Bose 201 ii brochure

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bose 201 ii brochure

Extracted text from bose 201 ii brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

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" ' OwfiersGuide

The Base 201 Series II
Loudspeaker System


Page 2

The B 201" Series II Direct/ReflectingtLorspeaker System .

Thank you tor purchasing the Bose 201 Series II Drrectl
Reflecting" Loudspeaker System its advanced dos-9n
and quality construction Will give you many years at listen-
ing pleasure

Since you probably want to hear music lrom your 201
system as fast as possrble. this gurde IS divided into two
parts. To properly unpack and connect your system.
read Part 1. Alter you have connected your 201 system.
and are enpying some l'TVUSlC. read Part 2. ll explai ns how
to double-check your connections. and gives yOu details
on Wire sizes speaker phaertg, lusrng. and room acous
[lCS To obtain the best possible pertormance from
your 201 system, please read this entire guide

1. Unpacking

The shipping carton contains two 201 Series It speakers.
Unpack each speaker carefully saving the caran and all
packing materials lor possmlo use tater.

ll either speaker appears to be damaged when un»
packing do not attempt to connect or operate your
speakers. Repack both speakers in their original carton
and notify your BulllOltled Bose dealer immeantely,

2. Connection

1 Turn off your arripemer or recover, and unplug it trom its
outlet (ac power mains) belore attempting to connect
your speakers

2 Slightly separate the conductors at the end at each
:ength ol speaker wire (use 18 gauge or larger til-ire) For
more details. see Part 2, Section 4 Strip anproxtmately
li'2 inch (12 mm] 01 insulation off each corid uctor.

3 Connect one nllfQ conductor to the black terminal
tritarked " - "t on the left speake' (see FIGURE 1) Cone
nest the other end 01 the same conductor to the output
terminal rrtarked COM GND NEG. o" - " on the left

FlGUFlE 1 To cum-(x1 the virus
below lite LLvixxkl.

Jeanne 0?."er the buttons
itll Inc ends 0 the Wires.


L9H Output 4. - s + Htght OulDut
- M 7,
l .1 A' S S l 5 A
+ - - +
Li:|'. .timikur Right Snooker
Oitttmulr 5. ampere fasbtllCr-s lust: litt'r Section 6)

FIGUFIE E Mate sure in comer. terminals pusrlwc'a Lu. .tnu

negaitce to negalitezs S'IO/ll

channel 06 your receiver or amplifier (see FIGURE 2).

4 Similarly. connect the red terminal (marked " + "l on the
left speaker to the output terminal marked POS or " + "
on the left channel of your amplifier or recon/er. ll your
amplifier otters a choice 01 output impedances, use the
terminal marked 8 or 8 OHMS.

5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 abme. connecting the right
speaker to the right output channel of your amplifier or

6. Check very carefully to be certain that no loose
strands of wtre are " bridged trorn one terminal to the
other on Either one 01 your speakers or on any of the
amplifier outputs, Bridged wires create short circuits
which can damage your amplifier or receiver. Re»
pair any loose strands before plugging in your amplifier
or receiver.

7. Plug in your amplifier or receiver. turn it on. and enjoyl


3. Speaker Placement

The unique design or your 201 Series It system provides
excellent sound in a Wide variety oi listening envtronments.
Any speaker system. however is dependent upon its
placerriertt. Your 201 speakers can be set on bookshelves
andror tables. or can be llush rriounted directly to a wall.
To help your 201 system deliver optimum perlormance.
and to help you decrde between potential locations in your
listening roorn. the following guidelines are suggested
(see FlGUHE 3)

A. Spactng
1 Place the tett and right speakers on the left and right
sides of the room respectively spaced 3 1012 feet
(0.9-3.5 rn) apart.

2. To hear the most accurate bass response. set the
speakers directly against the wall behind them
at least 18 inches (45 cm) from the floor or ceiling.
If this is not posstbte in your room. you'll hear good
pertormance With the speakers located up to
12 inches (30 cm) away from the rear wall, Do not.
however. place the speakers hallway between the
floor and ceiling. as this wtll impair bass response.

3. Place the speakers at least 12 inches [30 cm) trom
the ode walls. Optimum distance 151 112 to 3 leet