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Troubleshooting Tips, continued
Product Symptom Chec k Actio n
DSP No au dio, soli d
ambe r led
Y201 Crystal Y2 01 may have failed.
Repl ace with part # 256 12 8-00 1.
DSP No au dio, led s toggle
back an d forth whe n
power is a ppli ed.
U30 2 and U3 03 Repl ace SDRAM ICs U3 02 and
U30 3 with pa rt # 25419 5-0 10.
DSP Intermittent Audio J1 If audio cuts out whe n stre ssi ng
con nector J1, repla ce conn ector
with part # 26 0334 -00 12.
Powe r Suppl y Unit ke ep s bl owin g
fuse s
Q101 a nd Q1 02 Che ck for sh orted FET s Q101 a nd
Only repla ce i f there is no v isible
damag e to co ntrolle r IC U1 01an d
surro undi ng compon ents.
Powe r Suppl y No po we r U10 1 for visib le
damag e
If U101 is bu rnt, replace po wer
sup ply board with part # 28 5837 -
Powe r Suppl y No / disto rted audio R20 1 and R2 02 Fusa ble resi stors R201 o r R20 2
may be open. Repla ce with part #
2603 52-100.
AMP No po we r Output ICs U1, U2 and
If U1, U2, or U3 fails in a PS18,
PS28 or PS48 bass mod ule that
has am p PCB 266999 -0, repla ce
the amp PCB with part nu mber
2673 32-0, wh ich ha s imp roved
output ICs.
Not e: Th e im proved o utput s ICs
U1, U2, an d U3, part nu mber
2673 30-001 are not comp atible with
the older a mp PCB part nu mber
2669 99-0. Phase in of the new am p
PCB bega n in Novemb er 2003 a nd
wa s com plete d in Jan uary 2004.