Bose av28 performance test afs

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bose av28 performance test afs

Extracted text from bose av28 performance test afs (Ocr-read)

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2 AM Performance Tests AM Tuner General Test Setup Setup a loop antenna as shown. Figure 1. AM Test Setup 1. AM Sensitivity Test 1.1 Set the RF generator output to 70 dBuV/M, 30% AM modulation, 400Hz and the unit and RF generator to 1080 kHz. 1.2 Reference a dB meter to the left or right line level output. 1.3 Turn off the RF generators modulation. 1.4 The line level output should measure < -20 dB, SNR. 2. AM Stop Level Test 2.1 Set the RF generator to 1130 kHz, AM modulation, 400 Hz modulation, 65 dBuV/M. 2.2 Place the unit into seek and verify the unit stops at 1130 kHz. 2.3 Switch the RF generator for a 55 dbuV/M field intensity and verify the unit does not stop at 1130 kHz. 3. FM Sensitivity Test 3.1 Set the RF generator to 98.1 MHz, 1 kHz mono modulation, pilot off, 75 kHz deviation, 46 dBuV/M at the units FM antenna input.3.2 Measure the distortion at the left or right line level output. It should be < 3.0%. 4. FM Stop Level Test 4.1 Set the RF generator to 98.9 MHz, 1 kHz mono modulation, pilot off, 75 kHz deviation, 36 dBuV/M, at the units FM antenna input. 4.2 Place the unit into seek and verify that it stops at 98.9 MHz. 4.3 Reduce the RF generator to 25 dBf. 4.4 Tune the unit to 98.1 MHz and then place the unit into seek. Verify the radio does not stop at 98.9 MHz. 5. Serial Data Verification 5.1 Connect an Oscilloscope to the serial data output connector J704 pin 2. 5.2 Press volume up or down on the console. Observe a digital wave form on the oscillo- scope. 6. TV Sensor Verification 6.1 Apply a signal to the TV Sensor input J105 pin 2 at the level and frequency listed in the following table. The signal should be applied to the ring of a 3.5mm jack. 6.2 Measure the output of the detector, U303 pin 8, at J103 pin 19. Note: Off <.8Vrms, On >2.5Vrms. Settling time is .1 seconds to turn on, 2.0 seconds to turn off. Note: If a unit fails any of these tests, refer to the appropriate service manual for alignment procedures. Replace any defective component found. Test Loop External AM Loop Antenna positioned inside test loop antenna Input Frequency Input Amplitude Detector Output 60 Hz 200 mVrms <.8Vrms 15.75 kHz 30 mVrms >2.5 Vrms 31.5 kHz 30 mVrms >2.5Vrms AV28 Performance Verification Procedures

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3 AV28 Performance Verification Procedures 5. Inputs/Outputs Verification 6. CD Performance Test 6.1 The media center should be able to play the test discs listed in the following table. Note: 1. The remote control is needed to turn on the Zone 2 output and should be used to verify the units ability to respond to remote commands. Refer to the Zone 2 Operation section on page 76. Test Functional test for the... Connect the Media Center... To... and select the console source... Listen/look for.. Speaker Zones 1, 2 output... an AM28/35 powered speaker... TV S-video output... a TV S-Video input... 1 Speaker Zones output, TV S-Video, composite video output, and DVD. TV composite video output... a TV composite video input... DVD (insert a DVD). a clean undistorted picture from the TV. A clean undistorted audio output from the PS28/35 powered speaker. TV analog audio input... TV. VCR analog audio input... VCR. AUX analog audio input... AUX. 2 Analog audio Inputs Tape analog audio input... an analog source... Tape. a clean undistorted audio output from the PS28/35 powered speaker connected to the console's Speaker Zones output. TV digital (S/PDIF) audio input... TV. VCR digital (S/PDIF) audio input... VCR. AUX digital (S/PDIF) audio input... AUX. Tape digital (S/PDIF) audio input... a digital (S/PDIF) source... Tape. 3 Digital (S/PDIF) and optical audio inputs. Optical input... the optical output of a source... TV and assign the optical input to TV. a clean undistorted audio output from the PS28/35 powered speaker connected to the console's Speaker Zones output. Record digital (S/PDIF) output... the digital (S/PDIF) input of a device... Record optical output... the optical input of a device... 4 Record digital (S/PDIF) audio output, Record Optical output, Record analog output and CD. Record analog output... to the analog input of a device... CD. (insert a CD). a clean undistorted audio output from the source. S-Video input... to the S-Video output of a source... S- Video output. 5 S-Video and Composite video input Composite video input... to the Composite video output of a source... VCR. a clean undist- orted output from the... Compo -site video output Parameter Nom inal Limit Suggested Test disc Defect Tracking (void) 1.0 mm 0.8 mm Pierre Vernay, test CD#2 Defect Tracking (black dot) 1.0 mm 0.8 mm ABEX test disc TCD-725R Defect Tracking (scratch) 1.6 mm 1.0 mm ABEX test disc TCD-721 R Defect Tracking (finger print) 75 um 65 um ABEX test disc TCD-725R Defect Tracking (warped disc) 1.0 mm 0.7 mm ABEX test disc TCD-732RA Defect Tracking (eccentric disc) 210 mm 140 mm ABEX test disc TCD-714R