This is the 10 pages manual for BowersWilkins 2000 IFS Owners Manual.
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Guidelines for loudspeaker connection and positioning
Richtlinien fUr den IautsprecheranschluB und die plazierung
Manuel d'utilisation pour la connexion et le positionnement
des enceintes
Richtlijnen voor aansluiten en plaatsen
van de luidsprekers
Guias para la ubicacion y conexion
de Ios altavoces
The 2000 IFS is designed to operate as a centre
channel speaker for home cinema installations
and will enhance the localisation of lilrn sound
when used with a suitable decoder,
After unpacking your loudspeaker. you should
retain the packing in case it is necessary to
transport it at a later date.
Check in the carton for a small polythene bag
containing (our sell-adhesive rubber pads. ll this
is not present consult your dealer.
The ideal position for a centre channel speaker is
in line with the centre of the screen. However.
unless a projector television is being used with an
acoustically transparent screen this will not be
With conventional televisions, the speaker will be
positioned either immediately above or below the
screen. with the tram panel of the speaker
approximately in the same plane. Choose the
position which brings the speaker closest to ear
height. The bioad dispersion of the speaker
will allow Virtually all applications to be
when using a large screen. you may notice that
sounds move vertically as they pan across the
screen due to the diflerence in height between
the centre channel speaker and those to the left
and right ol the screen. The use of two centre
channel speakers. one above and one below the
screen wrll locus the sound image in the centre of
-the screen, Adjust the vertical position of the
image by moving one of the speakers fonNard or
backward to alter their relative loudness
(see Fig.1).
Stick Ihe rubber pads to the underside ol the
cabinet to prevent movement. scratching ol the
surfaces and to help level the cabinet if it is
mounted on a non-flat surlace.
All connections should be made with the
equipment switched OFF,
The 2000 IFS should be connected to the output
terminals ol the power ampliliei led With centre
channel information (see your decoder user
Use suitable twin cable (see specifications).
prelerably with one of the conductors marked lor
polarity indication. Vour dealer can advise on
suitable types.
The speaker terminals will accept 4mm banana
plugs or bare Wires up to 4mm (itin) diameter.
Loose or dirty contacts will impair the sound
quality. ll usiiig banana plugs, choose a good
quality sprung or expanding type. Always lirmly
tighten the terminal caps. Even if using banana
plugs, loose caps can rattle or buzz.
Single Centre Speaker Installation
Connect the red terminal of the speaker to the
positive terminal of the amplifier and the black
terminal to the negative. Failure to observe the
correct polarity will result in a loss ol bass, phase
distortion and imprecise location of sounds as
they pan across the picture.
Dual Centre Speaker Connection
There are two alternative methods of connection
- parallel and series (see Fig.2). Each has its own
Parallel connection increases the sound level by
Eds compared to a single speaker. However.
because the load impedance presented to the
amplifier is halved. current overload may occur
before audible voltage clipping at high levels. To
use this method oi connection the amplifier must
be capable ol driving a 4 ohm load to lull output,
Series connection gives the same sound level as a
single speaker. The load impedance presented to
the ainplilier is doubled compared to a single
speaker and hall the current is drawn
ll you are in any doubt about the current
capabilities ol your amplifier. use series
After connection and linal siting of all speakers,
the system must be balanced. Dolby Pro Logic0
decoders have an internally generated norse
signal loi this purpose. Adjust the levels to all
three front speakers as detailed in your decoder
user manual to ensure the sound level is the same
from each speaker.
The required power output of the amplifier will
depend on the size of room and the maximum
sound level required. In general, working within
the guidelines shown in the specifications a large
amplifier used sensibly is saler than a small one as
the latter is more likely to be driven into clipping.
a fterca re
The cabinet may be cleaned using a soft cloth.
Avoid harsh or abrasive chemical cleaning agents
which may damage the surface finish. To clean
the grille. first remove it by grasping the outer
edges and pulling away lrorn the cabinet.
Avoid touching the drive units, especially the
high-frequency unit. as damage may result.
Der 2000 IFS ist ein Centre~KanalrLautsprecher lur
HomerEntenainment-Anwendungen. durch den
eine genaue Lokalisierung des Filmsounds bei
Venivendung eines geeigneten Decoders
ermoglicht Wird,
Nach dem Auspacken des Lautsprechers sollten
Sie die Verpackung fur einen eventuellen
spateren Transport aulheben.
Uberprulen Sie. ob der Versandkarton einen
lrleinen Kunststolfbeutel mit vler selbstklebenden
Gummiunterlagen enthalt. Sollte dieser lehlen,
wenden Sie sich bitte an lhren Handler.
der Iautsprecher
Wird ein Videoprojektor mit einem akustisch
transparenten Proiektionsschirm venivendet.
empliehlt es sich. den Lautsprecher hinter der
Leinwand in Bildschirmmitte zu plazieren
Bei Fernsehgeraten oder einem iesten
Projektionsschirm Wird der Lautsprecher
ontwedei direkl iiber hzw unter dem Bildschirm