to the TV without af ecting the picture. Finally, the ASW300 subwoo er delivers an added kick to the bass output of your 300 Series system. Featuring a 200mm paper/Kevlar ®cone, the ASW300 will sit discreetly in your room, its internal 100w ampli ier generating a noticeably more power ul sound environment, whether rom a stereo or home theatre system. The range eatures a host of Nautilus -derived technolo- gies. Inside both the DM303 and LCR3, h dden away behind the tweeter, is a damped tapering tube. The tube-loaded tweeter ensures ar greater absorpt on of unwanted radiation rom the rear of the dome, giv ng rise to a cleaner, more ocused and natural high requency sound. The bass/midrange drivers of the DM303 and LCR3 use woven glass ibre cones, which unct on in a s milar ashion to the Kevlar ®cones used in B&W s more exc usive ranges by cancell ng out unwanted sound waves. Distortion and signal degradation are minimised by an audiophile-quality crossover eaturing air core inductors and plastic ilm capacitors. A l of these ingred ents are skill ully b ended to of er a level of per ormance unprecedented at this evel, and matched by a stunning des gn. The ront baff e, mou ded in inert mica- i led polypropy ene, has a subtly curved out ine and is dimp ed to echo the theme of the Flowport at the rear; itself elegantly combined with the easy-access terminal panel that accepts all common term nations, rom spades to banana plugs to bared wire-ends. Versatile and affordable, beautifully designed and easily expandable, the 300 Series is the per ect introduction to the world of Bowers & W lkins.