Bose lifestyle sa 2 sa 3 amplifier troubleshooting

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bose lifestyle sa 2 sa 3 amplifier troubleshooting

Extracted text from bose lifestyle sa 2 sa 3 amplifier troubleshooting (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Settin g Up YourLifes tyle ®Stereo Am pli er English M odelAV-18/ 38/48 m ediacen tersetup CAUTION: Beforemakingconnections,turntheLifestyle® system o and disco nnectthe med ia centerfrom theAC(mains)poweroutlet.DONOTplugtheamplierintoanoutletuntilyouhave completedallotherconnections. 1. InsertoneendoftheBose ®linkAcableintotheBose ®linkoutputconnectorontherear panelofthemediacenter(Figure5). 2. InserttheotherendoftheBose ®linkAcable,intotheBose ®linkinputconnectoronthe rearpaneloftheLifestyle ®stereoamplier. Figure5 Lifest yle®stereoamplierto AV-18/38/48mediacenter connections BoseLinkOUTPUT BoseLinkINPUT Lifestyle®stereoamplierrearpanel AV-18/38/48mediacenterrearpanel 20-ftBose®linkAcable 2

Page 2

Setting Up YourLif estyle ®Stereo Am pli er English Setting up RC-18 Sand RC -38S rem otes Youradditionalremoteisshippedfrom thefactoryalreadysetupforasecondroom (room B). Tomakesurethatthisremotewillworkwithyourhomeentertainmentsystem,dothefollow- ingtocheckthehousecodesetting. 1. Removetheremotecontrolbatterycoverandlocatethemicroswitches(Figure6). 2. Makesurethatthehousecodesettings(switches1,2,3,and4)matchthehousecode settingsinyourmainroom remote. Note:Ifthisremoteistobeusedbeyondasecondroom, otherswitchsettings willneedtobe change d.See SettingUpAdditionalRoo msForSoundonpage22. Figure6 Remotemic roswitches Chec kthe expansion protoco lsett ing inyou rsystem FortheLifestyle ®stereoampliertoworkproperlywith yourhomeentertainmentsystem,the expansionprotocolmenuitem mustbesetto Bose ®link.Toverifythis: 1. TurnonyourLifestyle ®DVDhomeentertainmentsystem andyourTV. 2. Pressthe System buttononyourmainroom remote. 3. Selectthe Audio tabandnavigatedownto ExpansionProtocol. 4. Verifythatthesetting Bose ®link isselected.Ifnot,select Bose ®link now. 5. Pressthe Exitbuttonontheremote. ON Housecodeswitches mustmatchmainroom remo te 3