Bogen DWA 60 Operating Manual

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Bogen DWA 60 Operating Manual

Extracted text from Bogen DWA 60 Operating Manual (Ocr-read)

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The Bogen Model DWA60 is a (to-watt all-silicon
transistor preampliliet-mixer-amplificr. The unit is de-
signed specifically for use in schools. theaters, radio
stations. auditorittms and other locations requiring pro-
fessional broadcast quality sound systems. The DWA60
provides extended area coverage and ample reserve
potter which. readily overcomes high-noise conditions
and provides exceptional power~handling capability over
the entire audio-frequency range.

The DWAof) will accommodate up to seven separate
inputs. Five ol these consist of lotwimpedztnce. unba-
lanced nticrophone inputs. four of which may be con-
verted [or use with balanced (SO-(:00 ohm) microphones
by means of Bogen plug-in accessories. F.ach microphone
input may be converted to an input for a magnetic phono
cartridge or tape playback head by means of a plug-in
modttle aeecssory. For convenience, one low-impedance
microphone input channel is accessible from the front

Speech input filters in each of the five microphone
channels provide either wide-range frequency response
for music or limited-range response for maximum speech
intelligibility. The remaining two input channels provide
high-impedance auxiliary inputs for such devices as a
tuner. tape recorder, or ceramic phono cartridge. The
auxiliary channels have a common volume control. which
may be Used as a ladcr control to permit a smooth
transition from one auxiliary channel to the other.

All input channels may he equipped with remote
volume control and/or remote microphone precedence
control by means of Bngen accessories. Plug-in acces-
sories which limit the output of the DWA60 to a pre-
determined maximum output level are also available. If
desired. one auxiliary input may be fed from a balanced
500/600 ohm telephone line, such as a Muzak transmis-
sion cable. This application requires the use of a Model
\x'MT-l accessory transformer. A Model WMT-l may
also be Used as an output matching transformer for


POWER ()Llllli'l: of) watts RMS.
Il,\R\I()NI( DIS'lORTlON: Less than 31 at (t0 \\ alts.
PEAK POWE 110 watts.

kll/ (kc).

distortion from 4t) III (cps) to It) Kltz (kc),
(i \IT\: Mic LU dl1.>\u\ 85 db.

FREQI'ENCY RESPONSE: il db from ll) HI (cps) to 20

I'()\\I{R RESPONSE: so walls :2 db at less than 57?-

Hl\l .r\:\D NOISE Int-Ion rated output): Mich db. Aux 72

Rhtll l..-\'llON: Better than 3 db from no load to lull load.

SICK ll\ I'I'\ : .\IlC tnpttls.U.l35 n1\-. Am inputs. 0.]5 volt.

IN PL'TS: 5 Mic 50-600 ohm (ZOO-ohm nominal) unbalanced
(4 convert to loo-ohm balanced \tith TSZSU transfor-
mer): 2 (\tIK.

transmitting the amplifier output over a 500/600 ohm
telephone line to a local broadcast studio,

lndividual volume controls are provided for each
input channel, permitting individual channels to be mixed
or faded. A master volume control is used to set the
overall output level of the mixed program. Separate bass
and treble controls adjust the overall amplifier frequency

The volume controls are equipped with adjustable
resct markers to permit any control to be quickly
returned to a previous setting. A logging chart inside the
front panel provides a convenient means of recording the
optimum control settings under various operating condi-
tions in the areas served by the loudspeakers.

The Model DWA60 provides balanced speaker
output impedances of 8 and I6 ohms, as well as balanced
25-volt center-tapped, and balanced 70-volt output lines.
This arrangement eliminates matching problems when
unequal amounts of power are required for different
speakers of a distribution system.

The amplifier output level may be monitored at the
front panel by use of an optional Model MMS-l panel.
This panel contains an output meter and a local speaker
with a volume control for both visual and aural monitor~
ing of the output. A push-button circuit breaker on the
front panel provides protection against overload or
failure. Circular cutouts are provided on the front panel
for mounting area control switches, These switches
(customer supplied) may be used to turn off loudspeakers
in selected areas,

The amplifier may be flush-mounted in a Bogen
Model RBDW-F Back Box or surface mounted in a
Model RBDW-S. The control panel has a hinged access
door which is equipped with a lock to prevent tampering
by unauthorized personnel. The control panel. with
amplifier chassis. is also hinged for ease in servicing or
for gaining access to internal controls and accessories.

OUTPUTS: 8 and to ohm speakers (balanced): 25 volt (IDA
ohm) balanced. 35 volt CT (2.6 ohm) balanced: 70 volt
(82 ohm) balanced Tape output. 0.l9 volts. 500/600
ohm line output with WMT-l accessory.

TONE (ONTROL ACTION: Treble, +9 to A ll db at [0
kHz (kc): Bass. +12 to , l0 db at 50 Hz (cps).

CONTROLS: 5 Mic Volume (with speech filter switches),
Aux Volume (Fadcr). Master Volume. Bass. Treble.
Limiter Sensitivity control used with LVP-l and PVP-I
accessories. Power switch.

POWI REQUIREMENTS: lOS-l 25 volts ac. 5060 cycles:
115 watts.

SEMI-CONDUCTORS: l4 silicon transistors. 8 diodes.

POWER PROTECTION: Front panel circuit breaker.

DIMENSIONS: I-ront pane 157/5 w x 21% h. Wall box
14h w x 2052; h x 3% deep,

NET WEIGHT: 23% lbs,

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