Audio technica atp 16 t owners manual

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audio technica atp 16 t owners manual

Extracted text from audio technica atp 16 t owners manual (Ocr-read)

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. audio-technica.

Models ATP-12T and ATP-1ST Professional Stereo Tone Arms





The ATP Professional Series tone arms have been de-
signed specifically to meet the stringent needs of radio
and TV studios, discos. libraries, theaters. schools. and
similar demanding applications.

Dimensions are precise for accurate tracking. Sealed
ball bearings insure smooth maintenance-free move-
ment. Installation is straightforward and compact di-
mensions insure maximum versatility. There are no
complex mechanisms requiring constant adjustment.
no delicate strings or fragile parts. Complete sets of
both thumb screws and set screws are provided for all
major adjustments, so that you can select which are
accessible to the operator without tools, and which set-
tings are "locked".

Wide range of adjustments permits the ATP Series arms
to mount to almost all presently available turntables and
bases with minimum difficulty. Mounting template in-
sures accurate positioning for best performance. Four
separate cartridge mounting positions accommodate
all popular cartridges. Plug-in head shell permits quick
cartridge change. simplifies maintenance. Replace-
ment shells available.

Models ATP-12T and ATP-16T are identical except for
overall length. Reduced tracking error and the ability to
accommodate 16" transcriptions are offered by the
ATP-1ST. In combination with Audio-Technica ATP
Dual MagnetTM stereo cartridges, the ATP Series Pro-
fessional Tone Arms offer the highest degree of reli-
able, trouble-free performance for the most demanding


- Fits wide range of turntable heights and base

0 Sealed horizontal and vertical ball bearing pivots.

o Accurate, built-in VTF gauge. no accessory gauge

0 Precise equilateral leveling base.

0 Decoupled counterweight shaft for arm
resonance control.

0 Low resistance, anti-corrosion, gold-plated
connectors throughout.

0 Simplified installation . . . plug-in head shell with
color-coded wiring. 4 cartridge mounting

0 Handy arm lift and tone arm rest provided.

- Pre-wired, color-coded. low capacity cable with
ground lug.

0 Set screws provided to lock all critical adjust-
ments, if desired.

Specifications ATP-12T ATP-1ST
Overall Length 357mm (Mi/15') 383mm (15%4')
Effective Length 257mm (101/3') 285mm (1 1 7/32)
Stylus Overhang 15mm (1%!) 12mm 0732')
Tracking Error (max) 1 55 l" 30'
Vertical Tracking

Force (range) 0 to 5 grams 0 to 5 grams
Cartridge Weight

(range) 3 to 23 grams 3 to 23 grams

Turntable Height
(range with ATP

cartridge 17mm high) 28 to 65mm 28 to 65mm
(1732' lo 2956') (1732' lo 29%")
Mounting Board
Thickness (range) 5 to 25mm 5 to 25mm
(964' tot) ('Xu' to 1')
Installed Height

Above Motor Board 44mm minimum (1 W) 44mm minimum (1%")
84mm maximum (3936') 84mm maximum (33%")
Installed Depth Below

Motor Board 40mm maximum (1935') 40mm maximum (1935')
Cable Assembly 118cm(46%')shielded 118cm(46/2')shielded
stereo pair with 5-pin stereo pair with 5-pln
plug at arm, color- plug at arm, coloi-
coded phono plugs coded phono plugs
plus ground lug at plus ground lug at
equipment end. equipment and.

Plug-in Head Shell
Provided ATP-H ATP-H

Note: Dimensions are based on metric measurement. U.S. conversions
are to nearest M54.